Chapter 3048 Looking forward to it

   Chief planner said: "Yes."

   many, he did not say.

  Huang Ying thought of her recent songs, it would be really bad if Su Mi came back.

   Moreover, if I really had the same party with her, I would have to be compared again.

   "What time period does Su Mi sing?"

   Generally speaking, the important guests at the party will appear at the finale, and the time will be given longer.

   Looking at the meaning of the general plan, it is obvious that he intends to give the finale to Su Mi.

  Huang Ying saw this and felt a little unwilling.

  I am so popular now that the chief planner actually wanted to give the finale to Su Mi instead of myself.

She chuckled: "planning, in fact, for Su Mi, the risk is still a bit big. She hasn't appeared on stage for a whole year, and she hasn't come over for the first two rehearsals. Is it really okay? I want to appear at the finale, before me. The space vacated can be given to one of my junior sisters."

   The general planner was about to decline, but Huang Ying smiled and said, "I currently have a brand that I endorse, and I am looking for satellite TV to advertise. I can convince them to put it on your TV."

  The general planner is trying to get this brand’s advertisements. Now the TV station is struggling to survive, and there are fewer people watching TV. Every advertisement that can be won is very important. It would be great if Huang Ying could convince the advertisers.

   Moreover, Huang Ying is indeed the number one choice among female singers. With Huang Ying as the finale, all aspects can be explained and convincing.

The chief planner immediately said: "In this way, it is also very good. After all, Su Mi is also out of breath. She came to the finale, but she can't convince the public. She is a talent like Miss Huang, and the finale is the most suitable. In this way, I will follow the stage. Let’s discuss it here, and I’ll make adjustments for you soon.”

   "Then there is work." Huang Ying said with a smile.

  Su Mi wants to make a comeback? It's fine for Huang Ying if she doesn't know. If she does, it will definitely not let her go as smoothly.

  Huang Ying immediately called her fellow junior sister: "I'll get you a chance, come over quickly."

   Her fellow apprentice sister came out of Yaoshi Media, and is currently in need of exposure. Hearing that, she has been continuously thanking her.

   But he didn't know that Huang Ying didn't really want to win this opportunity for her, it was just that she had value.

   Sister Cao and Su Mi waited, and finally came the chief planner.

   "Let's chat in the lounge next door." The general planner took them to the next room.

   This caused another discussion in the big dressing room.

   As soon as he sat down, the chief planner said with a smile: "Sister Cao, we are really happy that Su Mi can come back this time. Many fans are also looking forward to it."

   "Yes, so we want to make a comeback on your platform, which is beneficial to both of us. Su Mi was very popular before and had a lot of fans. This comeback will definitely stimulate many fans' interest in your platform."

   "No problem. Let Su Mi come over."

   "The location of the show is still the finale we agreed?" Sister Cao asked with a smile.

The finale was agreed on the phone. Su Mi's coffee spot is there after all. Even if she comes back after a long absence, of course Sister Cao wants to find a good position for her and announce her return to the public, not just casually. Appeared in front of everyone, not even a splash of water could provoke one.

  This step must be done well, otherwise, every step will be dragged down in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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