Chapter 3249 I don't like it

  Xia Jiu heard someone asking.

She frowned, raised her eyes and looked at Shen Muhan, "It's someone who just came to talk to them. Charlene and I didn't pay any attention to them. Maybe they got their minds wrong because of this? I was too careless and shouldn't have taken Charlene alone People stay where they are."

   "Hmm." Shen Muhan replied softly, not knowing which words he was responding to.

  Xia Jiu crossed his fingers with both hands, and kept looking outside, a small face wrinkled subconsciously, his eyes were slightly lowered, and the ends of his eyes were slender.

  Shen Muhan tapped the table lightly with his fingers, remembering that in that small space just now, her pure white back was connected to her slender waistline, the smell was dark and quiet, and her Adam's apple couldn't help sliding.

   At that moment, he really wanted her, but her words directly extinguished the anger in his whole body.

   After thinking about it, I am still a little unhappy.

   However, that woman didn't care whether he was happy at all, and didn't even look at him at this moment.

  The time has passed for a long time, the sound of the stopwatch on Xia Jiu's wrist, clattering forward, every sound sent a heavy sound wave in her heart.

   Finally, she heard Chen Qi's voice: "Master, I found Charlene."

  Xia Jiu suddenly stood up and walked to Shen Muhan's side.

   "Take her to the car to wait for us." Shen Muhan urged.

  Xia Jiu hurriedly followed in his footsteps, Shen Muhan walked very fast, Xia Jiu hurried to catch up, the sun dazzled her eyes a little, but she still didn't think it was fast enough, she took big steps and ran forward.

  Chen Qi saw Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu and immediately opened the car door.

  Xia Jiu sat in, and Xia Lin rushed into her arms, crying very miserably.

  Shen Muhan waved everyone including Chen Qi back, and he also stood elsewhere, Chen Qi came forward to report to him.

   Xia Jiu felt a pain in her heart when Xia Lin cried, "Don't cry, Lin Lin blames me for not being good. You shouldn't be left there alone. Where have you been, are you alright?"


  Xia Jiu's heart is even bigger. She doesn't know what kind of bullying she has been subjected to. If she is really bullied by some man, she will definitely find that person with a machete!

   "Don't cry, don't cry, my sister will definitely avenge you! If someone touches you, I will definitely not make him feel better!"

  Charlene finally raised her head, her eyes were red, her eyes were hazy with tears: "I saw brother-in-law, brother-in-law, he and cousin together..."

  Xia Jiu was stunned: "Then what?"

"They, they held hands, hugged each other, and kissed..." Charlene cried out of breath, "I'm angry, but I can't help but go out to find them, who knows, my cousin is even more aggrieved than me, and my brother-in-law is actually Also, help her."

   "Nothing else happened?"

   "No, I had a big fight with them, they, they and then left. Then your friend, took me into this car." Charlene said.

   "Did Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng hurt you?"

"That's not true, it's just the way the two of them are covering each other. It's really ugly. I'm still angry, and I didn't say it. Plus I feel sorry for my sister, I can't help crying." He squeezed it tightly, his shoulders were tensed, and he looked desperate to find someone.

  Xia Jiu finally felt relieved when she heard what she said. It turned out that nothing else happened, it was just that Xia Lin saw Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng.

   The tense look on her face relaxed, and her seriousness faded away, leaving only a smile: "It's alright, Linlin, it's alright."

   "You can still laugh!" Charlene was filled with righteous indignation, "Brother-in-law, no, such a scumbag can't be my brother-in-law anymore, he's already like that, you still laugh. Sister, he cheated!"

   "It's okay, I don't like him anymore. I don't like that kind of man." Xia Jiu comforted her, holding her face and wiping her tears away.

   "You really got rid of him?" Charlene was suspicious.

   "Why, do you think your sister doesn't have that kind of ability?"

  Charlene immediately shook her head: "My sister is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is gentle, generous, and talented. A man like Fang Minghao is simply not worthy of her!"

   "Isn't that right?" A smile rippled on Xia Jiu's lips, "So you don't have to be sad and sad, okay?"

   "That... No, how could Xia Ruomeng be with Fang Minghao?" Xia Lin stopped crying, but she still felt that this matter was not right, and she was very suspicious.

  Xia Jiu thought about it, and felt that she should tell her the truth, lest she rush over again as irrationally as today when she encounters such a thing next time.

   "Xia Ruomeng is pregnant and will soon marry Fang Minghao. Their family also took away the company that my parents left behind."

   "Ah!" Charlene was still a child after all, she was dumbfounded when she heard this.

"But don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter." Xia Jiu looked into her eyes seriously, "All of this is ours, and we will not hand it over to others. Xia Huangshan and Xia Ruomeng, too. Impossible to do."

  Charlene was a little depressed, but she believed that Xia Jiu, sister, has always been omnipotent and can do anything. With her around, everything will be fine.

   "Then, will there be a problem with my medical bills? Sister, will you be working too hard?" Charlene asked very sensible.

   "Of course no problem, you also said that your sister is very talented, can't you even earn this medical bill?"

  Charlene's eyes turned red again: "But sister, you have just graduated, so it's not easy to make money."

   "Since you know, you have to take good care of yourself and make me feel better, you know?" Xia Jiu hugged her and said.

   "Mmmm." Charlene nodded heavily.

  Xia Jiu took her out of the car, just as Shen Muhan strode over here.

   When Xia Lin saw this handsome and handsome man who suddenly appeared, she couldn't help poking Xia Jiu's palm: "Sister, this man is so handsome."

   "Is your sister okay?" Shen Muhan approached and asked indifferently.

   "It's alright, thank you." Xia Jiu was grateful and could barely forget his disgusting and perverted behavior just now.

   "So, is he your friend, sister?" Charlene asked curiously.

  Xia Jiuzheng was thinking about how to introduce Shen Muhan's identity so that Xia Lin could accept it more easily without scaring her. Soon, she decided that she was a friend.

   Shen Muhan raised his eyebrows and said, "Xia Jiu, you didn't tell your sister about our relationship?"

   "Huh?" Xia Jiu was stopped by the question. To be honest, if it wasn't for the chance encounter today, Xia Jiu would not have introduced Shen Muhan to Xia Lin.

   (end of this chapter)

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