Chapter 3352 Came for Xia Jiu

   "Really, if at my wedding, the groom can be so caring, what would I be afraid of marriage!"

   Hearing the discussion from the audience, Fang Minghao's face was radiant, Xia Ruomeng bowed his head and smiled, very shy, and there was a happy light in his eyes.

   She looked at Xia Jiu subconsciously, seeing Xia Jiu sitting in the corner, no one cared, her heart was full of pride, she raised her head high, and her face was even more smiling.

  Xia Huangshan and Chen Meiru were also happy for their daughter. Fang Minghao's actions made their husband and wife feel light on their faces.

   After a while, Fang Minghao's assistant strode over, and said with excitement on his face: "Master! The assistant arranged by Alex's apprentice has arrived! With the ring designed for the young grandmother!"

   "Come in!" Fang Minghao said loudly.

   It was the climax of the wedding at this moment, and everyone looked towards the door.

  I saw the door of the hotel opened, and a young blond man came in. He was a graceful, elegant gentleman, walking in.

  Some of the guests immediately said: "Where is Alex's apprentice's assistant? This is obviously Alex himself!"

   "Yeah, I know him and read his interviews in magazines! He's Alex himself!"

   "My God, Master Fang invited Alex himself!"

   "I can't believe it! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Alex himself rarely shows up in public, let alone helps people design their own wedding rings!"

   "Master Fang is amazing!"

   "Envy Xia Ruomeng!"

   "I really want the soul to wear Xia Ruomeng, and I also want to be a bride!"

   Everyone was shocked by this scene.

  Xia Jiu was also surprised that Alex himself came.

  The other day, Mrs. Gao also said that Alex was arrogant and difficult to invite, so even Mrs. Gao's wedding ceremony gave up the idea of ​​looking for Alex.

  Fang Minghao is able to do this for Xia's true love.

  Xia Jiu raised the corners of his sarcastic lips, true love doesn't matter, anyway, the Xia family is his own.

  Xia Ruomeng saw Xia Jiu's expression, and her face was even more satisfied.

She looked at Fang Minghao excitedly, with great honor and surprise in her eyes: "Minghao, I really didn't expect that Alex would come in person. It's really great! Thank you so much, give it to me Such a big surprise!"

  Fang Minghao also did not expect that Alex would come in person. After all, when he asked his friends, he did not expect such a surprise.

   He turned towards Alex and said, "Mr. Alex, thank you for coming in person today, it's a great honor."

Alex stood still, holding an exquisite box in his hand, and said, "You don't have to be polite. I originally wanted to find someone to give it to Miss Xia, but I happened to pass by here today, so I delivered it. Look at the physicality of the hands that inspired me."

  Although he is blond and blue-eyed, he can speak the language of the Dragon Empire fluently. The slight accents are very interesting, which adds a touch of approachability to his whole person.

   Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it. It turned out that Alex had seen Xia Ruomeng's hands and liked it very much, so he was willing to design a ring for her.

   But Xia Ruomeng's hands are really beautiful.

Xia Ruomeng was even more excited, stretched out her hands and showed them in front of everyone, and said, "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Alex. I think I must be the happiest bride in the world. Today I will never forget this wedding!"

   Speaking of the emotional part, she had tears in her eyes and was extremely moved.

  Alix saw her outstretched hands, shrugged and frowned: "Why is it different from what I see?"

  Xia Ruomeng stretched out her fingers embarrassedly.

   Someone said: "The photo is definitely different from the real person, and so is the finger."

  Alix shook his head: "Are you Xia Jiu?"

  Xia Ruomeng was suddenly embarrassed: "I'm not, Mr. Alex, are you looking for my cousin?"

   "Miss Xia Jiuxia, please check your ring." Alex shouted loudly.

  Fang Minghao's face suddenly changed.

  Xia Ruomeng was also embarrassed to the extreme. Standing on the stage, it was originally a glory, but now she felt that it was a public execution.

   Everyone in the audience stopped envy Xia Ruomeng, and looked in Xia Jiu's direction with surprise and curiosity.

   Never thought that Alex was here for Xia Jiu…

Xia Jiu was stunned, Alex had followed everyone's instructions, and when he arrived in front of Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu's hands were placed casually, his eyes lit up, he stepped forward as if he had seen some kind of treasure, and held Xia Jiu hand: "Miss Xia, it is an honor to have a master like you on my ring!"

  Xia Jiu's fingers are very outstanding, slender and white, comparable to the touch of a hand.

   "Please accept this ring." Alex put it on for her and smiled with satisfaction, "I hope to meet Miss Xia next time. I'm still in a hurry, so I won't talk to Miss Xia today."

   He blew a kiss to the audience and left quickly.

   Everyone couldn't help laughing, Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng were even more embarrassed.

Seeing that her daughter's wedding was made like this by Xia Jiu, Chen Meiru couldn't help but said: "Xia Jiu, do you want to accept such a precious thing? The girl is away from home, so you should pay attention. Otherwise, when will it be? I don't even know if it was sold."

On the other side, there were some younger relatives who had a good sense of Xia Jiu and said, "Xia Jiu doesn't count as random collection of things, right? This is a ring from Alex's hand. Could it be malicious?"

"Yes, Xia Jiu has repaired the immortal dress before, and it is also famous. There are countless people who want to have a good relationship with Xia Jiu. It doesn't seem that Xia Jiu accepts anything that is too much. "

   Chen Meiru's face was a little ugly.

Xia Jiu raised her eyebrows and said lightly: "Auntie said it is wrong, I received Alex's things, and I received a design, a heart, and it is another matter of whether it is expensive or not. But it is such a thing as being sold. , at least for now, it only happened to my own family, my company and home were sold, I really don't know, other, aunt may still worry too much. "

   Chen Meiru's face suddenly became even more ugly.

   Everyone has been looking towards this side with interest.

   Mrs. Fang just heard that Xia Jiu repaired the immortal dress. She knew about it before, but no one ever said that Xia Jiu repaired it.

  Xia Huangshan coughed lightly, "I think, let's continue with the wedding. The business is important, so don't waste your time on unimportant things."

   Then everyone remembered that Minghao on the stage was about to exchange rings for Xia Ruomeng.

   (end of this chapter)

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