Chapter 3176 seems to need you

  Young master has always been indifferent, Chen Qi knows it, he doesn't bother to use his emotions to anyone, Xia Jiu is the one who uses his emotions the most, so Chen Qi will beg Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu's voice froze slightly: "Since he doesn't like people around him, then I don't need to go there."

  Chen Qi said: "Then, Miss Xia, go get your shawl. I have already had it cleaned just now, and it just so happens that I won't have to send it to you next time."

   This is true.

  Although the shawl is not a very expensive thing, it is not a big deal to stay with Shen Muhan.

  Xia Jiu nodded and said, "Okay."

   "Miss Xia, please come with me." Chen Qi led the way.

The shawl was placed in Shen Muhan's ward. Xia Jiu stepped in. Although his ward was large, the bed was placed in a clear position. At a glance, you could see the man lying on the bed, with instruments all over his body, and the screen beside him. The digital signs of the body are displayed on it.

  The man still closed his eyes and mouth tightly, looking lifeless.

   He was not wearing clothes, Xia Jiu had never looked at it carefully before, and every time his eyes touched his abdominal muscles, he would subconsciously avoid it.

   Now that he is not in his sight, Xia Jiu has no burden to see it. Only then did she realize that all kinds of old and new scars were mottled on the skin of his body.

   Looking at the appearance of some scars, they are obviously some years old, but they have not dissipated. Instead, they are abnormal and look a bit dazzling and terrifying.

   "Your young master, is often injured?" Xia Jiu lowered her eyes and asked lightly.

   "It's much better now, but I used to get hurt frequently. Before, there were many and heavy tasks, so naturally it was inevitable." Chen Qi said casually.

  Xia Jiu took a few steps closer and saw that Shen Muhan's face was extremely bleak. Although he was not dead, he seemed to be close to death.

  Xia Jiu remembered that when he was injured, he was wearing a special uniform. His mission should be about protecting the family and the country?

   Then it seems that I shouldn't curse him to die early. Although he is very harsh to himself, his life seems to have great significance to others.

   Well, Xia Jiu took back the feeling of expecting him to die, he was still alive.

   Besides, it seems that as long as he doesn't appear in front of him, he really hasn't come to provoke him.

  Chen Qi handed the packed shawl to Xia Jiu: "Miss Xia."

  Xia Jiu reached out to take it and held it in his hand. The shawl was soaked in blood, and now it has been cleaned up to a new look, and there is nothing left on it.

   "Then I'm leaving." Xia Jiu put the shawl into the bag, turned around and left.

   But the wrist was suddenly grabbed, grabbing her with great strength.

  Xia Jiu turned around and found that the person holding her was not Chen Qi, but Shen Muhan.

   The strength just now was so strong, she subconsciously thought that Chen Qi wanted her to stay, but she did not expect that it would be Shen Muhan.

   Isn't he still in a coma? Where did the strength come from?

  Chen Qi was also stunned for a moment.

  Xia Jiu's delicate eyebrows furrowed, and she stretched out her hand to break Shen Muhan's fingers apart. His fingers just grabbed her wrist unconsciously. When he held it like this, it was as if they were branded together and couldn't be separated at all.

   On the hospital bed, Shen Muhan's eyes did not open, and the physical indicators on the side of the screen were also very stable, and no change could be seen.

  Chen Qi hurriedly brought a chair to Xia Jiu and said, "Miss Xia, why don't you stay here for a while, I think young master... It seems that you need you very much."

   "I said I'm very busy." Xia Jiu didn't intend to stay at all. Could it be that he stayed here and slapped another check in his face when he woke up?

   She has no intention of continuing to deal with this man.

   "But this young master can't break his hand, and we can't cut off his fingers, or your wrist." Chen Qi was also helpless.

  Xia Jiu had to sit down first. She seriously doubted that the man on the bed was doing it on purpose. Where did the unconscious person get so much strength.

   But after sitting down, she also found that the man hardly made any movement, except for the hand that grabbed his wrist, the rest of him was still calm.

  Potion and oxygen flowed into his body in an orderly manner, but the look on his face did not recover.

  Xia Jiu looked at his appearance boredly. When he wasn't a hooligan or bashing people with money, his appearance was actually pretty decent, and the already good-looking eyebrows were less domineering and a little more child-like quiet.

   And she found that his eyelashes were very long and thick, no wonder he always felt that his eyes were as deep as the sea and the color of his eyes was like ink, and these long eyelashes probably added luster to him.

  If he has thick and long eyelashes like him, and such a pair of eyes, no matter what kind of face it is placed on, I am afraid it will be difficult to look ugly.

   As he was fascinated, those eyes with slender tails suddenly opened, dark as ink, before Xia Jiu could react, Shen Muhan jumped up from the bed and rolled Xia Jiu onto the bed.

   His arm was placed under Xia Jiu's neck, a standard backhand grab that could be used as a model, causing Xia Jiu's throat to let out a coy whimper: "It hurts!"

  Xia Jiu was stunned by this sudden change, not only in the throat, there was no pain anywhere else, the wrists, arms, throat, and the long hair that he was involved in, and the scalp also felt a dull pain.

   In Shen Muhan's dark eyes, he regained a trace of clarity and sanity, and his consciousness returned, as if remembering that this was not a mission, nor a time of life and death.

   He lowered his eyes, the girl who was captured by him, her face was deformed in pain, but it was still difficult to hide her delicate charm, even if it was blown away by the rain and the wind, the beautiful flowers still couldn't hide her beauty.

   Shen Muhan let go.

  Xia Jiu coughed non-stop, the moment her throat was pressed by his arm, she almost thought she was going to die, but it was only when his hand loosened slightly that she was able to blurt out a very painful sentence.

   The continuous coughing choked Xia Jiu's tears. She had never been beaten like this before, and it seemed that all the bones in her body were broken.

   She is really full, she has to pass by here to get some shawls.

   She has a lot of shawls. She lost one or two. What's so great? She had long known that she should take a detour and not pass here.

  Xia Jiu was aggrieved and in pain, so uncomfortable that tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Tears are brought about not only by physical pain, but also by psychological grievances. Once a drop falls, the rest will come out continuously like a gate.

   (end of this chapter)

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