The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3150: Only the right to reply

   Chapter 3150 Only the right to reply to the promise

  Rao is that most men at the meeting can be her elders, and their eyes can't help wandering back and forth on her.

  Xia Huangshan smiled kindly and said, "Aren't you still studying? There are so many people in the company who want to eat, and there will always be a director. When you graduate, you can naturally come to participate. By the way, how is your defense today?"

   His smile was not fake at all, it was the same as before, but when it was connected with the matter of today's defense, Xia Jiu realized that this kind of hypocrisy was like a mask, and it was already worn on the faces of their father and daughter.

   In his smile, he even made sure that she was a mockery of not graduating.

  Xia Jiu threw the notebook on the table: "I must attend today's meeting."

   "Add a place for Miss." Xia Huangshan did not refuse.

   His secretary quickly added a place to Xia Jiu, and respectfully poured her a cup of coffee and put it in her hand.

Xia Huangshan said with a gentle smile: "It's not impossible if you want to listen in. But Xia Jiu, you currently don't have any shares and no specific position, so you listen, but you don't participate in any voting, and you can't comment on our opinions. interfere."

   When Xia Jiu heard this, his fingers flicked, and the coffee cup in his hand fell on the table. Suddenly, the overflowing aroma and coffee stains flowed down the table.

   Someone next to him shouted: "What are you doing!"

  Xia Jiu tilted her head over, and only then did she see clearly that there was a man sitting beside him, his face was tensed and cold, like a bottomless cold pool, and like the tip of an iceberg, revealing a faint coldness.

   His position was just close to Xia Jiu, so after Xia Jiu's coffee was knocked down, it had flowed down the table and onto the man's clothes.

   The man's brows were covered with a chill, and it was his assistant who should have spoken.

   "Sorry." Xia Jiu didn't expect to accidentally hurt innocents, so she reached out and handed a tissue over.

  The man didn't answer, he seemed to be disdainful, and he didn't seem to care at all.

   His assistant did the same, gave Xia Jiu a reproachful look, and wiped the man with another tissue.

  Xia Huangshan had already stood up, took out his handkerchief, and said in panic, "Young Master Han, I'm really sorry, my niece is not very sensible, so I'm causing you trouble."

  The man still sat still, his face was the cold and arrogant look on his face, and he was cold all over his body, and his eyes were even more serene, he couldn't guess what he was thinking, and he didn't dare anyone to guess.

   He is not a member of the company, Xia Jiu thought, that should be the so-called distinguished guest, someone who wants to invest in the Xia Group.

   "That being the case, let's talk about other things after the family affairs are settled." Shen Muhan stood up abruptly, his tall figure was tall enough to cast his elongated figure under the dim light.

   He glanced at Xia Jiu lightly, Xia Jiu suddenly felt a chill on his body, and in the summer, he shivered.

   "Young Master Han, I'm really sorry," Xia Huangshan smiled, "I'll send you out."

   "No need." Shen Muhan's tone was very pleasant, but it was cold, like the sound of ice cubes hitting a glass, pleasant, but without any temperature.

Xia Huangshan turned around and said to Xia Jiu: "Xia Jiu, do you know what you did just now! That is Young Master Shen Muhan, one of the most powerful people in Jingyuan now, if you can't get his Invest, don't talk about you, everyone will die together."

  Xia Jiu ignored his exasperation and just asked, "Why are my shares gone? Didn't my dad leave it to me?"

"Your parents not only owned a company, but also owed countless debts. Do you think these debts do not need compensation? Don't you need money to settle them? Your shares have already been used to repay the debts." Xia Huangshan's tone Not as gentle as before, with a dash of meanness.

   "I want to see the financial statement." Xia Jiu said lightly, red lips twitching.

"That's not something you can understand." Xia Huangshan said, "Besides, you offended Young Master Han just now, let alone you. Even if you pay the entire company, it may not be worth the mistakes you made. Xia Jiu, Your father is dead, you recognize the reality, you are no longer the eldest lady of the Xia family. If you are obedient, no matter how poor or hard the group is, they will guarantee your monthly living expenses, otherwise..."

  Xia Jiu clenched her palms tightly, the huge company, the world that her parents beat down with one punch and one kick, Xia Huangshan said, guarantee her monthly living expenses?

  Otherwise, is there not even living expenses?

   She raised her red lips and her voice became cold: "I want to see the financial statement!"

   "You are no longer qualified, Xia Jiu, the company's affairs have nothing to do with you." Xia Huangshan's tone gradually became indifferent.

   is no longer the gentle and amiable uncle, nor the elder who keeps taking good care of the company for the company and their sisterhood.

   His face was full of sanctimoniousness, and under the mask, greed, selfishness and calculation were written.

The director on the side    complained: "Xia Jiu, you offended Young Master Han just now. You have no idea what the consequences will be! Not only is your future worrisome, but even our company doesn't know when we will be able to invite Young Master Han over."

   "That's right, Xia Jiu, there are still so many people in the company wanting to eat, please don't make trouble again. You used to be Miss Qianjin, but that doesn't mean you will always be."

   "Xia Jiu, if you are obedient, the company welcomes you at any time, but otherwise, we have the right to let the security take you out!"

Most of these directors are Xia Jiu's elders. They used to be in the living room of Xia's house, and when they had a drink with their father, they looked at Xia Jiu one by one, with kind eyes, admiration, and praised her clever and well-behaved words, opening their mouths. Said that the three days will not bring the same kind.

   And now, she has become a burden, trouble... Xia Jiu's body felt chills.

   It was countless times cooler than when the so-called Han Shao's gaze fell on her.

  Xia Jiu's fingers tightly grasped her bag, the rivet decoration on the bag carved heavy red marks on her fingers.

  Xia Huangshan no longer wanted to waste time on her, and shouted: "Security, send Xia Jiu out."

   "Miss, please." A line of security was already on standby and rushed in.

  Xia Jiu stood in the sight of everyone, too thin to compete with any of them.

   With no shares and no support from any directors, she is now all alone.

When they passed away, Xia Huangshan moved in with his family on the grounds of handling funeral affairs. At the time, their family respected Xia Jiu and had a gentle and kind attitude. Xia Jiu did not refuse at all. Think, in less than a year, it has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   Now, I am afraid that those luxury houses and luxury cars have long since become the private property of Xia Huangshan.

   "Miss, please!" The security guard reached out and pulled Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu shook their hands: "Don't touch me!"

   She tried her best to support her body not to fall, and walked out step by step.

   When she got to the door of the company, she finally softened unbearably and fell to the ground.

   The unpleasant squeak of the car's emergency brake rubbing against the ground came from behind him, and the slight unpleasant smell from the tire touching the ground also penetrated into the tip of the nose.

   "Master, it's the woman just now." The assistant driving the car was Shen Muhan's personal attendant, Chen Qi. He opened his mouth and his voice was almost as cold as Shen Muhan's.

  Shen Muhan opened his eyes, his eyes were full of bottomless thick black, and his eyes fell on the woman after crossing the windshield.

   Maroon wavy curly hair tied into a ponytail, fair and ruddy skin, delicate and beautiful eyebrows and eyes, with the arrogance of disdain for others, she is unbelievably beautiful.

   He was too lazy to pay attention to the Xia family's affairs, and would only make investments that did not lose money.

   So, is this woman for the Xia Group, to betray her in front of her, or to betray her miserably?

  Xia Jiu tried her best to stand up, but the blow she suffered today was too great. Her whole body was taken out of her soul and her body was taken out of her strength. She tried hard, but she didn't get up.

   Feeling a bunch of cool eyes focused on her face, she was a little embarrassed, and finally stood up with her body supported.

   turned around and almost hit a wall of meat.

   The man in the car didn't know when to get off, but he was already standing behind her.

Tall and straight, the tall Xia Jiu couldn't help but look up. When he looked up, he saw his tensed and determined chin. The unforgettable coldness swayed by Xia Jiu's side after only feeling it once. Come.

   is the young master Han I met in the conference room just now!

   "Young Master Han, I'm sorry..." Xia Jiu had never been so embarrassed before, her red lips parted lightly, and she sighed softly.

   Shen Muhan lowered his eyes, and in his stern and stern eyes, the girl's extremely embarrassed figure was reflected in Yin Zhao, and even the lipstick was crooked out of the normal part, and there was an abrupt blush on the fair face.

   His voice was very cold and indifferent: "Give you two million and stay with me for one night."

   He doesn't have any interest in her other things, but suddenly... wants to have a woman.

   At this moment, this woman is just right, and her appearance just fits his aesthetic at the moment.

   That's all.

   Xia Jiu never thought that he would say such a thing, when he said this, he didn't even have any emotion, as if she was just a commodity placed on the stage, open for sale, let him look at it, and then ask for a price.

   Xia Jiu was extremely annoyed, and without thinking, slapped Shen Muhan in the face.

   did not hit him in the face. Shen Muhan never allowed anyone to slap his face. He had already shot and grabbed Xia Jiu's wrist.

  's voice was still very cold: "You have no right to hit me, you only have the right to reply."

Xia Jiu laughed angrily, and her red lips taunted: "Young Master Han may be used to asking a price to take home any woman he likes, but I have neither the obligation nor the mood to cooperate. Take your two Millions, go away!"

   "Uh" Shen Muhan let go of her hand.

  Xia Jiu thought he would be extremely annoyed, but Shen Muhan just responded lightly, turned around with his tall and straight figure, and got into the car with the coldness wrapped in his body.

   made Xia Jiu stunned for a moment, the car adjusted its direction in front of her eyes and left.

   He was really straightforward, but he also seemed like she was more like a commodity. If the price didn't match, he was too lazy to talk about it.

  Xia Jiu was so angry that she wanted to curse.

   But in the end, she could only sort out her thoughts and go to the hospital to see her sister.

My younger sister, Charlene, was born prematurely and has always been in poor health. Almost a year ago, her parents died suddenly in a car accident, and Charlene's condition worsened. During the past year, she hardly ever went home and stayed in the hospital ward. inside.

   This is also an important reason why Xia Jiu has no intention to manage the company this year.

  Xia Jiu rushed towards the hospital. Xia Lin, who was just seventeen years old, was still childish, much more immature than ordinary girls.

   Seeing Xia Jiu, she said happily: "Sister, you are finally here. I am so bored by myself, come and accompany me."

   "Okay. Have you taken the medicine seriously? Have you eaten the fruit? Have you listened to the nurse auntie?" Xia Jiu sat down, although she still had a smile on her splendid face today, it was shrouded in loneliness.

   "It's all there, am I such a bad little sister?" Charlene laughed while sticking out her tongue.

   chatted with Xia Lin for a while, the doctor came in and asked Xia Jiu to go to the office.

   "I'll go first, you're fine. I'll accompany you back for a walk later. Don't play games anymore, it hurts your eyes."

   "I know, sister." Charlene replied.

When    arrived at the doctor's office, Xia Jiu asked, "Doctor, how is my sister?"

   "Blood disease requires long-term treatment and recovery. The current situation is relatively stable, but it cannot be taken lightly. Miss Xia, please go and pay for the medical bills."

"Medical expenses?" Xia Jiu was stunned. Medical expenses have always been debited from their parents' cards. After their parents passed away, they were deducted from the Xia Group's account instead. It is said that the company belongs to the parents. This is not a big deal. question.

   But thinking of Xia Huangshan's attitude today, and Xia Ruomeng's frame-up of her, Xia Jiu froze for a moment.

   She was indeed too careless, her family property had already been occupied by her uncle's family, and she only woke up after realizing it.

  I should have expected that my sister's medical bills would also be a problem.

   Sure enough, the doctor reminded: "At present, the patient's medical expenses have not been paid for a whole month. The medical expenses are relatively high, and the hospital cannot pay too much in advance, so Miss Xia asks you to make up for it in time."

   "Okay." Xia Jiu raised her red lips and cheered up. She still had some private money, which she could barely handle.

   As for the family's assets, her boyfriend Fang Minghao is a lawyer himself and comes from a family of lawyers. He is quite famous in Jingyuan, especially good at lawsuits over assets.

   He was busy during the day, and probably was free at night. Xia Jiu would go to him at night to discuss how to get back everything he should have from Xia Huangshan's hands.

   No matter how difficult life is, there is always a way to go. Thinking of Fang Minghao's warm and jade-like appearance, Xia Jiu's mind is calm.

   (end of this chapter)

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