Chapter 3235 I help myself

"Yes, I helped her a lot. Her graduation thesis, her design draft, and her ability to become a designer of BIR were all because of the misappropriation of my stuff. So now, even if there is a task that falls on her head, She couldn't finish it either, so I could only help her. I'm not helping her, I just don't want to see my design being superseded and changed beyond recognition." Xia Jiu said rudely, "So no need to thank you. , I'm just helping myself."

Xia Ruomeng's face changed slightly, Fang Minghao was a little angry, looking at Xia Jiu who was still bright and moving in front of him, he felt that she had become very strange: "Xia Jiu, how can you say that? What is your situation, what is Ruo Meng's situation? Isn't it obvious? I know that the person you hate is me. But you can't obliterate Ruo Meng's efforts at will."

"Whether it's her hard work, you'll find out when the time comes. It's better not to endorse things you don't know about yourself." Xia Jiu gave him a cold look. She used to think that this man was at least smart. Now Only then did I know that no matter how wise men are, they will be brainwashed by white lotus and green tea bitches, and would rather believe in false tenderness than accept true frankness.

   She hooked her lips and said, "Oh, I forgot. In fact, you know her very well. After all, you have children. However, I hope that when you fully understand it, you can be as calm as you are now."

"Xia Jiu, you don't need to carry a gun and a stick. In terms of work, I am indeed more respected than you in the company. But don't worry, the rich lady will come over tomorrow, and we will design her together. Your credit , I will not take it away. At that time, I will be in the company and tell the leaders about your hard work and hard work. It is yours, I will not take it for nothing, it is yours. But it is mine, and I can’t do it at will. To you, I know you have self-respect and pride, and everyone should do their best."

   Xia Ruomeng's words were very grand and gentle, and they sounded impeccable.

  Fang Minghao looked at her tenderly and said, "No one can take away your credit."

  Xia Jiu felt a little nauseous when she saw this scene. It seemed that even the child in her stomach felt the arrogance and couldn't stand this pair of dogs and men.

"Yeah, and I won't take credit for others. BIR is a big company with rules and order. As long as you work hard, you can get corresponding rewards." Xia Ruomeng finished speaking and looked at Xia Jiu again. , "So, Xia Jiu, come on!"

Mrs. Fang came over, took the examination report, looked at it with joy, and showed a smile: "What are you still talking about? Since Xia Jiu hasn't left yet, let's have dinner together. The baby is healthy, and the doctor can say anything about it. No. By the way, doesn't it happen that Xia Jiu also works with Ruo Meng? When the time comes, we need to help each other more."

   Mrs. Fang has now received the report. Seeing that her grandson is healthy, she is in a very good mood. She kindly invites Xia Jiu.

   In front of Xia Jiu, he did not shy away from mentioning the child in Xia Ruomeng's womb.

   "No, it's not necessary." Xia Jiu said indifferently, "Go and eat by yourself."

   "In that case, Auntie, let's not disturb Xia Jiu." Xia Ruomeng said with a smile, "Let's go by ourselves."

   Mrs. Fang glanced at Xia Jiu, knowing in her heart that she was arrogant and arrogant, so she no longer retained her, but she was no longer the eldest daughter, so what was the use of arrogance and arrogance?

   "If you dream, you are pregnant, you can do whatever you can do at work, and if you can't do it, take more rest. Your health is important, you know?"

  Xia Jiu had already turned and left, and Mrs. Fang's voice was still stubbornly heard.

  Fang Minghao said: "Mom, now is a critical period for Ruomeng's career. She also wants to take advantage of this time to prepare her special line products as soon as possible, so that she can take maternity leave with peace of mind."

   Mrs. Fang said strangely: "Then you can't help but take care of your body. Minghao, you are a real child. You don't even know how to take good care of your wife."

  Xia Ruomeng smiled softly: "Auntie, no, Minghao loves me very much, because I want to do more things and work hard for our future and future."

  Xia Jiu walked forward quickly, finally getting rid of the voices coming from behind.

   When she got home, Chen Qizheng hurried in from outside, talking on the phone while walking.

  Xia Jiu vaguely heard the words BIR, acquisition, etc. from his words, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

   After Chen Qi hung up, Xia Jiu stopped him: "Assistant Chen."

  Chen Qi stood still, "Miss Xia."

   "What did you just say about BIR? What's going on?" Xia Jiu frowned slightly. Could it be that Shen Muhan wanted to do something to the entire company?

  The last time about Dewey, is there any end to it?

   "Miss Xia, the young master has already acquired BIR, and is currently arranging someone to manage it." This matter is not a big deal, not to mention the overall situation has been decided, Chen Qi has nothing to hide from Xia Jiu.

   "Acquisition? When did it happen?" Xia Jiu's eyes flashed with strange colors.

"last night."

  Xia Jiu: "...!!"

last night!

  Xia Jiu couldn't help touching his forehead, how quickly Shen Muhan had acquired a leading company in the industry in one day, and now he is arranging high-level personnel to settle in!

   Having said that, then BIR will belong to Shen Muhan in the future?

  Xia Jiu calmly asked: "So, will the middle managers change? Like the group of people in the manager position?"

   "No." Chen Qi told the truth, "At present, there will be no personnel changes involving most people. As long as they are willing to stay, they can stay, Miss Xia. So it will not affect your work."

   "Hmm." Xia Jiu was relieved, so it seemed that this was Shen Muhan's normal work and had nothing to do with him.

   will not affect anyone because of himself.

Chen Qixiang suddenly remembered something and said, "Miss Xia, in fact, I went to investigate the matter of Zheng Fusha last time. The young master refused to let people slander you, and found the initiator Zheng Fusha, but that woman kept slandering you, But in fact, she is a stain on her body, and she can't wash it off."

   A hint of disbelief flashed in Xia Jiu's eyes. She originally thought that what happened to Zheng Fusha was revealed because of her own evildoing, but she didn't expect that Shen Muhan asked Chen Qi to do it?

  He investigated Zheng Fusha just for himself?

   But at that time, wasn't he angry with him?

   There was a slight flash in her eyes, and there were subtle emotions in her heart, and she said, "Thank you, Assistant Chen."

   (end of this chapter)

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