The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3179: what's so funny?

   Chapter 3179 What's so funny?

   The doctor lowered his head and concentrated on getting the medicine, as if he didn't see it.

   Shen Muhan hugged Xia Jiu seriously and held her hand down. Xia Jiu felt uncomfortable and whispered, "Get out of the way."

   "Don't move." Shen Muhan held her hand down, "I said you can recover without medication, but you have to use it yourself. Since you're going to use it, don't move!"

At this time, even the doctor couldn't help but speak for Xia Jiu, "Young Master Han, not everyone has a strong physique like you, and can survive any injury. Miss Xia is just an ordinary person, even more than ordinary people. To be sensitive and fragile, this injury requires not only debridement and suture, but also a tetanus needle. After that, you need to rest for more than ten days. You must not get wet and take a good rest. Otherwise, you will leave scars. Girls are not as good as boys. If you leave a scar, I'm afraid it will be very uncomfortable."

   "Trouble." Shen Muhan said lazily, "Do whatever you want."

  Xia Jiu suddenly remembered something and reminded softly: "Doctor, I am pregnant with a child. When taking medicine, please avoid some medicines that will harm the fetus."

   "Okay, Miss Xia." The doctor nodded, "Young Master Han, please rest assured, the medicines are very delicate now. We carefully consider the medicines and will not affect the child in Miss Xia's belly."

  Shen Muhan wrote the words trouble and impatience all over his body.

The doctor laughed, Shen Muhan was full of impatience, but he grabbed Xia Jiu's hand seriously with one hand, and pressed her head against his chest with the other hand. man.

  The doctor started to give Xia Jiu anesthesia. Xia Jiu was afraid of injections, so she bit her lip and buried her head in Shen Muhan's arms. At this moment, she had completely forgotten that she was in Shen Muhan's arms, nervously waiting for the needle to drop.

   Her whole body was tense, and her body was stiff.

  Shen Muhan suddenly chuckled, Xia Jiu heard the mockery in his voice, she raised her eyes, her eyes were a little red: "What's so funny?"

   "Squeamish." In Shen Muhan's voice, there was a bit of playfulness with laughter.

   "It didn't hurt you, of course you don't feel pain." Xia Jiu replied.

   But remember that he seems to be hurt much more than himself?

  Xia Jiu then said: "I am not thicker than yours and I am not afraid of pain, which means that my skin is delicate and my body is precious."

   While she was talking, the doctor took a piece of glass **** from between her fingers. Although she was given anesthesia, the pain caused Xia Jiu to twitch.

   If it wasn't for Shen Muhan's pressing on her wrist, she almost pulled her wrist back.

   The pain was so severe that her eyes turned red, and the tears condensed at the bottom of her eyes. Xia Jiu let out a low soft cry.

  Doctor is already very gentle, especially seeing that Xia Jiu is Shen Muhan's person, how dare he weigh more?

   Seeing Xia Jiu's pain, his forehead was covered in sweat, but he didn't dare to do anything for a while.

   "Continue." Shen Muhan ordered.

  The doctor didn't dare to be negligent. He took the tweezers and continued to deal with the glass slag. Before Xia Jiu could breathe out again, Shen Muhan lowered his head and sealed her lips with a kiss to stop her screaming.

  This woman is too loud, of course Shen Muhan has to take something to cover her mouth.

   It's just that his hands are not empty, the only thing that is empty is his lips.

  Xia Jiu was kissed by him, and her body was also imprisoned by his hands. The space on the chair was too small, and she didn't even have the slightest room to struggle.

   And the doctor looked up at them and didn't dare to waste any more time. He picked up the medical tools and quickly debridement and stitches for Xia Jiu.

  It was probably because the anesthesia took effect, the latter process was not as painful as the previous one, but Xia Jiu couldn't help but shed tears again.

   The tears that were condensed at the bottom of the eye sockets fell down like broken pearls.

   The grievances I can't tell in my heart, but what is wronged, I can't find a clear reason.

  It wasn't until the doctor finished the treatment that Shen Muhan released her lips, and when she saw her tears falling like pearls, he frowned: "Does it hurt so much?"

   "It doesn't hurt, you let go." Xia Jiu pushed his hand away in a fit of anger, involving the wound, which caused another pain.

   She was angry and painful, and her delicate eyebrows were twisted into caterpillars.

   "Do you still cry when it doesn't hurt?" A trace of impatience rose between Shen Muhan's brows, "Crying is the most useless thing, it won't help you solve anything, on the contrary, it's a waste of time and energy."

   "I cry if I want to, but I don't want to solve any problems." Xia Jiu pushed him away.

   Shen Muhan looked at her lightly and said, "You are ugly when you cry."

  "..." Xia Jiu rubbed the tip of her red nose, stopped crying, and shouted at him, "Just you look good, your whole family looks good!"

   The doctor saw that there was still a circle of bruises on her wrist, and took the medicine to reduce the swelling and said, "Miss Xia, this medicine is good for your bruises. You can take it home and wipe it yourself. And on your neck."

  Xia Jiu raised her hand and touched her neck. The bruise on her neck was caused by Shen Muhan's grappling hand just now. At that time, she was in so much pain that Shen Muhan still had a completely indifferent expression.

   Shen Muhan followed her fingers, his eyes fell on her neck, and saw that there was a circle of redness and swelling on her side, which had turned into bruises.

   He didn't think he had hit so hard just now, but she was hurt like this?

   The doctor warned: "Miss Xia, you should come to the hospital in time to change the dressing these days, remember not to get water on the wound, and try to keep your diet as light as possible to avoid scarring."

   "Thank you doctor." Xia Jiu moved her palms. After a while, the effect of the anesthetic had passed, and bursts of pain came from the wound.

   Xia Jiu was about to leave when the vice president brought several doctors over.

   Seeing Xia Jiu, the vice president paused and said, "Miss Xia, are you alright? I'm really sorry for such a thing happening in our hospital. We will definitely coordinate the conflict between you and Mrs. Huang."

   "That's not the conflict between Xia Jiu and Mrs. Huang." Shen Muhan said lightly from the side, "It's the conflict that Mrs. Huang provoked by herself."

  The vice president noticed that the tall man standing beside Xia Jiu was actually Shen Muhan!

   Shen Muhan's admission to the hospital this time did not alarm anyone, but now that he is standing in front of him alive, of course the vice president will not recognize him.

   The attitude of the vice-principal became clear and respectful.

   "Young Master Han." The vice president's gaze turned from Xia Jiu to Shen Muhan, "We must investigate the truth and give Miss Xia an explanation."

Although there was not much difference between the two speeches of the vice president, Xia Jiu could still hear the difference when he was in it. The vice president just wanted to coordinate the emotions between her and Mrs. Huang, holding The intention is that neither side is guilty.

   (end of this chapter)

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