The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3241: embellished with amazing empty inspiration

   Chapter 3241 embellished with amazing empty inspiration

   "It'll be fine right away." Xia Jiu said, this suit is a slim fit dress with a very light veil design and a **** v-neck, which can just right highlight Mrs. Gao's charming collarbone, and the overall feeling is very three-dimensional.

   "Xia Jiu, the shawl you want has arrived." Xiaomei ran over and put the shawl in Xia Jiu's hand.

  Xia Jiu touched it, this material…

   "Didn't you say before that you don't want such materials?"

  Xiaomei immediately shook her head: "I don't know, this is the one who sent the materials yesterday. I checked and there is nothing wrong with the style."

   "No, you can't use this shawl." Xia Jiu said decisively, "I'll see if there are any other shawls."

  Because the shoulders of this dress are very thin and fully exposed, if there is no shawl, it will look a little hollow, even a necklace can't save much.

  Xiao Yunhua saw that she was still looking, thought she was doing it on purpose, and said, "Xia Jiu, are you finished? It's still waiting outside."

   "Not yet. Haste is not enough, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, haven't you heard of it?" Xia Jiu glanced at her lazily.

   "Then how long will it take you?"

   "Don't make a fuss." Xia Jiu said, in that tone, there was a bit of arrogance in the coldness, and she was used to the appearance of calling people, just like when she was the eldest young lady before.

   Xiao Yunhua was stunned by her aura, so he couldn't make a sound for a while, and could only watch Xia Jiu slowly pick up his shawl over there.

   She looked at the watch on her wrist and urged again, "Can you hurry up, Xia Jiu? Who are you procrastinating for?"

  Xia Jiu put the dresses in her hand on her hand and said, "Then just take it like this, I'm too lazy to look for it. Everyone, don't delay."

  Xiao Yunhua seemed to be holding a bunch of hot potatoes, and hurriedly withdrew her hand as if she had been burned. If something went wrong, how could she be responsible for this?

   "Wait or take it away." After Xia Jiu entered the working state, the whole person had a powerful aura that was unbearable.

   The cold eyebrows are full of confidence, and the face is full of strength that no strangers should approach. When thinking, he tilted his head, making people dare not speak out.

  Xiaomei wanted to persuade her not to offend Xiao Yunhua, but when she saw her posture, she was a little afraid to speak.

  Xiao Yunhua walked out quickly and came to Xia Ruomeng's side.

  Xia Ruomeng was talking with Mrs. Gao. Obviously, Mrs. Gao's time is also very precious. She couldn't help waiting for such a long time, and her smile was already stained with impatience.

   "Mrs. Gao, please try this coffee. This is the newly imported coffee from Brazil today." Xia Ruomeng delivered a cup of freshly brewed coffee to Mrs. Gao, "I'm sorry for the time being."

   She walked up to Xiao Yunhua and said, "Where's the clothes?"

"Xia Jiu is dawdling, I don't know what she's grinding. I tried several times, but she refused to give me a dress." Xiao Yunhua complained, "I see Xia Jiu like that, it's on purpose, I can't see you Good. Besides, she knows the current situation, you are very anxious, and you deliberately talk about it. "

   "I'll go take a look." Xia Ruomeng glanced at Mrs. Gao, knowing that the time was urgent and there was no delay.

   Xiao Yunhua immediately followed Xia Ruomeng and entered the backstage.

  Xia Jiu was still picking and choosing over there, and it seemed that he couldn't finish it in a while.

   "Xia Jiu, are you still busy?" Xia Ruomeng smiled softly, suppressing the anxiety in her heart, and stepped forward and said, "What's going on, what else?"

  Xiaomei was accompanying Xia Jiu to find something, when she saw Xia Ruomeng, her eyes glowed, she was very happy! She met her idol today!

Xiaomei covered her cheeks excitedly, then let go, rushed over and said in surprise, "You are Xia Ruomeng, the talented designer with aura, right? I adore you! Designer Xia, you can sign for me. a name?"

   "If Meng is still busy, don't disturb her." Xiao Yunhua stopped Xiaomei.

   It's good that she didn't stop her. This stop, a reverse force, almost made Xiaomei fall on Xia Ruomeng.

  Xia Ruomeng hurriedly covered her stomach, her brows furrowed, and she glanced at Xiaomei with disgust. This look was like digging out her heart and eviscerating her bones, making her cold to the core.

  Xiaomei was stunned for a moment.

  Xiao Yunhua said angrily, "Did you know that Ruo Meng has a child in her belly? What if something happens to you who is so reckless? Do you still want to continue?"

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Xiaomei pursed her lips in grievance, stood aside, and stopped coming forward wisely.

   "Stand away!" Xiao Yunhua pushed again.

  Xiaomei almost lost her footing, Xia Jiu reached out to catch her, and got a grateful glance from Xiaomei.

   "Okay Xiao Yunhua, Xiaomei has already stood a long way, you have to pay attention to the basic method." Xia Jiu pulled Xiaomei aside and glanced at Xiao Yunhua indifferently.

  Xiao Yunhua's stomach was about to explode when Xia Ruomeng said, "Okay, it's important to get your clothes first."

The reporter also came over just now, and I heard that Xia Ruomeng was here, and her face also showed respect: "Miss Xia, I'm a reporter who will be interviewing Mrs. Gao and you later, and I didn't expect to meet you here. you."

   "Hello, Reporter Zhang." Xia Ruomeng saw the name tag on his chest and said politely, "Then see you later."

   "Okay, let's not delay your work for now." The reporter stood aside and sighed secretly at Xia Ruomeng's youth, and her designs were full of inspiration, and she was eager to try out the interview for a while.

  Xia Ruomeng walked up to Xia Jiu and said, "Looking for a shawl?"

  This design, Xia Ruomeng has seen it many times, and it can be regarded as a clear understanding, and also has some understanding of why a shawl is needed.

   "It's not suitable." Xia Jiu said with her hand copied, and then her eyes brightened, and she found two colorful feathers on the shelf beside.

   She pinned the feathers to the top of the dress, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

  Xia Jiu temporarily added two colored feathers on it, embellishing the amazing empty inspiration.

  Even if there is no shawl, it will not leave too much space at the neck, and it can also bring out the ethereal feeling of the material.

   "Okay." Xia Jiu handed the clothes to Xia Ruomeng.

  Xia Ruomeng frowned imperceptibly. In front of the reporter, she couldn't blame Xia Jiu, but said, "I remember, my first design was to use a shawl?"

"Yes. But now I think it's better to use feathers to embellish it, it's not cumbersome, and it's more suitable for this material." Xia Jiu temporarily changed her design, but felt that this sudden design won her heart even more. Overturned the previous idea, although the previous idea was not bad.

The reporter and Xiao Yunhua next to    both showed a hint of strangeness. This Xia Jiu is too self-assured, right? She is just an assistant. She just changed the size here, and actually went to touch the design of other designers? He said that he was so outspoken that he didn't mean to respect the fruits of other people's labor at all.

  Xia Ruomeng held the dress and said, "No, Xia Jiu, the feathers are too frivolous, so use a shawl."

   She picked up the shawl that Xia Jiu had abandoned just now, took it over, and took off the feathers.

   "Xia Ruomeng, you can't use that shawl!" Xia Jiu's tone was both cold and strong, and both the reporter and Xia Ruomeng were stunned.

Immediately, Xia Ruomeng laughed: "Xia Jiu, this is my design, what I want to use is my freedom. And this has already been seen by Mrs. Gao. If you suddenly change my design, if Mrs. Gao decides to use it. Disgusting, how do you make up for the company's losses?"

   "Xia Ruomeng, then I also tell you that you can't use that shawl. You can also change a shawl. Otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences that will come!"

  Xia Jiu looked very serious, and Xia Ruomeng was also shocked by her.

But in the blink of an eye, Xia Ruomeng was even more convinced that this was because Xia Jiu didn't want to see herself making great contributions to the company this time, and she didn't want to be appreciated by Mrs. Gao, so she came up with such a solution. , to stop yourself.

   What can go wrong with a shawl? Xia Jiu's initial design draft used a shawl. When Mrs. Gao looked at the design draft, she must have worn this dress. Otherwise, Xia Ruomeng would not dare to use these two sets of clothes to conquer Mrs. Gao.

   So, all this must be Xia Jiu, trying to delay his progress, so that he can't finish this thing smoothly.

After   Xia Ruo Meng knew this, she had a plan in her heart and said, "I am the designer, and of course I will bear the consequences. Xia Jiu, it is not your turn to be the beak here."

After   , Xia Ruomeng turned around and left.

  Xiao Yunhua also snorted from the tip of his nose, and said, "Who is this, can't you tell the priority of things? At such a time, you have to make trouble, and I don't want this assistant's position."

  The reporter stood aside, admiring Xia Ruomeng's decisiveness even more. It turned out that the designer who could be favored by Mrs. Gao was indeed not a mere appearance.

   "Wait!" Xia Jiuqing said coldly.

  Xia Ruomeng was already a little impatient, but in front of the reporter, of course, she had to show it and said, "What else do you want to say, Xia Jiu?"

"Xia Ruomeng, as I said, that shawl can't be used. Since you must use it, it just so happens that the reporters and staff are here, please let them witness together, you have to use the shawl, not the shawl. What I said about Iroha. If something goes wrong, I hope everyone can witness that this matter has nothing to do with my assistant, otherwise, my little assistant can't take such a big responsibility. "

  Because of the quarrel between Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, in addition to Xiaomei and the reporter, other staff members also gathered around.

   Hearing Xia Jiu say to be a witness, everyone spread their hands, not knowing what to witness.

  Xia Ruomeng chuckled, and even more determined in her heart that Xia Jiu was trying to play tricks with herself, so that she couldn't use that shawl, humiliated and deflated in front of Mrs. Gao, and affected her work.

   Do you want to succeed with such a trick in front of you? Xia Jiu, she's still barely warming up!

Xia Ruomeng said with a smile: "Xia Jiu, you are just an assistant. Everything you are doing now is done according to my design. I gave you the clothes and patterns, and your handwork is good. The modified clothes are also very good. When the time comes, I will mention this in front of Manager Du. In front of Mrs. Gao, I will also tell her. "

   What she meant was that Xia Jiu wanted to take credit from herself, and she was generous, and Xia Jiu should have nothing less.

The staff next to    understood, and couldn't help but snicker, "Xia Jiu is eager to claim credit at this time, isn't it a bit too funny?"

   "I'm just an assistant, and I still want to compete with the designer. Isn't this an act of death?"

   "I didn't see it, Xia Jiu looks beautiful, and her mind is so dark!"

Xia Jiu's expression did not change, she walked towards Xia Ruomeng slowly, her bright face and eyes were pale, she said, "Xia Ruomeng, I don't want to take credit with you, neither do you. You need to keep saying what you want to give me. BIR has its own assessment process, and it belongs to whoever belongs, and others will never be able to grab it.

   However, now I say that this shawl cannot be used. If you use it, I don’t want to take this responsibility for you. How about, say in front of everyone, this shawl is what you have to use, it has nothing to do with me Xia Jiu, is it so difficult? "

   Everyone looked at Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, wondering why Xia Jiu, as an assistant, had a stronger attitude than the designer?

   But what Xia Jiu said did have some truth. Whoever uses the shawl is naturally responsible.

The reporter next to them also looked at the two. He was more inclined to Xia Ruomeng, and said, "Let me be fair. Since I'm not a BIR person, it may be more fair and objective. In the current situation, I think It makes sense that whoever uses something should be responsible for it. But Xia Jiu, if you are so stubborn, you will be delaying everyone's work time. I suggest you to say less."

Seeing that the reporter had started talking, Xia Ruomeng smiled and said, "Reporter Zhang, thank you for speaking up, I will take you on this one. Everyone is optimistic, this shawl was designed by me to match Mrs. Gao's. Dress. If something goes wrong, of course I will be in charge. But Xia Jiu, I hope you, as an assistant, will also complete your work seriously and don’t do anything with this shawl.”

   "Then you'd better check it out before taking it out, otherwise I can't tell what happened." Xia Jiu said lightly.

  Xia Ruomeng also pinched the shawl from the beginning in front of everyone, and found nothing wrong with the needle and thread, nor anything that made him feel uncomfortable.

   "Can you check it out? If you leave this door, the future will have nothing to do with me."

"Of course it has nothing to do with you." Xia Ruomeng smiled and saw that Xia Jiu was about to follow, her tone was a little sarcastic, "Why, are you still following? The assistant is no longer here, Mrs. Gao brought a bodyguard, You can't even come in."

  Xiao Yunhua stepped forward to stop Xia Jiu: "Assistant Xia, stay."

  Xia Jiu could only stop.

  Xia Ruomeng finished the examination, and it was not too early, she said, "Okay, it has nothing to do with you, Yunhua, let's go!"

   Xiao Yunhua followed in Xia Ruomeng's footsteps.

   The other staff saw that Xia Jiu had a strong attitude, and even a talented designer like Xia Ruomeng had to be bullied, which showed that Xia Jiu had a bad temper.

   Everyone dispersed, ignoring Xia Jiu.

  Only the little Mei just now, who was still by her side, wanted to ask for needlework skills, and the eager expectation for Xia Ruomeng in her eyes had cooled down.

   The reporter pursed his lips. He came for Xia Ruomeng. Naturally, he would not pay more attention to Xia Jiu, and he was too lazy to pay attention to Xia Jiu, so he went to the side to visit and shoot.

   Mrs. Gao waited for a long time, Xia Ruomeng finally came in.

   She raised her hand slightly and said, "Bring it?"

   "Yes Mrs. Gao, this is a dress we made for you. You can try it now."

   Mrs. Gao nodded. She has to attend a lot of events every year. With such an identity, she cannot wear the same dress every time. She also dislikes the easy-to-collide shirts rented by the brand, so she will customize it.

   Seeing the dress Xia Ruomeng was holding in her hands, her smile became hotter, "The fabric is good, it looks more textured than the design draft."

   "This design is a bit of a picky fabric, so I went to a lot of places to find this fabric." Xia Ruomeng smiled, "It fits your temperament very well."

   Mrs. Gao put on her dress and expressed her satisfaction to herself in the mirror.

   However, she touched her neck, even wearing a necklace, the style is too low, the neck is still too white, and it will not look good when taking pictures.

  Xia Ruomeng brought the shawl in time, "Mrs. Gao, the dress still needs to match this shawl. Try it."

   When she saw the shawl, Mrs. Gao nodded with satisfaction. The shawl looked very thin and had a strong sense of design. There was no problem with this dress. It just solved the problem of white space on the neck.

   "I'll put it on for you." Xia Ruomeng said.

   Mrs. Gao was not too tall, and she was wearing high heels, so she bent over actively, so that Xia Ruomeng put on the shawl.

   Facing the mirror, the assistant helped Mrs. Gao tidy up the shawl. Mrs. Gao also looked at the mirror from front to back, left and right, and looked at her different postures. The smile on her face involuntarily deepened.

   This dress won her heart. Even if she attended important occasions, she would not be crushed by others. She looked at herself in the mirror with a smile on the corner of her lips.

  Xia Ruomeng stood beside her, with a smile that was no less than hers.

This cooperation will bring great hope to her career and will prompt her to enter the fashion circle at the fastest speed and become a well-known designer. The objects of cooperation in the future will be supermodels, actresses, and even the royal family. noble…

  Xiao Yunhua imagined that he could follow Xia Ruomeng to a high position together.

   However, in the next second, Mrs. Gao's assistant made a panicked cry: "Mrs. Gao, you..."

   Mrs. Gao looked at herself in the mirror, and saw a red spot on her snow-white neck and flawless skin.

   "What's the matter!" Mrs. Gao said in surprise, her voice changed.

   (end of this chapter)

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