The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3157: preferably miscarriage

   Chapter 3157 It is best to have an abortion

   She and he were just strangers who had spent a night together, how could they have children? How could she possibly keep this child?

  Shen Muhan folded his arms: "Whatever you want, Xia Jiu. If you want to get rid of the child, you can try it in the Dragon Empire to see if any doctor dares to perform this operation for you!"

   "You!" Xia Jiu stood up, facing the man's cold gaze, and pursed her lips, "Then I'll buy the medicine myself to destroy it."

   "You dare!" Shen Muhan suddenly stood up and clapped his hands on the table.

"Why don't I dare? Shen Muhan, the Dragon Empire has laws, and my stomach belongs to me. I want to be born, but if I don't want to be born, why do I need your consent. You can make the doctors in the entire Dragon Empire listen to you. , but can you make everyone stop selling medicine to me? Even if you are high, you can't be my master!"

  Xia Jiu's beautiful face was full of determination.

  Shen Mu gave a cold snort and said in an orderly manner, "Really? In that case, you have chosen to stay in the Shen family to have a baby."

  Xia Jiu heard the strong domineering in his voice, which made her tremble, "Shen Muhan, why do you imprison me and restrict my freedom in life?"

"It's your choice." Shen Muhan said lightly, "I gave you the opportunity to choose to keep the tire or have the tire outside. It seems that if you have doubts about having the tire outside, then stay. ."

  Xia Jiu grabbed the bag in his hand: "Shen Muhan, you dare to keep me! I don't believe it, the Dragon Empire has no kingship!"

   "In my territory, what I say is the king's law. Do you understand?"

  The man's voice was very leisurely, and in his eyes was an unfathomable cold pool, and all his emotions were condensed at the bottom of the pool.

   For Xia Jiu's rejection and resistance, there was obvious impatience between his eyebrows, Shen Muhan never liked someone who resisted his decision.

   For Xia Jiu, he has tolerated it again and again.

   He can tolerate her once and twice, but will never give her a chance all the time.

   "Chen Qi, leave Xia Jiu behind!" As Shen Muhan's voice fell, assistant Chen Qi strode in.

   "Miss Xia, please." Chen Qi's voice was as calm and unwavering as Shen Muhan's, but not as stern as Shen Muhan's.

  Xia Jiu clenched her fists, she never thought that Shen Muhan would go back because of this sudden child.

   She probably also knew the identity of Shen Muhan. He was very powerful in Jingyuan City, and even held military power in his hands. It is said that in the whole Jingyuan, few people dared not give him face.

   In other words, calling the police may be in vain, and there is a high probability that this kind of thing will be reversed by him, and it will be described as an emotional entanglement between a man and a woman. The police generally focus on persuasion for this kind of thing.

  Xia Jiu was taken to a room by Chen Qi. Because it was a guest room, it was even more deserted than Shen Muhan's bedroom.

  Chen Qi bowed and handed a blank cheque, and said, "Miss Xia, the young master said, please fill it out yourself. This child, he made an offer."

  Xia Jiu's expression changed suddenly, and he reached out and grabbed the check.

   Therefore, he not only regarded her as a commodity, but also put her uterus up for sale, turning it into a commodity that can be bid at will.

   Since he could spend money to buy it, why did he have to buy her?

  Chen Qi didn't say much, turned around and went out.

   At the door, there are uniformed guards standing, and the same goes for the whole downstairs.

  For a man like Shen Muhan, who holds military power, deploying such a man to guard his residence is just a matter of hand.

   It seemed that without his permission and consent, Xia Jiu would not even want to step out of this place.

  The maid brought nutritious meals and fruits. It seemed that Shen Muhan was determined to have this child.

  Xia Jiu took a few mouthfuls and called Xia Lin to tell her that she couldn't visit her today.

  Charlene was quite happy, and let her have a good date with Fang Minghao.

  Xia Jiu smiled bitterly and hung up the phone.

  Xia Jiu's cell phone, Shen Muhan, kept it for her. She probably knew that even if she kept her cell phone, she couldn't find it in his palm.

   After flipping through the phone for a while, Xia Jiu stood up and said to the maid outside the door, "Can you get me some bottles of perfume?"

   "This..." The maid was obviously hesitant.

   "Alternatively, I'll go to you Han Shaona in person. Do you know what my status is now?"

Of course, the maid had heard that Xia Jiu was brought back because she was pregnant with the young master's child, and when she woke up early, the housekeeper had already instructed to explain that all items and food in the house should be kept safe. Tire is heavy.

   After working in the Shen family for so long, the maid has never seen Shen Muhan bring any woman home, let alone a pregnant woman.

   Even in normal times, Shen Mu was so cold and indifferent that strangers would not enter, but now that Xia Jiu appeared, of course they all understood what this meant.

  Thinking of this, the maid immediately responded: "Miss Xia, wait a moment, I'll get it for you right away."

   "You want the brands I designated, hurry up." Xia Jiu said impatiently.

   She just checked on the Internet, something that has the effect of abortion, which can make a fetus less than three months unstable to abort.

   What she can get now is musk. Many perfumes contain more or less musk. The brands she asked them to take are the ones that contain the most musk she has searched online.

She has only been pregnant for more than a month now, and it is still very early. She has been so busy recently, and her mood is extremely bad. Thinking about this child, it will not be very stable. If you use a perfume with musk, maybe, The child will be miscarried.

   She had no intention of having children at all. Even when she was with Shen Muhan that night, it was a last resort because of her sister's medical expenses. How could the arrogant Xia Jiu choose to take this path at other times?

   Now that she is gone, she has no regrets.

   But I didn't expect that the relationship that I thought could be easily left because of this child, but couldn't.

   She felt her flat abdomen, where a new life was bred, but it was clear that his presence was neither welcome nor expected.

   Instead of being born with a complete family and enjoying healthy father and mother love, it is better to make a break with him while he is still unconscious.

   Xia Jiu was not willing to take on the responsibility of a child until she was not capable enough.

   That will make her suffer, and the child will suffer.

  I'm sorry baby, it's not that Mommy doesn't want you, it's that there is no such condition to want you.

  The maid came back soon and brought in the perfume: "Miss Xia, what you want."

  Xia Jiu took it, "Okay, you can leave now."

  Once the fetus in her womb is gone, Shen Muhan will not leave her or look at her again.

  Xia Jiu sprayed out the perfume. The fragrance of men's perfume really had a strong musk smell. She quickly sprayed out several bottles of perfume.

   But this seemed to be a little too slow, Xia Jiu Xin sighed, and simply poured out the perfume, poured it directly into the water, pinched her nose, and drank it in large gulps.

   Then, her body slid down, her head bowed, and her long curly hair fell down, covering her face.

   She quietly waited for the movement in her stomach, waiting for the pain to strike.

  Time passed minute by minute, as long as an entire century.

   But the pain didn't come as expected. Instead, there was a burst of nausea and discomfort in the stomach. Xia Jiu ran into the bathroom, lay on the side of the sink, and kept retching.

   The pain in the stomach turned upside down, Xia Jiu felt that his mouth was full of bitterness, and it seemed that he was about to vomit out the gallbladder.

   After vomiting, I was physically and mentally exhausted, but my stomach was fine, and there was no trace of pain at all.

   Xia Jiu was so disappointed that he suffered so many crimes in vain, but it had no effect at all.

  Are all the acts on TV deceiving people? Why is it often eaten in costume dramas, and the effect comes so quickly?

  Xia Jiu looked around the whole room, there was nothing else that could be used for abortion, and now her stomach was still too flat, it is unlikely to hurt the child even with external force.

   Suddenly, Xia Jiu found a bunch of flowers sticking out of the window, and she looked familiar.

  It seems that when I checked the Internet, I saw it. It seems to be oleander. It was also said on the Internet that the pollen and sap of oleander are highly toxic. If pregnant women accidentally eat it, it will cause slippery tires.

  I didn't expect to see this kind of flower here.

  Xia Jiu didn't think about it any more, just broke off the whole bouquet, carefully collected all the petals and pollen, and then quickly took it orally.


  In the study.

   Shen Muhan continued to process the file.

  Xia Jiu's incident was just a small episode. In his life of self-discipline for many years, it only caused a faint wave.

   wants a child, but because he feels that he is almost old and should have a child.

   Besides, of course he is qualified to ask for Shen Muhan's child, he has the final say, when will it be anyone else's turn to have an opinion? Even the mother of the child has no right to bet on his decision.

   "Master..." After Chen Qi handed over the documents, he suggested softly, "Master, do you want to help you again and order a woman to deliver it?"

  Chen Qi has been with Shen Muhan for many years. Naturally, he knows that he has always been pure-hearted and has few women. Even in his short marriage with He Peishan, Shen Muhan and He Peishan never had any relationship.

Before Shen Muhan asked Xia Jiu, Chen Qi was also relieved. The young master has been alone for many years. He is not close to his family, has no close friends, and there are no women who know the cold and the heat. If there is a woman who can get into him Eyes can also be regarded as allowing the young master to have multiple companions.

   But after that night, Shen Muhan didn't contact Xia Jiu for anything, and Chen Qi didn't know whether Shen Muhan had no interest in Xia Jiu, or Xia Jiu didn't have enough charm to attract Shen Muhan.

   Therefore, Chen Qi specially selected the photos of the most famous ladies and daughters and star models in Jingyuan City, specially collected them into a book, and placed them gently in front of Shen Muhan.

  Shen Muhan has never had any hobbies, work is his only sustenance.

  Chen Qi was afraid that the young master could not stand it for a long time.

  Shen Muhan waved his hand, and the original photo album fell on the ground, his voice was extremely cold, "Are you too busy to ask to die?"

   "I'm sorry young master." Chen Qi hurriedly picked up the album.

   "You mean it, or who mean it?"

  Chen Qi hurriedly said in a low voice, "It's what I mean, and it's also what my wife means. My wife cares about you very much and has been thinking about your marriage. She also said that you haven't gone back for a long time."

   The wife in his mouth was naturally Shi Hui, the wife of Shen Sihai, the original owner of the Shen family.

   In the eyes of outsiders, she is also Shen Muhan's biological mother.

   But this was overthrown as early as when Shen Muhan investigated Shen Sihai's dealings with him.

   Shen Muhan found out long ago that he was neither Shen Sihai's son nor Shi Hui's son.

  If it wasn't for Shen Sihai's replacement for him to die after fleeing and never showing up, Shen Muhan would have exposed the hypocrisy of Shi Hui and Shen Sihai's husband and wife long ago.

  For now, he is still patient.

   There is no major event other than life and death, and there is nothing that cannot be tolerated.

   However, since he knew that he was not their son, Shen Muhan moved out and rarely set foot in the Shen family where Shi Hui lived.

  If Shen Muhan was cold in the past, but he still has family affection to care about, then now, he doesn't need to care about anything.

   "Tell her, I don't like anyone interfering in my business."

  Chen Qi was inconvenient to say more, he should bow his head.

   "As for Xia Jiu, did she sign the check?" Shen Muhan asked lazily.

   "Not yet. Miss Xia has been living in the guest room, quiet and quiet, but in the afternoon, I asked for a few bottles of men's perfume to go in." Chen Qi whispered.

perfume for men?

   Shen Muhan's brows furrowed deeply. After a while, he stood up and overturned the chair he was sitting on, "A bunch of trash, what's the use of raising them!"

  Chen Qi was taken aback and quickly followed in the footsteps of Shen Muhan.

   Shen Muhan stretched out his long legs and strode towards the guest room where Xia Jiu was staying.

   When she got to the room where she was, before anyone could open the door, Shen Muhan kicked the door open and walked straight in.

  In the room, the pungent scent of perfume was so strong that it took up all the air, making people dizzy.

  In the trash can, perfume bottles are thrown in a mess, and the room is full of complicated and weird smells.

   Shen Muhan's eyes flashed with unconcealed hatred and unhappiness, she dared! How dare she treat his child like this!

  No one can attack his child!

   Xia Jiu just ate the oleander flower, she didn't expect Shen Muhan to come so fast, the sound of kicking the door really startled her, is Shen Muhan's desire for a child so eager?

   "Xia Jiu, what are you doing!" The questioning words were said in the deepest statement tone, which made people feel terrified.

  Xia Jiu was a little frightened, she pinched her palm, "I used to drink perfume before, and if I didn't drink it for a day, I would panic, so I asked someone for a little bit."

   Shen Muhan strode towards her, reaching out and grabbing her wrist.

   (end of this chapter)

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