The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3232: Isn't it just having a baby?

   Chapter 3232 Isn't it just to have a child?

   She gritted her teeth for a long time before she restrained her urge to kill and said, "It hurts, hands, feet, mouth, and the whole body hurts. Last time, the doctor said that the side effects of this drug will take some time to disappear."

   She said as softly as she could, so numbly that she trembled.

  In the darkness, there was another silence. The cold and sultry breath emanating from the man made Xia Jiu feel uneasy. Couldn't he really be wild and ignore anything?

   She was carrying it in her stomach, but the child he was thinking of!

   Finally, Xia Jiu waited for the man's response.

   He didn't speak, he lifted the quilt silently and got out of bed, his body was enveloped by a layer of indifference and irritability, even from a distance, Xia Jiu could feel the rage of his dissatisfaction.

   She grabbed the quilt to cover herself, for fear that he would lose her mind, and turned around to give herself a critical blow.

   But in the end, he didn't. In the darkness, his figure was getting farther and farther away. Finally, the door was pulled open and slammed back with a bang.

   Immediately, quietness and silence were restored to the ears.

  Ye seemed a little deeper, Xia Jiu calmed her breath and lay down, realizing that the man who left in anger should not come back, she finally closed her eyes.

   In Shen Muhan's study.

   Several doctors from the obstetrics and gynecology department were called over and looked at each other, not knowing what happened to Xia Jiu.

  But they didn't see Xia Jiu, they only saw Shen Muhan sitting in the chair with an unpleasant expression, like a fiery lion, with an aura that no one could touch.

  The doctors were trembling and began to search their intestines and stomachs, and recited the precautions for pregnant women one by one. They could think of things, and they could not think of anything.

   "It is very important for pregnant women to maintain a good mood during pregnancy. Only in this way can the fetus' body and mind develop healthily."

"The first and third trimesters are the period when the fetus is very vulnerable, and it is also the most prone to miscarriage and infection, so pregnant women need to be very careful about their bodies... Married life should also be very restrained, otherwise it will not be good for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. "

   "Folic acid supplementation is also a very important..."

   "Enough!" Shen Muhan was tired of listening and suddenly stood up.

  The doctors hurriedly stopped talking, not daring to continue, nor did they know what happened to Xia Jiu.

  I haven't seen her and I haven't heard of any problems with her, so is this asking everyone to simply recite the rules for pregnant women to Young Master Han?

   "Let them all go out!"

   Chen Qi heard this and hurriedly led the doctors out.

  Shen Muhan raised his hand and pinched between his brows, **** it, it turned out that what the woman said was true, her stomach hurts, she was intemperate in the early days, and the consequences were unpredictable!

   Originally he thought, maybe it was just an excuse she made up to avoid some responsibilities.

   Such a squeamish woman, what's the use!

Isn't    just having a baby?

  Shen Muhan had the thought of removing her child for a moment.

   In a flash, he suppressed that thought, but it was not because he wanted a child. For him, a weak creature like a child was useless and had absolutely no need to exist.

   Xia Jiu didn't think about it at all that someone had the idea of ​​taking her child away and fell asleep.

   When I went to the company the next day, I was full of energy and my mood was much better.

   In fact, as long as she stays away from Shen Muhan, she feels that her spirit will be fine.

After    went to the company, we held a meeting.

At the    meeting, the leader mentioned that Shi Youxuan wanted to open a special line for Xia Ruomeng's design. The series of designs were called Golden Years, which happened to be the works that Xia Jiu was very satisfied with.

   Now, Xia Ruomeng has taken this work and started to progress towards a higher level.

   Everyone applauded and looked at Xia Ruomeng with a smile.

  Xia Ruomeng smiled slightly: "Thank you everyone. I will continue to work hard in the future, strive to work together with the company, and make progress together with everyone."

   "Ruo Meng is so humble."

   "That's right, we are also blessed by Ruomeng. During the next time, some people are busy."

  Xia Jiu lowered his head, thoughtfully, but did not participate in this topic.

  Xia Ruomeng smiled and turned towards Xia Jiu: "Xia Jiu, I still need your help in many places about opening the special line this time. I hope you can help me a lot."

   She had a gentle smile on her face, but there was a flash of pride and lightness that only Xia Jiu could understand.

  Xia Jiu nodded without speaking.

   "Miss Shi opened a special line to produce clothes for my design. I am not the only one who needs to be busy, and I am not the only one who benefits, so Xia Jiu, let's work together."

  Xia Jiu raised his eyebrows: "Let's work hard together."

When the leader met, he said another thing: "In addition, a wealthy lady will come to the company the day after tomorrow to customize a series of clothes for her daily life or for attending events. She has a lot of prestige and status. , if she wears so many clothes from our company, it will definitely bring us a great reputation and blessing. Ruo Meng, she likes your design very much, you and Xia Jiu welcome her, you will have to work hard recently. some."

   Probably because Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu worked together before, and they were cousins. Seeing that Xia Ruomeng was helping Xia Jiu everywhere, the leader arranged for the two of them together.

   This is exactly what Xia Ruomeng intended. With Xia Jiu here, he can just pass the matter on to Xia Jiu, and the credit is naturally the designer's, otherwise, is it possible that it will be an assistant?

  Xia Jiu was noncommittal about this arrangement and made no comments.

   Looking at Xia Ruomeng's smug face, she just hooked her lips, picked up the document, and walked out together.

Xia Ruomeng followed her: "Xia Jiu, working together is good for us all. If the cooperation with this wealthy lady is successful this time, then it will be just around the corner for you to become a designer. As for me, now Pregnant with a child, time is tight, I have to do everything by myself, if I really can’t do it, it’s so hard for you.”

  Xia Jiu stopped and looked at her: "You might as well say it straight, you can't handle this matter, so I have to come forward, you take advantage, I'll do the labor, right?"

"You're an assistant, an assistant must do more as an assistant. I'm a designer, so I really have to take on important responsibilities, right?" Xia Ruomeng smiled proudly, "When you become a designer, You can do this too. Come on, Xia Jiu. By the way, I have to have dinner with my fiancé Fang Minghao at night, so I can't work overtime, and I'm pregnant, so I can't work overtime according to the regulations. I'll take care of you for the rest. ."

   (end of this chapter)

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