Chapter 3281 We regenerate one

"After the incident, I thought that such a big thing should still be explained to you face to face. After all, this transaction, we talked about it well at the beginning, and now it has caused problems due to accidents, and I should also give you an explanation. , I will explain everything to you solemnly. But..." Xia Jiu couldn't continue.

   It's not grievance or sadness, but as a normal person, she didn't even get basic respect, and she couldn't bear all this.

   The man standing in front of the window was still silent. The sunlight cast his figure on the floor of the ward. The figure was like a silhouette, motionless, maintaining absolute silence and awe.

   "Also, that's just a harmful embryo. It's not a child, and you can't be called the child's father. The big deal, that's a mistake." Xia Jiu closed her eyes, "In the beginning, it shouldn't exist."

"Master Han, this proves that I shouldn't and can't conceive your child. God has already decided everything. We have tried what we should have tried, and it is not suitable for giving birth to a child. So, can you ask for help? You, let me go?"

  Xia Jiu said in a dark voice, "Please", biting very hard.

   "Let go of me and yourself, okay?" Her voice was slightly nasal, somewhat weak and lazy, but more firm.

The man who hadn't moved all the time finally did something. He walked over, pulled out the chair, and sat down in front of Xia Jiu. The figure fell on Xia Jiu's head, making her face half in the sunlight. Half-dark, obscure.

   He said, "Xia Jiu, let's have another one."

  Xia Jiu's stunned eyes suddenly widened, and the dazzling eyes seemed to burst through their sockets.

   He said this in anger before, Xia Jiu thought he was venting.

   But now, after knowing the truth, he still insists?

   "Impossible!" Xia Jiu subconsciously resisted, the previous time was a last resort, then? There will never be such a possibility!

   "This time, it's my fault. I can give you as much money as you want. But the child's affairs are not negotiable."

Facing the powerful and domineering man in front of him, Xia Jiu laughed angrily: "Shen Muhan, do you really think that money can buy everything in this world? Do you think that children are bought? Life is in your mind. What? Even if you do something wrong, isn't what you did wrong? I tell you, none of this is possible! If money can really buy life and feelings, then I ask you, what price do you want to charge? , can let me go, I will give you money!"

  Compared to Xia Jiu's anger, Shen Muhan's attitude was unusually calm, and he said calmly, "I'm talking to you, not you."

   "So what? It's all up to you, right? Shen Muhan, don't think about it, it's impossible!" Xia Jiu clenched her fists in anger.

   He thought for a moment, his voice became more and more calm, and he said, "Then how are you going to leave me?"

  "..." Xia Jiu looked into his eyes, "Do you have a problem with your brain?"

"Xia Jiu, you can't leave. Because Xia Lin is still in treatment, it's impossible to leave with you, and you can't take her with you. Besides, everything about the Xia family is still in the hands of your uncle's family. If your investigation is correct, the Xia family is the hard work of your parents, and you still want to take it back. Therefore, you can't go anywhere. You can only stay in Jingyuan. If you stay in Jingyuan, you can only stay by my side. "

   He analyzed it slowly, stretched out his hand to tidy up the wrinkled shirt, inserted his knuckled fingers into the messy hair, and combed the hair as neatly as possible, revealing a full forehead and beautiful eyebrows.

   He looked at Xia Jiu in a relaxed manner, as if he had predicted that she had no choice at all.

  Xia Jiu was stunned and swallowed bitterly. Yes, she really had no way to leave.

  From the day I met him, it seemed like it was doomed, she would become his prey and be controlled by him.

  If she had a choice, back to that night, she would definitely not choose him.

   was wrong from the beginning.

  She closed her eyes in despair and fatigue, her long eyelashes trembling, like her heart.

   Shen Muhan said calmly, "Then it's settled."

   "It's decided, I didn't agree at all!" Xia Jiu suddenly opened his eyes.

   "But you didn't object." Shen Muhan said, "You can't give up the Xia family and Xia Lin, eh?"

   His tone was calm, as if he was discussing with Xia Jiu what to eat tonight, but it made Xia Jiu shudder.

  Those strong domineers hidden in the peace, those who are confident, made Xia Jiu tremble all over.

She bit her lip and released it again: "Master Han, as far as I know, there are really many girls who like you, and some of them are famous ladies who match your identity very well, and they will give birth to excellent children. I, this time is an ectopic pregnancy. The doctor said that the probability of the next ectopic pregnancy will be much higher than that of other women. There is not much chance to give birth to a healthy and excellent child. Why don't you try it with other people? I am not worth it at all. Spend time and energy with me."

   "These words, you've said it before. I'll repeat it again, it's you." Shen Muhan said calmly, a smile even appeared on the corner of his lips, and looked at Xia Jiu with a rare gentle attitude.

   That smile, like the smile of a devil, makes people feel warm, but inexplicably frightening.

  Xia Jiu had nothing to say. She knew that it was useless to say anything. He figured her out, he expected her, and wanted to imprison her, hoping that she would be as obedient as the wolves.

  She closed her eyes.

  Shen Muhan tucked the quilt for her and said, "Then you rest, I'll pick you up and leave the hospital tomorrow."

  Xia Jiu trembled.

  Shen Muhan walked out of the door of the ward and said to the bodyguard who was following behind him, "Stay here and report all the developments of Xia Jiu to me."

   "Yes, Han Shao."

   He then went out and returned to the villa. His expression was calm and stable, and he arranged for the housekeeper: "Redecorate that room."

   The housekeeper naturally knew that it was a room prepared for the future young master or young lady. Looking at Shen Muhan's attitude, this time, it was probably all right. He couldn't help but shake his head with joy, what a pity for the child in Miss Xia's belly.

  However, who can say for sure about ectopic pregnancy?

   When Shen Muhan came to pick up Xia Jiu, Xia Lin came too.

  Shen Muhan packed Xia Jiu's things in person, with skillful techniques, and every movement was meticulous and organized.

  Charlene was very satisfied with this brother-in-law, chatting around him.

  Xia Jiu was not in a high mood, the corners of his eyes were drooping, and he stared blankly at the tree outside the window.

   (end of this chapter)

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