The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3268: Dump Xia Jiuyi Street

   Chapter 3268 Dump Xia Jiuyi Street

  Xia Jiu is wearing a simple skirt and a soft thin sweater on her knees, which makes her whole body full of magic that can't take your eyes away.

   Fang Minghao's focused look just fell into Xia Ruomeng's line of sight.

   She stood up with a flash of displeasure in her heart, and said with a smile, "Minghao, you're here!"

   "Well, just arrived. Xia Jiu is there too?" Fang Minghao gently stepped forward and hugged Xia Ruomeng's waist.

   "Xia Jiu is also a member of the Xia family. The eldest uncle and aunt are gone. Both parents said that no matter what, they must take good care of Xia Jiu and Xia Lin." Xia Ruomeng said softly.

   "Uncle and aunt are really nice." Fang Minghao nodded in agreement.

  Xia Jiu sneered at their singing and harmony, and could not help but put a dash of contempt on his face.

  Fang Minghao didn't agree with her behavior, and felt that Xia Jiu's temper was really a little dissatisfied.

   But Xia Jiu is no longer a boyfriend and girlfriend with him, he can't care what Xia Jiu does.

   At this time, Xia Huangshan and Chen Meiru came in together, surrounded by several senior executives in the company, as well as Shi Youxuan.

   A group of people, Haohaotangtang, said compliments to each other, and were brought in by the servants, and the living room became lively in an instant.

   Fang Minghao's father, Fang, and mother, Mrs. Fang, were among these people.

   When everyone met, there was a lot of excitement, but the excitement had nothing to do with Xia Jiu.

  Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao went up to greet them, they were exquisite and easy to use.

   "Ruomeng is really good now, Mr. Xia is really lucky to have a daughter, so capable and enviable." A compliment came.

   "Hahaha, it's everyone's love." Xia Huangshan said humbly, but he could see that he was enjoying the current moment, "Thanks to Miss Shi's discerning eyes, she was able to give such great support to Ruo Meng."

   "Mr. Xia has won the prize. It was Miss Xia's own ability that facilitated our cooperation this time." Shi Youxuan smiled.

   Then came the voice of a senior executive of the company: "Miss Shi is so young and has such courage, which really makes us both envy and admire. Miss Shi, please give me more advice in the future."

   "Everyone instructs each other." Shi Youxuan was still able to get on the stage in this situation.

   The high-level executive said again: "It's true that Ruomeng is right. At a young age, after graduating from college, he already has such abilities. The Xia family really has a bright future."

  Between each other, Haosheng Business bragged about each other.

  Xia Jiu raised the corners of her lips, no wonder the Xia family's performance in the past two years after the death of her parents failed.

  Xia Huangshan all reused these talkative people, how could it be possible to improve the company's performance?

   Those who are truly capable have either left or are not reused. It would be a pity to really think about it.

  Xia Jiu was in a trance and was awakened by Chen Meiru's voice.

I only heard her shouting: "Xia Jiu? Xia Jiu? What are you still in a daze? Come over to say hello to everyone, come and chat. You are really a child, you are afraid to meet people every time, don't Afraid, come here."

  Chen Meiru's words were both concerned and good for Xia Jiu. It was ironic. People who didn't know Xia Jiu thought that Xia Jiu was a stupid country girl who was too timid to meet people.

  Chen Meiru really set a good character for Xia Jiuli.

  Xia Jiu stood up lazily, her movements were casual and halo, the two young men beside Xia Huangshan suddenly couldn't move their eyes.

  Xia Jiu came forward and said, "I'm here today, congratulations to Ruo Meng and Miss Shi for reaching a cooperation."

   In her words, there was no congratulations.

  Xia Huangshan and Chen Meiru were not very happy, but when they thought about it, the more she was like this, the more others would look down on her, so they let her go.

   Several other high-level executives also shook their heads secretly and made eye contact: "It's still Ruo Meng who is knowledgeable and capable. Compared to Xia Jiu, it's really much better."

   "Yeah, fortunately, the company is not in charge of Xia Jiu, otherwise, all of us would really have to drink the Northwest Wind."

   "It makes sense. Ruo Meng's ability is really not to be underestimated. Now that this special line has opened, the rise of the Xia family is really just around the corner."

  Shi Youxuan glanced at Xia Jiu and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect to meet BIR's Assistant Xia here. Assistant Xia, long time no see, are you okay?"

   In her words, she deliberately emphasized the word assistant, which made Xia Huangshan and Chen Meiru smile knowingly.

A senior member of the Xia family immediately said: "So Xia Jiu is an assistant at BIR, so why stay in BIR? Why don't you just go back to the Xia family. No matter what, the Xia family won't let you just be an assistant, right? ?"

"I remember, Ruo Meng used to be a designer in BIR, right? This sister is different. Compared with her sister, she is still much stronger! There are not many designer positions in BIR, especially young people are rarely hired. Light staff. Ruo Meng is really beyond a lot of people."

"Ruomeng, why don't you persuade Xia Jiu, now the Xia family has a special line opened by you and Miss Shi, and the business has improved a lot. It's not a problem to catch up with BIR in the future. No matter what, I can't let the Xia family Man, go to the other company to be a little assistant, right?"

   Xia Ruomeng's face had a dazzling brilliance in these words. Obviously, the purpose of their family tonight was achieved. With Xia Jiu's disgraced face as a foil, Xia Ruomeng looked brilliant.

  Shi Youxuan hurriedly said: "It turns out that not many people in the Xia family know about Assistant Xia being an assistant. That's really my fault for talking too much."

"I don't blame you, Miss Shi. Actually, I know it. My parents also know it." Xia Ruomeng said softly and generously, "Actually, we also persuaded Xia Jiu to go back to Xia's house to help, at least at home. The company will not bully her. But Xia Jiu said it herself, she wants to start from the grassroots level and experience herself a lot. We have to respect Xia Jiu's intentions."

"Then Xia Jiu is really ambitious. However, it is a good thing to have ambition, and you must choose the right path. Otherwise, you will only go farther and farther on the wrong path. If you have to train yourself, you will waste your time. ." A high-level executive spoke like this again, obviously trying his best to belittle Xia Jiu and touting Xia Ruomeng.

   "Yes, Ruo Meng still needs to help Xia Jiu more. After all, they are sisters, you can't run forward alone and leave Xia Jiu in place." Another high-level person answered.

  Equation and Mrs. Fang also laughed: "Sisters just want to help more."

   They are now more and more satisfied with Xia Ruomeng, whether it is family background, ability, character, or the match with Fang Minghao now, Xia Ruomeng has left Xia Jiuyi Street.

   (end of this chapter)

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