The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3165: don't provoke him

   Chapter 3165 Don't provoke him

   "Hello Boss Cao." Xia Jiu's tone was light and calm.

But Boss Cao didn't feel offended at all, instead he was a little overjoyed and said, "Boss Xia's family is really extraordinary in appearance. When I saw Ruo Meng and Fen Fen just now, I was very surprised. I didn't expect anything more amazing. It's still behind."

  Xia Huangshan said with a smile: "Boss Cao is too famous. Xia Jiu, come to give Boss Cao a cup."

After    finished speaking, he stuffed the wine glass in Xia Jiu's hands.

  Xia Jiuyi smiled: "I have a cold, I took cephalosporin, and I can't drink, I'm really sorry."

   She is pregnant now, so naturally she can't drink. Not wanting to have children is one thing, but agreeing to Shen Muhan is another.

   Unless Shen Muhan voluntarily asked for termination, she would not have the right to harm the fetus in her womb for the time being.

   Although Boss Cao was not very happy, Xia Jiu's appearance made him a little more tolerant: "It's okay, it's okay to drink juice."

  Xia Ruomeng stood up with a smile and said, "Boss Cao, my little sister has always been a spoiled child. Everything is fine, but she is a little arrogant. If there is any offense, please take care of Boss Cao."

   "It's alright. Xia Jiu, can you sit next to me?" Boss Cao smiled, his eyes were all inevitable.

   With Xia Jiu's appearance, even if he invests several times more, there will be no problem at all.

   She is more attractive than the photo, and even her delicate shyness when she was not very willing made Boss Cao very moved.

  Xia Jiu whispered, "I want to go to the bathroom first."

   After she finished speaking, she turned around and went out.

   This time, it was really uncomfortable, probably because the dishes were all ready, and she felt sick and wanted to vomit when she smelled the smell.

   Besides, he also knew in his heart that what Xia Huangshan had asked him to do.

  Xia Huangshan is really good at calculating, he has already robbed the entire company, and now he feels that the company can't make as much money as when his parents were there, so did he make his own mind?

  If Xia Jiu wasn't pregnant, she wouldn't be afraid to drink with anyone, like Boss Cao, it's not a problem for her to drink one or two.

   It's just that now, she can't drink alcohol.

  Xia Jiu clutched the bag tightly, knowing that with Xia Huangshan's current calculations, the company would be defeated in his hands sooner or later.

   It’s just that he can’t do anything at the moment and can’t take over the company in one fell swoop.

  If the company is really dilapidated, even if the company is taken back, it will be nothing but a mess.

  Xia Jiu was full of contradictions in her heart. When she went to the bathroom, she took a handful of cold water and patted her face, trying to wake herself up.

   Boss Cao was sitting in the private room, his soul was taken away by Xia Jiu. Seeing Xia Jiu leave, he was slightly dissatisfied: "There is no toilet in this private room, why did Xia Jiu go out?"

  Xia Ruomeng hurriedly said: "Maybe Xia Jiu is a little shy. Boss Cao, Xia Jiu said she has a cold, why don't Boss Cao go over there and take a look?"

  Xia Ruomeng is not afraid that Xia Jiu will run away, Xia Jiu's bags are still here, and they won't be able to run anywhere for a while.

  Tonight, she really wants to make Boss Cao and Xia Jiu a good thing. For this investment from Boss Cao, Xia Ruomeng is bound to get it.

   When Boss Cao heard this, he smiled and said, "If you have a good proposal, I'll go take a look."

   After Boss Cao finished speaking, he went straight out of the private room and headed towards the bathroom outside.

  Xia Jiu washed her face with cold water, regained her sanity and clarity, and wiped the water droplets off her face with a tissue.

  Because there is no makeup, washing this face will not destroy the feeling of the face, and the facial features in the mirror are still warm and bright.

  Xia Jiu just added some lipstick and walked out.

   Boss Cao was waiting outside. Seeing Xia Jiu coming out, he was a little more beautiful than before. His heart was already eager, and his eyes were a little more amazing and inevitable.

"Xia Jiu, what, do you have a bad cold? Do you need me to take you home? Or find a room to rest?" Boss Cao has tacitly agreed that Xia Huangshan wants to give Xia Jiu to himself, so there is nothing in his tone. Seeing the outside world, just waiting for Xia Jiu to get along alone, you can do whatever you want.

   He greedily looked at Xia Jiu's face, his eyes couldn't hide the enthusiasm.

  Xia Jiu was about to answer when a polite voice called out from the side, "Miss Xia!"

  Xia Jiu and Boss Cao turned around at the same time and saw Chen Qi standing aside.

   "Hello, Assistant Chen." Seeing him, Xia Jiu suddenly calmed down for some reason.

   Boss Cao looked at Chen Qi suspiciously. He didn't have much contact with Shen Muhan, but he recognized Chen Qi. He knew that Chen Qi was an assistant who accompanied Shen Muhan all the year round and was in charge of Shen Muhan's daily life and work.

  Chen Qi is the closest person to Shen Muhan. It can be said that his appearance represents Shen Muhan's existence to a certain extent.

  Why, Chen Qi recognizes Xia Jiu?

   So, Shen Muhan also recognizes Xia Jiu?

   Boss Cao's heart suddenly became cold. With Xia Jiu's stunning appearance, if he ever appeared beside Shen Muhan, then Shen Muhan would never have a very simple relationship with her.

   Shen Muhan is indifferent, even Chen Qi, who can take the initiative to say hello to Chen Qi...

   Boss Cao was full of doubts, but couldn't ask directly, Chen Qi said flatly, "If Miss Xia is busy, I won't bother you for now."

   "Okay, goodbye Assistant Chen." Xia Jiu nodded to Chen Qi, turned and walked towards his private room.

   calmed down in his heart, as if those worries just now no longer exist, obviously he just said two words to Chen Qi.

   This inexplicable sense of security, even Xia Jiu didn't know where it came from.

   When Xia Jiu left, Boss Cao was really itching and said, "Assistant Chen, this Miss Xia and Young Master Han..."

   He was very afraid of offending Shen Muhan. After all, in Jingyuan City, those who offended Shen Muhan would never end well.

   Moreover, Shen Muhan is extremely cold and unsympathetic, and it is not because someone intercedes that he can gain his favor.

   Even people who are close to his mother or younger brother may not be able to make him treat him well.

   So the smart thing to do is not to provoke him.

   But Boss Cao really can't let go of Xia Jiu's beauty, so he wants to know what is the relationship between Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan.

  If Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu were just strangers, then it would have no effect on his desire to get Xia Jiu.

  Chen Qi certainly won't tell him the truth. No outsider is qualified to spy on Young Master's private affairs.

  Chen Qi said lightly: "Boss Cao, this is our young master's business, and I don't know much about it."

   A dilemma flashed on Boss Cao's face. It was not for him to continue stalking Xia Jiu, and it was not for him to give up. A dark look suddenly appeared on his face.

   (end of this chapter)

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