The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3305: Let a fool take advantage

   Chapter 3305 Let a fool take advantage

  Shen Muhan withdrew his fingers, took out his mobile phone, and pressed his long knuckle fingers on it, and then withdrew his mobile phone.

   "Drink slowly, and I'll take you there when you're done."

   is still the same sentence.

  Xia Jiu withdrew her gaze, touched her chin with her fingers, and continued drinking coffee with her head down.

However, after half an hour, I only drank one cup. This kind of coffee cup can hold very well. After one cup, Xia Jiu couldn't stand it anymore, so she could only sip slowly and get wet. It's just lips, I can't swallow it.

   In the past, she would be begging for mercy, but now, it's too much to say a word to Shen Muhan, so she'll just take a small mouthful to see who can spend more.

  The corners of Shen Muhan's eyes and brows were shrouded in darkness, and the light from the street lamps came from behind him, unable to reveal the expression on his face.

  Xia Jiu sipped the coffee one by one. After a long time, Shen Muhan seemed to be unable to hold it any longer, and said, "Save the rest of the coffee. When you come back, I will take you there first."

  Xia Jiu took the lead in opening the car door and went out. The smell of coffee all over his body was blown away by the night wind, and it was only slightly reduced. He sighed lightly, and his lips and teeth were all full of the taste of bitter coffee beans.

   She stepped forward, and Shen Muhan followed her footsteps unhurriedly.

   The direction Xia Jiu went, she went to the school hotel. She was walking when the phone rang, and it was Xia Lin.

   She picked it up, "Linlin."

  Charlene's voice was crying: "Sister, where are you?"

   "What's wrong with you, did Shen Ye bully you?" Xia Jiu said with a frown.

"No, Shen Ye didn't bully me. It was I who heard someone say that there was a man with an unsound mind. He drank and rushed into your room. Then a lot of people ran towards your room to watch the fun. , I can't squeeze through. Sister, where are you?" Charlene was so anxious that she was about to cry at any time.

   "Don't squeeze in and watch the fun, your body hasn't recovered yet. I'm fine, don't worry, you are always by Shen Ye's side, understand?" Xia Jiu urged.

   "Well, I see." Charlene heard that she was fine, and her mood had recovered a lot.

   Putting down the phone, Xia Jiu understood what was going on. I'm afraid this matter could not be separated from Wang Qianqian.

   There is only one person in the whole school who has an unsound mind and intelligence. He is the son of a school manager. His IQ was not high due to illness when he was a child, but he never gets sick at ordinary times. He looks like a quiet boy.

  Wang Qianqian is really vicious enough to hit this boy with her idea! Who are they provoking!

  Xia Jiu guessed right, Wang Qianqian had such an idea.

   She was originally provoked by Xia Ruomeng, she wanted to show Xia Jiu a good look and let Xia Jiu make a fool of herself in front of Shen Ye.

   Immediately, under the arrangement of Xia Jiu, her father Wang Youde showed his true face. Wang Qianqian counted the old and new hatred together, and her hatred for Xia Jiu was about to explode!

   She deliberately gave the mentally unsound boy a drink, drugged him, and instructed him to go to Xia Jiu's room.

   Even if something really happened at that time, the boy's mind was not clear at all, and there was no way to identify who had harmed him. Even if something happened to Xia Jiu, he wouldn't be able to prove his innocence!

  Xia Jiu raised the corners of her lips slightly, and she was really impressed with Wang Qianqian!

   On the way, many people were walking quickly towards the hotel, saying as they walked, "I really didn't expect that Xia Jiu would do such a shameless thing to seduce the school director's troubled son!"

"I think Xia Jiu is still worried that he won't be able to graduate smoothly this time, so he will put his idea on the head of the school director's son! Speaking of which, was Xia Ruomeng's graduation project really written by Xia Jiu? "

   "I'm skeptical too! Let's go, go take a look first, won't it be clear?"

   These people didn't notice Xia Jiu at all and were walking towards that direction.

  Xia Jiu took out a silk shawl from her bag, put it on her head, covered her long chestnut hair that was too iconic, and covered her face by the way, and then walked in with the crowd.

   It was already late at night, she covered herself, and deliberately did not show the mountains and water, so naturally no one recognized her.

   She followed the crowd into the corridor where her room was, and it was the school manager and the school manager's wife who were talking anxiously.

"Although my son has not been very clear-headed, he has always been well-behaved and never caused trouble. It should have been a rest today, but now he is gone, that's why I came here to look for him. I came to Xia Jiu's room. That's why I had to come here." The school director's wife is a well-informed woman, she stood at the door and explained the reason, "I didn't expect to disturb so many people, I'm really sorry. Why don't you all Go back first."

   At this time, she actually didn't want to make things bigger, so she didn't want so many people watching.

   But how could Xia Ruomeng, who already knew the truth, let people leave so easily?

She said worriedly: "I called Xia Jiu, but unfortunately Xia Jiu didn't answer the phone. It's really worrying, Xia Jiu is a delicate little girl after all, Mrs. Zheng, I'm afraid what if Young Master Zheng hurts Xia Jiu. It's better to have more people, it's safest to take Mr. Zheng away."

   Mrs. Zheng heard this and glanced at her husband.

   School Director Zheng said, "Then knock on the door first, and take your son back first."

   He also knows his son, who is usually quiet, but in case of illness, usually two or three people can't hold back, and they really need to stay and help.

  Xia Ruomeng couldn't wait to knock on the door and shouted anxiously, "Master Zheng? Xia Jiu? Xia Jiu, open the door!"

   In the room, there were bursts of voices, Xia Ruomeng was certain that Xia Jiu was inside, and opened the door more hastily: "Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu! We are here to help you! You open the door quickly!"

  Fang Minghao took her hand and said, "I'll come, you can rest for a while, don't get too excited."

   "Ming Hao, I'm really worried about what happened to Xia Jiu."

School Director Zheng and Mrs. Zheng had ugly expressions on their faces. Their son had never had any problems in this regard, and he usually looked like ordinary boys. This time, such a big thing happened. On the other hand, he also thought that Xia Jiu might be too charming and ostentatious, which caused his son to have an accident.

   "It'll be fine!" Fang Minghao comforted, thinking that Xia Jiu might be with that fool, his face was gloomy and unbearable, after all, he had never even touched Xia Jiu.

   But let a fool take advantage!

   (end of this chapter)

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