The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3030: very amazing result

   Chapter 3030 Very amazing results

However, Chu Zhuohang didn't want such a beautiful Su Mi, he just wanted a Su Mi who could talk, laugh and make trouble, even if she was a little fat, even if it didn't fit the world's aesthetics, but that belonged to him Su Mi, not the stunningly beautiful but lifeless Su Mi lying on the hospital bed like this.

   After entering another winter, the weather was much cooler, and the leaves outside the window began to spread on the ground.

   swept a stubble, and then left another stubble.

   When Su Mi woke up, it was in her master bedroom, the bedroom she shared with Chu Zhuohang.

She was stunned for a while, and then realized that she was in the bedroom. She didn't know that the doctor had recommended her to be hospitalized, but Chu Zhuohang still thought that she would rather recuperate at home, because apart from being lethargic, her body had no other symptoms and symptoms. discomfort.

   After sitting up for a while, Su Mi realized that she seemed to be pregnant, and then she seemed to have given birth to a child.

child? She remembered hearing the child's cry in her sleep. It wasn't the kind of crying begging her to stay, but the kind of cry that was the same as an ordinary baby, soft and pleasant.

   She immediately looked around, but did not see a crib in the room. She was shocked and immediately looked around. She didn't feel relieved until she saw the pictures of little children in the picture frame on the dresser.

   She has memories of everything, but it has become more vague.

   A lot of things, not so awake, but she remembered that Chu Zhuohang helped her to leave a child, the child was born smoothly and healthy, and her perseverance was meaningful.

   A smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she reached out to touch the slender scar on her lower abdomen.

   After lying down for a long time before standing up, she would feel a little tired, but she stood up slowly and walked downstairs slowly.

   In the kitchen downstairs, Aunt Wang was watching the news while watching the soup in the pot.

  Su Mi stood at the door for a while, smelling the aroma of the thick soup, she couldn't help swallowing slightly.

The entertainment news was playing, Su Mi glanced at it, and it was talking about Huang Ying. Huang Ying was singing a song on the stage. When the singing sounded into her ears, Su Mi felt a little familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere. Pass.

Before I heard a few words, I heard the host say: "Huang Ying's current new album limit is very high, it has reached an astonishing 10 million, although there is still some gap compared to the previous popular singer Su Mi, but it is already very good. Amazing result."

   Another host said: "What's more, Su Mi quietly retired from the circle, and now in the entire music world, except for Huang Ying, there is no one who can stand out."

   "Actually, I like to listen to Huang Ying's songs, but I hope she can release a few more good songs like this." The host in front said.

  Su Mi frowned slightly, because the song Huang Ying sang was too familiar to her, but she hadn't completely woken up for a while, and she couldn't tell where she heard the song.

   Auntie Wang glanced at Tang and felt that there was someone behind her, so she turned around quickly. When she saw Su Mi, she was stunned for a moment: "Young... young mistress?"

   is not sure that she will wake up, nor is she sure that the beauty standing in front of her will be Su Mi.

  Su Mi has been taking care of Chu Zhuohang from the end of her pregnancy to the present, and she has never had a fake hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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