Chapter 3237 Heartless smile

   But even those who knew Shi Youxuan's true identity still called her Miss Shi to hide her true identity from the outside world.

  Xia Jiu felt full all of a sudden, and looked away, too lazy to look at Shen Muhan, but now he was also a guest, so he had to sit down and accept the host's gift.

Compared with Xia Jiu's silence, Shi Youxuan's words were much more. In front of Xia Jiu, she also deliberately didn't call Shen Muhan her eldest brother, and said with a smile, "Thank you for buying BIR this time, I just want to invest in Xia Ruo. Dream's design, open a special line to produce, you buy it like this, it will be much more convenient for me to do things."

Xia Jiu held her chopsticks and was counting the grains of rice in her rice bowl. Hearing these words was similar to what she thought, and she was embarrassed again. The words came out of someone else's mouth, but they were different from what she thought. completely different.

She didn't look up, and didn't know what Shen Muhan looked like, only to hear Shi Youxuan say again: "By the way, Miss Xia is also an employee of BIR, right? But you are still an assistant, and you are still a bit far from the position of designer. This acquisition BIR, we're going to invest more, other people benefit a lot, your benefit is not so obvious. Alas, that's a shame."

  Xia Jiu raised her head and looked at Shi Youxuan with a half-smiling smile: "How much money I can earn, I don't have obvious benefits, and I have few things to do. Miss Shi doesn't have to feel sorry for me."

  Shi Youxuan smiled unconvincingly: "Then you have to endure it. It's not that easy for BIR's assistant to be promoted to designer."

   "Thank you Miss Shi for your concern, I'll take it slow. It won't take long." The corner of Xia Jiu's lips showed an indifferent smile, but the bottom of her eyes was gloomy.

  Is this the woman Shen Muhan likes? The last time I saw her and Shen Muhan together, Xia Jiu almost forgot this character after not appearing for so long.

   Then, in the future, the child born by yourself will be handed over to this woman to be raised?

Just thinking about it, Xia Jiu felt a chill down her spine. With a father like Shen Muhan and a mother like Shi Youxuan, what kind of life will her children accept in the future? ?

  I brought such a child into the world, is this the world I want to give him?

   She was holding her chopsticks. It was not a very fragrant dinner, and now it is even more tasteless.

  Shi Youxuan was happy when she saw that she had hit Xia Jiu, and she went to talk to Shen Muhan again. Shen Muhan responded very little, and Shi Youxuan didn't take it seriously.

When    was almost finished, Shen Muhan put down his chopsticks, glanced at Shi Youxuan lightly, and said, "You should go."

  Shi Youxuan originally wanted to talk to Shen Muhan about his brother-sister relationship. He was talking about BIR cooperation, and then followed him to make more money, and his mouth was deflated: "Then what should I do if I want to stay a little longer?"

   "Cold salad." Shen Muhan never cared about other people's emotions, and the two words blocked Shi Youxuan to the point of being unable to speak.

   She stood up and said, "Then Miss Xia is leaving too? Why don't we go together?"

   Xia Jiu realized that he also belongs to the ranks of guests, and it is time to say goodbye and leave.

   She stood up, put down her chopsticks, and said, "Then I'm leaving too."

   "You can't leave first, I have something to tell you." Shen Muhan stopped Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu's figure was extremely petite against his tall and straight figure, and he had no ability to resist.

   She could only say: "Then I won't go out with Miss Shi."

  Shi Youxuan was dissatisfied and didn't dare to vent, so she could only carry her bag and turned around to go out.

  Xia Jiu's eyes were cold, looking at Shi Youxuan's back, without looking at Shen Muhan, and said, "What else do you want to tell me, Young Master Han?"

   "Have a bowl of soup." Shen Muhan saw that nothing on her plate had moved much, and she hadn't eaten a few bites of rice. She remembered what the doctor said that pregnant women have good and bad appetites, and their tastes will also become tricky.

   Saw a refreshing and light vegetarian soup on the table, he said.

   "I'm full. It's almost time to leave, Young Master Han." Xia Jiu hoped that this time because of Shi Youxuan's matter, Shen Muhan would let her leave the Shen family and she could go back to her own place.

   How the child solves it at that time should also be his own business.

   "Who told you to leave?"

   "Am I not a guest? Of course the guest has to leave, so is it possible that they still want to live here?"

  Xia Jiu walked to the sofa and reached for her bag.

   Shen Muhan's brows sank, like the deep sea in the dark night, dark and cold.

   "No one told you to leave. Butler, close the door!"

   Following Shen Muhan's words, several doors in the living room and dining room were all closed, and there was nowhere to go out.

  Xia Jiu was a little annoyed, "You said it to be a guest. Now I want to go, but you won't let me go? Where is someone like you?"

   "Just want to go?"

  Xia Jiu touched his cold and compelling eyebrows, not wanting to confront him head-on, and turned his tongue: "You let me go."

   "When did I say let you go?" He gently rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong forearms, and when he got closer, he could see the scars on his forearms.

  Xia Jiu swallowed, what did he care about with him? It's clear that it can't quarrel with him.

She stroked her hair, tucked the waterfall-like hair in front of her back into her head, revealing a smooth and full forehead, and said, "The next time someone comes over, I'll avoid it earlier and hide in the room. To avoid embarrassment for everyone. .I'm going up right now."

   Shen Muhan followed her footsteps and followed her unhurriedly, Xia Jiu murmured in her heart, and walked forward.

   When he was about to open the door, he suddenly stretched out his long arm and separated her from the door. That arm just stood between her and the door, looking down at the restless woman in front of him.

  Xia Jiu looked back at him indifferently, with a light and shallow water in his eyes.

   At this moment in the entire villa, the lights are on, as bright as day, with his head down, his huge height advantage is undoubtedly evident, and his figure is also cast on the door, covering her figure.

   "Young Master Han, I've eaten my meal, and the people aren't leaving, shouldn't it be time for me to go back to rest?" Xia Jiu even smiled lightly.

   This woman, when she smiled heartlessly, felt extremely alienated, and her whole body was covered with a layer of mist, which made it impossible for people to see through her heart.

  Shen Muhan stretched out his fingers and pinched her chin. The skin was in contact with each other, and a thin electric current spread across his fingertips. He did not resist this feeling, but wanted more.

   (end of this chapter)

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