The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3337: Emotions are touched

   Chapter 3337 Emotions are touched

   However, as long as you master certain skills, it is not impossible to avoid trouble.

   Yes, it’s really hard.

   Every threading requires high skill and angle.

   Sweat dripped from Xia Jiu's forehead.

   Manager Zhang went outside, closed the door of the store, put up a sign saying that it is closed today, and did not dare to walk too loudly.

  Miss Jiang watched Xia Jiu's movements carefully, and suddenly remembered the picture of Qingwen helping Jia Baoyu to mend clothes in A Dream of Red Mansions.

   At first, I thought the novel was too exaggerated, but it took half a person's life to make up clothes. Now, when I look at Xia Jiu, I really feel that way.

   Finally, Xia Jiu sighed frequently, Manager Zhang and Miss Jiang both shivered and looked at her.

  Xia Jiu said lazily, "It's done."

  Miss Jiang reached out and touched it, and a surprise flashed on her face, "Really! Not only can't you see the traces with the naked eye, but when you touch it with your hands, it's completely warm and radiant, with no traces of repairs at all! How the **** is this done!"

  Manager Zhang couldn't help but touch it, and admired Xia Jiu. The owner of this shop is a genius in this area, and he still can't repair this fairy dress. Who knows, Xia Jiu can repair it.

  Xia Jiu worked hard and didn't want to talk much anymore. In fact, she was busy with herself. When she remembered her mother, she would help out with extra effort. She said lazily, "I'll buy this, and pack it for me."

   That is a dress she just fancy, the shop owner's handwriting.

  Miss Jiang said immediately: "Thank you so much, I'll give you this skirt. Manager Zhang, put it on my account."

"No, I'll give this dress to this young lady." Manager Zhang is also the manager of this store because he likes this line of work, and when he meets such a talented colleague, he also sympathizes with each other, "Please do Smile."

   "That's fine, thank you." Xia Jiu didn't refuse. One was that she had no strength, and the other was that the dress itself wasn't too expensive. If you push it again, it would be troublesome and stingy.

   Manager Zhang happily wrapped the bag for her, handed it to her, and said politely, "What is your surname, this lady? If you come to our store in the future, we will give you a maximum VIP discount of 25%."

  Xia Jiu handed him a business card.

   Manager Zhang took it solemnly. Seeing that he was the designer of BIR, he sighed in his heart. He was really talented. Although BIR is also a big man in the industry, Xia Jiu's ability is obviously above all the designers of BIR.

  Xia Jiu didn't stop there, grabbed something and walked out.

   As soon as she came out, the Miss Jiang rushed over and said, "Miss Xia, right? You work in BIR. I really want to thank you today. Well, I'll let the driver take you home first."

  Xia Jiu asked the driver to go back after get off work today. She came out to hang out, and to see that it was getting late, she did not refuse and got into the car.

   "My name is Jiang Bai, it's really nice to meet you." After Jiang Bai recovered, he was in a good mood and talked a lot.

  Xia Jiu's interactions with people are purely based on her mood, but she is a little too tired at the moment, and her mood is not high.

   However, Jiang Bai has a completely devoted attitude towards her now, and he does not violate her attitude, and has been talking to her with great interest.

   As she was talking, Jiang Bai received a call. After she answered, her expression changed immediately: "Driver, go to the hospital!"

   Her voice had changed its tone, and the doctor immediately turned around and headed towards the hospital.

  Xia Jiu didn't say anything, Jiang Bai didn't speak anymore, it seemed that she was so happy just now that she forgot the news that her grandmother was critically ill, and now she got a call and was woken up by reality.

  The car entered the hospital, and Jiang Bai immediately rushed towards the ward.

  The driver also rushed to help.

  Xia Jiu walked out and followed Jiang Bai.

   Jiang Bai rushed over and asked, "Where's grandma?"

  Mr. Jiang's face was full of grief: "Go see your grandma, she is dying. The doctor said... this is probably the last time."

   Mrs. Jiang comforted Mr. Jiang: "Husband, my mother is in her 90s, and it is a happy death. Don't be too sad, lest she worry about us instead."

   Jiang Bai rushed over and whispered beside the old man.

Xia Jiu also walked over. Seeing this scene, she was emotionally touched and watched quietly. If she could... She would have had such an opportunity to say goodbye to her parents and tell them that she had always loved them deeply and hoped that they would You can walk in peace.

  No, she prefers that nothing like that happens.

  My parents are only 50 years old, which is the best year in life.

  Xia Jiu lowered her head, closed her eyes, covered her tears, and shed tears for a stranger. It was really strange.

   "Are you Xiaobai's friend? Sit down for a while." Mrs. Jiang saw Xia Jiu and she came over at about the same time as her daughter.

   Hearing Mrs. Jiang's gentle voice, Xia Jiu's tears finally flowed out uncontrollably, because of everything, she thought of her parents.

  The nurses and doctors also began to withdraw from the old man's side, wanting to leave this last time to their family.

  Who knows, but the old lady suddenly said, "Help me sit up."

   The voice is clear and clear, as if there is no trace of morbidity.

   Jiang Bai hurriedly helped her up with the nurse.

"Put on the immortal dress for me." The old lady was refreshed with a smile on her face, "This immortal dress is handed down from my ancestors. Back then, I wore this dress to meet your grandfather. Putting on this dress again, I entered the highest dance hall in the country. Now that it has been repaired, I think I can wear it too. Meimei will go to see your grandfather. Come, put it on for me. "

  Jiang Bai saw that she had just told her about the immortal dress, and she felt better, and she was in a good mood. Together with the nurse, she helped the old lady put on the immortal dress.

  The skirt that has been repaired has no problems, it is intact, and it is full of bright vitality.

  The old lady wearing the fairy dress also seemed to have suddenly become younger, standing in the center of the ward, her face was full of smiles, and a bunch of lights from her heart hit her.

   Doctors and nurses were attracted and came over at the same time, acting spontaneously as spectators.

   Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang also walked over with surprise and relief in their eyes.

Even Xia Jiu couldn't help but walk over. When she walked over, she realized that this old lady was actually Gong Enci. She was not only a national-level dancer, but also a world-class dancer. People respected her, and even Charlene liked her very much.

   It's just that she is very old, and now she is very old, and she has not been active on the stage for a long time.

   But her dancing posture when she was young was dazzling and dazzling, and most of what was left were black and white images, but it did not affect her blooming style at all.

  Xia Lin liked to dance when she was a child. She always mentioned this dancer to Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu didn't expect that she was fortunate enough to come to the scene and see Gong Enci's dancing.

  The old lady standing in the center began to dance, and the fairy dress seemed to be like a fairy dress, rising with the wind, wrapping the old lady in a cloud of fairy mist.

   She is no longer an old man in her old age, like a young girl, moving with the wind, fluttering like a fairy.

   There is no old-fashioned look in every movement of hers, only a graceful dance, if the fairy falls into the world by mistake.

   (end of this chapter)

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