Chapter 3220 You are buried with you

   She was unsteady and fell to the ground. The wolves beside her were watching, but they all remained fearful and rational.

   Pain came from the wound on her body. She bit her lip, only to find that her palm was also scratched. She lowered her head, and her long curly hair fell down and fell on her extremely thin shoulders.

   In the light, her extremely thin silhouette was printed, her shoulders were trembling, and she suppressed a low voice.

  Why is it so hard to even choose to die?

   On her legs, blood was bubbling out, and the blood had no tendency to stop at all. On her extraordinarily white skin, her eyes hurt.

   Shen Muhan reached out to her: "Go back with me."

   "I'm not going back." Xia Jiu instinctively refused.

   She was more afraid of the man in front of her than of these wolves.

  At least, they attacked indiscriminately, in order to survive, but what about him? Moody, no heart at all.

  A creature without a heart but with an IQ is really terrifying. She clenched her fists and her mind went blank.

   "Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan's voice was full of impatience.

   He stretched out his hand, grabbed Xia Jiu's thin body, and carried it directly on his shoulders.

"Let me go!" Xia Jiu reacted, her legs were off the ground, her center of gravity was misaligned, and he was carrying it across her shoulders. The feeling of weightlessness made her about to vomit. She beat his shoulders, but this man , is not moved at all.

   He doesn't seem to have such a thing as pain nerves at all. No matter how Xia Jiu bites and scratches, his steps are firmly forward, and his body does not even move.

   "Shen Muhan, let me go! Let me go!" Xia Jiu struggled desperately, but couldn't compete with his steel-like palm.

The housekeeper stepped forward from a distance, and seeing such a scene in front of him, he didn't know how to persuade him for a moment. He stood still and saw that Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu were covered in blood, he finally hesitated: "Eldest young master, Miss Xia is injured, why not…”

   "Call the doctor here and bring the rabies vaccine!" Shen Mu threw out a cold cry.

The housekeeper responded and hurriedly called the doctor. Just now he saw Xia Jiu rushing to the backyard, and then he heard the wolf howling one after another. Now he came out with this injury. Needless to say, he really needs to fight rabies. vaccine.

The hungry wolves in the   Wolf Shelter all feed on raw meat, and their fangs and claws carry an unknown amount of bacteria. Now that Xia Jiu is pregnant, the butler's steps quickened a lot when he thought about it.

Xia Jiu was carried into the room, she felt a heavy weight, and her whole body was thrown into the bed. She was in pain and bitterness, but she held back her tears and sat up, "Shen Muhan, let go of Dewey! Ours! Things, you can trouble me as much as you want, don't talk about irrelevant people."

   His gaze fell on the wound on her body, his black eyes froze for a moment, he turned around and went out, slamming the door heavily.

   "Chen Qi, come back." He took out his phone and said only four words.

   Chen Qi, who has been with him for a long time, naturally understands the meaning of these words. This is to let him not trouble Dewey and come back directly.

   For Shen Muhan, who has always been absolutely domineering and domineering, giving orders and then changing orders was never a common situation in the past.

   It's just that with Xia Jiu here now, Chen Qi felt that everything was normal, and it was really normal to be influenced by Xia Jiu.

  The heavy door blocked the sound from outside.

Xia Jiu blinked her eyes heavily, tears fell uncontrollably, and her heart was extremely aggrieved. At that moment, she really wanted to die, but at this moment, the pain was eroding, and she felt a heartbeat. of suffering.

   She wanted to call Dewey, only to remember that she hadn't brought her cell phone, there was a landline, but she couldn't remember Dewey's number at all.

   But, what if you know his number? A culprit like himself can't solve any problems, so what's the use of calling him?

   I really hate myself, I hate myself for being useless, and it only brings trouble and pain to others.

   Unfortunately, I can't do anything by myself.

   Even death is not an easy task.

  She closed her eyes, the corners of her eyes were cold.

After a while, the door was suddenly reopened. Xia Jiu was startled and looked at the door subconsciously. Shen Muhan came in again, his face was no better than before, followed by a few doctors who looked like doctors, wearing white coats and holding medicine. box.

  Xia Jiu regained the calmness just now after seeing the person coming, and sat on the edge of the bed coldly.

The doctor came forward, saw the wound on her leg, and was secretly surprised, and said, "Young Master Han, if this is scratched by an animal, it needs to be washed with soapy water and washed with running cold water for at least 20 minutes before we can treat the wound. Also, the rabies vaccine is a must, and looking at the wound, it's really bad."

   "Will it affect the fetus?" Shen Muhan's voice was cold, with blood red in his black eyes, he glanced at Xia Jiu, her entire small face was shrouded in long hair, and she couldn't tell her demeanor.

   Hearing Shen Muhan's words, she didn't show any emotion, just like a wooden and clay sculpture, she just sat there blankly.

   "Shao Han, the rabies vaccine will not harm the fetus, and it is also safe for pregnant women. As long as it is administered in time, it will not be a problem." The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   "Is she vaccinated against rabies, will she be safe?"

  The doctor said hurriedly: "The effect of the rabies vaccine can reach 99.9%, and there will be basically no problems with this vaccine."

   "That means it can't be 100%?" Shen Muhan's voice became more and more cold.

   "No one can guarantee 100% such a thing. After all, any medicine has it..." The doctor explained, his tone trembling.

  Shen Muhan interrupted him forcefully: "If Xia Jiu has something to do, you should be buried with him."

  The doctors were all sick all of a sudden, and they all stood still, but no one dared to refute them.

Xia Jiu raised his head with a swipe and stared at Shen Muhan: "Then I won't fight. I am alone, and I will kill so many people anyway, when everyone shouts and fights, it will be outrageous, such a broom star lives in What's the point in the world?"

   "It's up to you to fight or not. Doctor, prepare the medicine." Shen Muhan rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Xia Jiu. Seeing this posture, he was afraid that he would press her forward and ask the doctor to inject medicine for her.

Xia Jiu's fingers clenched the sheets, and whispered: "If I really resist, you may not be able to hold me down. If the needle is snapped and broken into the blood vessel, it will only be a death to the left and right anyway. You have to do it, Just do it."

   (end of this chapter)

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