Chapter 3307 excludes him

  The graduates of Jingyuan University are quite disciplined. Many people didn't take pictures at all. A few people also put down their mobile phones when they heard Xia Ruomeng's words.

   But the onlookers were not only students, but also many other people, such as security guards, hotel service staff, cleaners, and some people who came to participate in the school celebration.

   These people are not so self-conscious, and they are still filming non-stop.

  Xia Ruomeng is really angry.

   The person who asked her to come over to the hotel was Wang Qianqian. What happened tonight was also planned by Wang Qianqian in order to get revenge on Xia Jiu, but I didn't expect that the person lying here was Wang Qianqian, not Xia Jiu!

Manager Zheng and Mrs. Zheng also heard it. Manager Zheng helped her son to leave first, but Mrs. Zheng was unwilling to give up and said, "Xia Ruomeng, what is going on tonight? When I was looking for my son. , you said she came here. I found my son, how could he have such a thing with Wang Qianqian? "

   "I, I don't know. I'm just worried that you can't find Mr. Zheng, so I called and asked a lot of classmates for help, and then Wang Qianqian said that he seemed to be here, and I don't know why."

   "My son smells of alcohol all over, and I have reason to suspect that someone gave him medicine. I will definitely not give up on this matter!" Mrs. Zheng's attitude was very strong.

  Xia Ruomeng said hurriedly: "I really don't know why this is happening, and as for Mr. Zheng's drinking, I don't even know."

Mrs. Zheng looked solemn: "My son, although there is a problem with his IQ, I am self-sufficient and educate him very well. For so many years, he has lived in school, but he has never disturbed others, and has never provoke right and wrong. I am more He was never allowed to drink! But just now, he smelled of alcohol and his face flushed, obviously someone did something to him! I don't know what the motives of the person who did this thing have, but, although my son is a man , if such a thing happens, I will definitely pursue it to the end, and will not become a tool for anyone to use!"

   Her words were loud.

  As the wife of the school board member, Mrs. Zheng also has a very high status in Jingyuan University.

   She said so, naturally, she will not end the matter of tonight at will.

  Xia Ruomeng said guiltily: "Mrs. Zheng, I'm sorry that such a thing happened to Mr. Zheng, but now Qianqian is like this, why not let her rest first?"

   "After the investigation is clear, it is natural to go to rest!" Madam Zheng said loudly.

   "This incident happened in Xia Jiu's room... Could it be Xia Jiu did it?" Someone said loudly.

  Xia Ruomeng immediately said, "Isn't it possible? Although Teacher Wang offended Xia Jiu, it has nothing to do with Qian Qian. Xia Jiu won't forgive me and Teacher Wang, but Qian Qian is right!"

Xia Ruomeng's excuse just aroused everyone's suspicion: "Mr. Wang made Xia Jiu unable to graduate smoothly and find a good job, Xia Jiu must have a grudge. She can't do anything to Teacher Wang, and revenge is on Wang Qianqian. It's entirely possible! Otherwise, why are Wang Qianqian and Zheng Gongzi in Xia Jiu's room? Who opened the door for them? Where is Xia Jiu now?"

  Xia Ruomeng shook her head hurriedly: "Xia Jiu definitely won't, I believe her!"

   The more she was like this, the more suspicious Madam Zheng became, and she said, "Where's Xia Jiuren!"

  Fang Minghao was also a little suspicious at the moment. It was Xia Jiu who did it. Xia Jiu was arrogant and always had the temper of a young lady. Teacher Wang did such a thing to her, and it was normal for her to take revenge.

   He stood beside Xia Ruomeng and said, "Whether it's Xia Jiu or not, it's good for Madam Zheng to check it out."

   "But Xia Jiu, I didn't see Xia Jiu appearing tonight, did she go out with Tang Zheng?" Xia Ruomeng said.

   "No, I just saw Tang Zheng coming back alone, and I didn't see Xia Jiu. I think this matter has to be asked carefully about Xia Jiu!"

   Madam Zheng, who was incited by these words, was even more annoyed: "Xia Jiu! Are you here!"

  Xia Jiu had watched a good show for a long time. She took off the shawl on her head and was about to speak when the strong and familiar aura of the man behind her enveloped her.

   She turned her head and just happened to bump into Shen Muhan's gloomy and indifferent eyes.

   But she could see that the gloom was because of others, not because of her.

   She almost forgot that Shen Muhan was still here, she just walked all the way back, and she didn't take him into consideration at all.

When    had been standing here watching the joke, she also completely excluded him.

   He shook her hand, still indifferent, but with an inexplicable eagerness that rushed through her palm.

  Xia Jiu took out his hand and said, "Mrs. Zheng, I'm here."

   She didn't have time to ask Shen Muhan anything, but she already had an answer in her heart.

Hearing that Xia Jiu was coming, everyone involuntarily gave way, and their eyes turned to Xia Jiu. She was still the same simple and low-key business dress that she wore during the day, but she wore an extra shawl and did not specially dress up, but her eyebrows and eyes were extremely high. Delicate, raising your eyes a little, it is the brilliance that circulates.

   She stepped out. The person who had met Wang Qianqian just now, and then compared Xia Jiu, she felt that she was blind, and she even thought that the person in that room would be Xia Jiu.

   The skirt she wears is not completely self-cultivating, but it can be seen that her figure is too plump if one more point is too plump, and one point less is too thin, so it is just right.

   She smiled, and that smile was comparable to the bright moon in the sky, dimming the stars.

   Madam Zheng looked a little softer at a glance: "Are you Xia Jiu?"

   "It's me, Mrs. Zheng. I heard that something happened here between Mr. Zheng and Wang Qianqian. Is Mrs. Zheng looking for me to confront me?"

   "I can't say confrontation. However, people were found in your room. It's always okay to ask you about your situation, right?" Madam Zheng said.

  Xia Jiu had already guessed what Shen Muhan did, she didn't have to look back, she could feel it, his gaze fell on his back, as if it had substance.

   She said in a low voice, "I don't know about this matter. I'm not familiar with Mr. Zheng, and I don't have any personal relationships with Wang Qianqian. My own room card is in my hand."

She spread out her palm and handed her room card, "As far as I know, there is more than one room card in each room, and it is not difficult for someone to get it. Moreover, after I arrived at school, I have never been to the room, and I can see it when I check the surveillance."

   "I'll check it out naturally. But when something like this happened, do you confirm that there is no festival between you and Wang Qianqian?" Mrs. Zheng was still a little unconvinced.

   (end of this chapter)

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