The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3205: It's harder than reaching the sky

   Chapter 3205 Something harder than reaching the sky

   When Xia Jiu got up in the morning, there was still a maid who cleaned her clothes and put them over.

   She was slightly startled. She slept with her clothes last night. Now that all the clothes have been washed and brought here, it was obvious that someone took off her clothes while she was asleep.

   She took it and put it on, so she didn't need to guess who was taking off her clothes.

   For several days, the driver kept picking up Xia Jiu, and strictly limited the time she stayed in Xia Lin's ward.

   There is only one difference, that is, Shen Muhan rarely comes back very late, he will come back around lunchtime, and as long as he can spare time, he will cook by himself.

   But this does not mean that Xia Jiu is used to it.

  Especially on weekends, she stayed in the empty villa and was not happy.

  The whole villa is actually very big, and there are many places to go. There are flowers and grasses in the backyard and front yard, as well as ponds, small bridges and flowing water.

   But after all, it’s just a boxy piece of heaven and earth, and it’s not interesting at all.

There were also a lot of people, gardeners and maids, but they all kept their heads down, well-trained, and although they were full of curiosity about Xia Jiu, no one dared to ask more questions, and they didn't dare to say anything in front of her. .


   Even on weekends, Shen Muhan is dealing with things in the company.

  Work is like that, as long as you are willing to do it, you can always find something to do.

  Xia Jiu called Chen Qi, and Shen Muhan's personal phone number to her has not been through since the call.

   "Chen Qi, can I talk to Shen Muhan?"

  Chen Qi said immediately: "Just a moment."

   He ran to Shen Muhan and said in a low voice, "It's Miss Xia's call."

   "Why didn't she call me when she asked me?" Shen Muhan dropped the marker in his hand.

   Chen Qi reminded in a low voice, "Didn't the young master ask me to cancel that number?"

   After Xia Fen called that number last time, Shen Muhan simply didn't ask for that number.

   Shen Muhan picked up the marker, signed the document, and said, "What did she say?"

   "Miss Xia, what is the young master asking you?"

   Xia Jiu said: "I don't like staying here very much, you ask him when he will let me out. If he doesn't let me out, I will go out by myself."

   "Master, Miss Xia said she wanted to go out to play. I'm asking if you can."

   Shen Muhan snorted softly and asked her to go out to play, is she going to help herself find a woman to come back?

   She just doesn't want to stay by her side?

   He said coldly, "Tell her no."

   "Miss Xia, the young master asked you to stay at home and wait for him to come back." Chen Qi said.

   On the other end of the phone, Xia Jiu didn't speak any more, and hung up the phone silently.

  Chen Qi sorted the documents aside, thought about it and said, "Master, why don't you take a weekend off. You've been working hard these days."

   "What, do you want to take a vacation?"

   "I'm not very tired, mainly because I'm afraid that the young master is working hard. If the young master is willing to let me off, then I am very happy." Chen Qi followed Shen Muhan for so many years, and this was the first time he took the initiative to mention the matter of rest.

   Shen Muhan thought of the arrogant woman at home and said, "Make arrangements and push everything away. You don't have to follow me, go to rest by yourself."

   "Okay." Chen Qi was overjoyed.

   After Xia Jiu called Chen Qi, she knew that getting Shen Muhan to agree to leave was more difficult than going to the sky.

   But she can't be like this all the time.

  Especially, she didn't even have a change of clothes on her body. Every day, she relied on the maid to wash the clothes she wore during the day at night. She could only wear the same clothes the next day.

   She was about to vomit.

   "Driver, take me out, I'll be back soon."

  The driver was a little scared, "Miss Xia, the young master said that you can't go out on weekends. If you are not feeling well, we can call a family doctor for you."

   "But I'm so sick that I'm already bleeding. The family doctor can't handle it." Xia Jiu stretched out her palm, which was covered with blood, and her face was extremely pale, as if she was enduring great pain.

The   blood was made by her with raw materials, and the pale face was stolen from the maid's base makeup. If it weren't for this, the driver would definitely not send her out.

   The driver really didn't dare to neglect and said, "Miss Xia, get on the bus quickly, and I'll take you to the hospital right away."

   As for the report to Shen Muhan, he can do it in the car. If Miss Xia's body is delayed, he can't bear Shen Muhan's anger.

   The car quickly drove out of the villa area.

   When we got to the main road, the road was very congested, and there were many people traveling on weekends. The driver could only honk his horn and say, "Miss Xia, please bear with me, you will be at the hospital soon."

   But the road ahead was blocked at all, and the car could hardly move.

  Xia Jiu saw the opportunity, opened the car door, and walked straight out of the car.

  The cars were jammed everywhere, and she easily passed through the crowds.

   The driver noticed it right away and shouted, "Miss Xia! Miss Xia!"

   But Xia Jiu turned a deaf ear, and the figure soon disappeared.

  The driver didn't dare to get out of the car, only then did he realize that he had been tricked by Xia Jiu, and was so frightened that he quickly called Shen Muhan.

   Shen Muhan had already quit his job and planned to go back to the villa to accompany Xia Jiu for a while. She was always squeamish, and he was willing to get used to her squeamishness.

  Chen Qi drove, intending to take him back first, and then rest.

   To be able to let the young master go back to accompany Miss Xia more, he thinks it is worth doing.

   "Master, why don't you buy a bunch of flowers and go home. When I was watching TV yesterday, the person above said that girls like flowers."

   "Are there any flowers in the garden?" Shen Muhan said lightly, looking halfway over his eyes and seeing a flower shop on the side of the road, he said, "Stop the car."

   After getting off the car, he walked into the flower shop.

  The owner of the flower shop saw such an extraordinary man appear, and hurriedly asked: "Sir, what kind of flowers do you want to buy? Who are they for?"

   "For some squeamish girls."

   "It's better than roses. This purple rose was airlifted from New Zealand. The purple is elegant and generous, and roses can represent your favor."

  Shen Muhan turned to Junyan and glanced at the flower pointed by the boss, and nodded, "That's it."

   bought the flowers, he was a little awkward holding such a big bouquet, and he could not help but straighten his thin lips.

Just as I was about to get into the car, the phone rang, and the driver's hurried voice came: "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't like Miss Xia. Miss Xia ran away by herself when the traffic jam just now. And she still has some signs of miscarriage, There's a lot of blood, and I don't know where she is now..."

   The ink color in Shen Muhan's eyes suddenly surged, and something subtly shattered in the bottom of his calm eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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