The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3046: It's true that the sword is not old

   Chapter 3046 is indeed a treasured sword

"My body is already very suitable for work. Sister Cao, you help me arrange a TV show. If I want to resume work, I have to tell everyone that I am really back. I also need to let everyone adapt to my current appearance. "

   "Okay!" Sister Cao was overjoyed. She had been buried and was about to rust. She really wanted to work quickly. Since Su Mi has no opinion, she will start work soon!

  Xiao Ke was also very happy, "I'll arrange for the makeup and hair teacher to come here. Your driver and nanny car should be in place as well."

Su Mi guessed that the makeup teacher, the driver and others, without Sister Cao and Xiaomao, should all go to help other artists or go to other companies. After all, everyone is a breadwinner, Su Mi can understand .

Sister Cao's connections were still there, so she came back in a while and said, "It's just the beginning of spring, and each TV station will hold a party for the inventory of the previous year. The party is broadcast live, and it's still in the rehearsal stage, so you'll be back just in time. , Eggplant TV said that it can vacate a place for you."

   Eggplant Satellite TV and Pumpkin Satellite TV are the private names given by fans to several TV stations, because the logos of some satellite TVs are very similar to those of vegetables and fruits.

  As soon as Sister Cao made her move, she arranged it. It was indeed a treasured sword that was not old.

  Especially when the other party heard that it was Su Mi's first trip abroad, they attached great importance to it and asked Sister Cao to arrange for Su Mi to go to the rehearsal immediately.

   Sister Cao told Su Mi, Su Mi nodded: "Then let's go."

   Soon, Sister Cao accompanied Su Mi there, Xiaoke was still contacting the makeup and the nanny car, and Sister Cao drove her own car.

   Sister Cao and Su Mi went to the backstage, waiting for the TV station's program planning.

  Because they hadn't arranged a makeup artist for Su Mi, they had to come to the big dressing room.

  In the big dressing room, there are all the artists rehearsing tonight, and they are surrounded by their own team, so there are many people and many people talk about it.

  Many people don't know Su Mi. Even if they watched the video before she didn't gain weight, it was a long time ago, and she had long forgotten what Su Mi looked like at that time.

   Seeing that Sister Cao brought Su Mi here, I thought she was bringing a newcomer.

   Some people looked at Su Mi's eyes with good intentions, and said with a smile, "Sister Cao, have you brought a new person? The qualifications are not bad."

   Sister Cao nodded in response.

However, some people were originally artists from Yaoshi Media's rival company, and they couldn't bear to see Sister Cao taking Su Mi to rob them of their resources - they got it by strength. In their opinion, it was Su Mi's robbing. .

At this moment, seeing Sister Cao bringing a newcomer, someone immediately started sneering: "Oh, this newcomer looks good, it seems that the doctor that Yaoshi Media has found this time is okay, and the artist did not lie in the operation. Can't get off the stage."

   directly ridiculed Sister Cao for taking Su Mi for cosmetic surgery and did not get the operating table.

   The others laughed and said, "Hahahaha, I had a junior sister who asked me before to find out if there was a place where I could fix her double eyelids. Now I can recommend her to go to Yaoshi Media."

  Sister Cao is here to start a new job today. I don’t want to cause more trouble at this moment, so I don’t think I heard anything.

   As for Su Mi, when she debuted in the fattest and ugliest appearance, she had heard all kinds of ridicule. How could she shake her mind at this point?

   (end of this chapter)

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