Chapter 2994 is still a child

   Jiang Shuyuan has nothing to do with it.

   When Dr. Fang also followed into the examination room, Jiang Shuyuan walked around the door anxiously.

  Qiao Hui supported her: "Mom, sit down for a while."

   "Go and sit, don't tire the child in your stomach." Jiang Shuyuan said.

  Qiao Hui said: "I'll stand here for a while, I hope nothing happens. After all, this doctor is the one invited by Su Mi."

   These words made Jiang Shuyuan groan in her heart. Most of the previous joy disappeared, and it turned into worry and doubt, and her heart was in a mess.

   Speaking of which, she is not at ease with Su Mi, because Su Mi is now a strong competitor of the Lin family's family business. If Lin Qingyuan really has something to do, no one can stop Su Mi.

   The one in Qiao Hui's belly is still a child after all.

   Jiang Shuyuan panicked all of a sudden, if Mr. Lin was still sitting by the side, she would go in right now and bring her son out.

  Qiao Hui saw that what she had to say was almost done, so she held her stomach and sat down beside her.

   Jiang Shuyuan felt even more uncomfortable like cat's paws at the moment, she wished to open the door of the examination room, to see Dr. Fang with her own eyes, to see how he was examining, whether it would hurt a single hair of her son.

  Su Mi sat next to Mr. Lin, looking at her heart and nose, without showing any external emotions, she just watched it calmly.

  Jiang Shuyuan had no idea in her heart. She looked at Su Mi several times. It seemed that Dr. Fang was really an accomplice invited by Su Mi.

   Doctor Fang quickly checked Lin Qingyuan and walked out.

   Jiang Shuyuan rushed forward and went to see Lin Qingyuan first. Seeing that Lin Qingyuan was pale, but still stable, a big stone in her heart fell to the ground. Fortunately, Doctor Fang did not do anything to Lin Qingyuan.

   Mr. Lin asked, "Doctor Fang, how is my grandson now?"

   "The congestion in the brain has not been cleared. The location of the congestion is not very good. It happens to be on the most important nerve blood vessel. If surgery is required, the risk is a bit high."

   These words are basically the same as the diagnosis results given by other doctors. Jiang Shuyuan finally let go of the doctor's idea of ​​harming her son.

   However, this heart was raised again: "Then how to do the surgery?"

   The previous doctor made Lin Qingyuan drag on because he couldn't do this operation.

   The hope now lies with Dr. Fang.

   "It's a bit difficult to do the operation. The congestion and the nerves and blood vessels have already crossed. A little carelessness will cause massive intracranial hemorrhage." Dr. Fang said ponderingly, "If you want to do it, you have to accept the 30% risk."

   In other words, the success rate of surgery is only 70%.

  The Lin family fell silent.

   But compared to other doctors, the success rate is only 30%. The result given by Dr. Fang is obviously much better.

   But even if it's much better, it's still a big risk.

   Mr. Lin hesitated.

  Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan were even more so, especially Jiang Shuyuan, who started to cry on the spot and felt extremely uncomfortable.

   Doctor Fang said, "You have two days to think about it."

   "Why?" Mr. Lin asked.

   "If it takes more than two days, no matter whether he has surgery or not, he will not be able to wake up. Because of the congestion, the nerves in the brain will be directly crushed. If it is two days later, the immortals will not be able to save him."

   (end of this chapter)

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