The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2998: Dedicated to saving lives

   Chapter 2998 Dedicated to saving people

The    assistant had to bow his head and let out an "oh".

   After a while, the examination room came up with the results, took them out, and said, "In Lin Qingyuan's blood, a toxin was found, and it was this toxin that prevented him from being able to wake up now, which made the situation aggravated."

   "What poison? How did it happen?" Doctor Fang asked.

   "I don't know yet, but the venom got into the bloodstream, causing a problem with his heart. Now his body is very weak, and I'm afraid there will be a problem at any time."

Doctor Fang still wanted to write, and Jiang Shuyuan came running crying: "I said it was you, am I wrong! Su Mi, Su Mi, it's all your fault, it's all your fault, you return my son! You return my son Ah! You made my son like this! You give him back to me, give me back!"

  Su Mi reached out and pushed her away, and the bodyguard also prevented Jiang Shuyuan from getting close to Su Mi for half a step.

   Doctor Fang said: "Su Mi, you go back first, I'll go see Lin Qingyuan."

But Jiang Shuyuan was still scolding and shouting loudly: "Fang and Su are not allowed to approach my son for half a step. If there is something wrong with my son, I will definitely sue you for murder! Lin Delu, go quickly. Stop them! That's your son!"

  Lin Delu could only stand up and say, "Doctor Fang, Su Mi, you should go back. Qingyuan will be handed over to the doctor in the hospital to deal with it."

The assistant said angrily: "Your son is about to die, do you know that?"

   "But before Doctor Fang came, wasn't he also fine?" Lin Delu was not as excited and irritable as Jiang Shuyuan, but what he said was not at all low lethality.

  "..." The assistant was speechless with anger.

   "Then you can guarantee that my son is 100% fine and fully awake?" Lin Delu asked.

  "…" The assistant was speechless again.

   Doctor Fang could not have given him such assurance, no doctor could.

   In this Lin family, no one can call the shots now.

   At this time, the situation came from the examination room: "Lin Qingyuan is not well, he needs to be rescued immediately! Doctor Fang, Doctor Fang, you must come over immediately!"

  Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan turned pale.

   For a while, Jiang Shuyuan didn't know whether she should continue to stop Doctor Fang.

   "The blood pressure continues to drop, the heart rate drops, the breathing is almost gone, hurry up, get ready for an electric shock now!" There were bursts of urgent voices from the examination room.

   "Doctor Fang, you must come here!" The doctors and nurses inside shouted anxiously, while Jiang Shuyuan was still blocking Dr. Fang, and Lin Delu also held Dr. Fang firmly.

   Someone scolded: "What are you doing? People are going to die!"

  Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan finally let go.

   Doctor Fang stepped inside immediately and said in a deep voice, "Report the data to me. Monitor the data and give me the scalpel!"

   Jiang Shuyuan stopped making trouble, she no longer had the strength to make trouble.

   No matter how stupid she is, she can see that Doctor Fang is really dedicated to saving people and has no intention of hurting people at all.

  At this time, if Dr. Fang really wants to kill Lin Qingyuan, there is no need to spend such a lot of trouble.

   She sat down feebly.

  Su Mi looked at this woman coldly. No wonder the Lin family declined so fast. With people like Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan, how could the Lin family be supported by Mr. Lin alone?

   (end of this chapter)

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