Chapter 3018 Was he instructed?

  Su Mi could feel that even when she was most afraid, Xiao Chen was trying hard to protect her.

   This made her heart even more uncomfortable and distressed. Xiao Chen was too good. At such a time, she did not forget to guard him.

Su Mi really has a headache for these illegitimate meals. Speaking of which, she has always done a good job of keeping her schedule secret. Although she will meet some very enthusiastic fans, she has never encountered anyone who can block people here. crazy **** meal.

   Besides, this is a private trip today, and almost no outsiders know where she is going or what is going on.

   When Chu Zhuohang came, Su Mi and Xiao Chen had returned to their normal state, and the previous panic had disappeared.

   He strode over, got into the car, and directly wrapped Su Mi and Xiao Chen into his arms.

   "It's nothing." Su Mi said softly.

   Chu Zhuohang saw a layer of gauze wrapped around her wrist.

"what is this?"

   "I accidentally bumped it just now, it has been dealt with, there is no major problem." Seeing him frowning, Su Mi said softly, "Don't scare your son."

  Chu Zhuohang carefully glanced at Su Mi's injury, fortunately there was no major problem, but he could see that there was blood and the wound was opened.

   He reassured Xiaochen in a low voice before getting off the car again.

   Everyone quickly bowed their heads when they saw his gloomy face.

  Xiao Zhan ran over and said in a low voice, "Young master, we are already investigating. All those illegitimate meals have been brought for questioning."

   "You must ask clearly, and no detail should be overlooked."

   "I know." Xiao Zhan thought to himself, those illegitimate meals are really going to be unlucky, who made them so bold and mad to do such a thing.

   He knew that Chu Zhuohang wanted to know whether they were instructed by someone behind them.

  Chu Zhuohang got in the car again, Su Mi said, "I asked Xiao Chen, he still wants to play."

   "Okay." Chu Zhuohang patted his little face, "That's for fun. Don't worry, the bad guys were all taken away by the police uncle."

   "Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded lightly, and finally put down the little hand that was holding Su Mi nervously.

   Nothing happened after that day. In the suburban farmhouse paradise, Xiao Chen, who had never been exposed to these things, had a good time.

  In the evening, the news also came that those illegitimate meals were indeed ordinary illegitimate meals, and they were not instructed by anyone.

   Especially, Chu Zhuohang also focused on asking Xiaozhan to check Huang Ying.

   It turns out that Huang Ying did not participate.

  These crazy illegitimate meals are really a headache.

   They used to look for Su Mi's address every day, where she would go, and every detail was thoroughly understood, so this time they would know where Su Mi was going.

  These behaviors make people unable to relax for a while.

"Arrange more bodyguards for Su Mi." Chu Zhuohang took out his mobile phone and made a call, "Keep the mouths of these people closed, and don't reveal any news. As for these people, monitor them for half a year without breaking the rules. ."

   If these few people do anything in the next six months, it won't be so easy to reveal this time.

  Chu Zhuohang watched several other news related to illegitimate meals, and couldn't help but feel a headache. It turned out that there were still illegitimate meals breaking into the artist's home, which almost caused a bigger accident.

   (end of this chapter)

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