Chapter 2986 Am I handsome?

   I just don't know if Xu Rongrong is here, is it more for Su Mi or more for Fang Lan?

   He didn't know what to think when a young girl gently walked up to him.

   "Is that Mr. Zhuang?"

"What's up?"

"I'm Xu Rongrong's girlfriend Xiaoqin. I know you are Sister Lan's husband. Sister Lan will be on stage in a while, but Honor and I are going to travel abroad, so can you help me dedicate this bunch of flowers to her?" Xiaoqin said with a smile.

   She has always been grateful to Fang Lan for helping her.

   She is also single-minded and devoted to Xu Guangyao, and now Xu Guangyao has begun to find a new self in her relationship, and everything in the past has become a cloud.

  Zhuang Shihao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Xu Guangyao already had a girlfriend.

   "Okay." He replied.

   "Thank you then, I'm leaving."

   Xiaoqin ran away.

   Xu Rongrong was waiting for her in the distance: "Xiaoqin!"

   "Brother Ayao!" Xiaoqin ran over, smiling happily.

   "What's wrong?" Xu Guangyao asked.

   "Nothing, I saw Sister Lan's husband. So handsome."

   Xu Guangyao said with a straight face, "I'm handsome?"

   "Of course not, Brother Ayao is the most handsome." Xiaoqin took his arm.

  Xu Rongrong glanced at the distance, he has always been very grateful to Fang Lan, he did not challenge his feelings or his confession, let his feelings move forward naturally, no longer stubborn.

   That love also passed away indifferently, leaving no scars and no regrets, only causing small ripples in the past, allowing him to move forward calmly and naturally, accept everything new, say goodbye to the past, and meet new people.

   He took Xiaoqin's hand and walked forward.

  Zhuang Shihao sat for a while before entering the stage with flowers in hand.

   Some people have started to enter the venue one after another. Many fans are holding flowers, light sticks, and various famous brands, so it is not surprising that he is holding flowers.

   He got to the front row, found his seat and sat down.

   That night was Su Mi's fan meeting, and she was singing most of the time, stopping to interact with fans occasionally.

   What attracted Zhuang Shihao to sit down all the time were some of Su Mi's songs, which were written by Fang Lan, and sang all the lingering emotions.

  From those sad, lost, uncomfortable, and lonely, to happy, excited, happy, and bright.

   In front of him, scene after scene flashed back the scenes from knowing Fang Lan to how she was hurt, and now to owning her again.

   Those songs sang into his heart, and bursts of indescribable emotions surged in his chest.

  Fang Lan is making preparations in the background.

   Sister Cao said with a smile: "If you feel nervous, just take a deep breath, it's fine."

   "I'm fine." Fang Lan held the microphone, "It's just that I might not sing well, for fear of delaying Su Mi's affairs."

   "No, no." Sister Cao smiled, "I have heard you sing, and I am very confident in you. Su Mi is also looking forward to your coming on stage today."

   Fang Lan nodded lightly, in fact, because it was Zhuang Shihao's birthday, she chose to go on stage and sing a song to him.

   He never participated in the birthday banquets carefully prepared for him in the past.

   And today, she is still ready again, because now, her love for him is deeper and stronger than before, but now she has herself and will not lose everything about herself because of her love for him.

   (end of this chapter)

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