The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3358: that is not what I meant

   Chapter 3358 doesn't mean that

  Xia Jiu couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, this President Ma is really cute.

   "Oh, Bai Bai, why didn't you say hello to me when you came!" A Frenchman in his early thirties came over and gave Jiang Bai a hug.

   Jiang Bai quickly introduced Xia Jiu: "Siro, my dad's former student, my senior brother. This is Xia Jiu."

   "Xia Jiu???" Siro's voice suddenly rose an octave, "Is it Xia Jiu who repaired the fairy dress? I'm too lucky to be able to meet me!"

   Without waiting for Xia Jiu to speak, he directly gave Xia Jiu a bear hug.

   Being hugged by the person who was nine meters tall, Xia Jiu suffocated for a while, but fortunately Jiang Bai pulled him away.

"Xia Jiu, wait until the end of the competition, let's have a good discussion. There are really too many people who can design this aspect, but people who can repair the fairy dress like you are really good. Can't find the second one!"

   "Okay." Xia Jiu replied with a smile.

   "Come on, let's leave a contact information!" Siro took out his mobile phone.

   Xia Jiu couldn't refuse, so she had to take out her mobile phone.

Xia Ruomeng next to    saw that the person who talked to Xia Jiu was not Siro?

  Siro is not only the vice president of the World Fashion Association, but also the judge of this competition. Is Xia Jiu planning to directly rely on unspoken rules?

   Seeing that Xiao Yunhua was still out of the situation, she said in surprise: "Yunhua, take a look, the person with Xia Jiu is the judge Siro?"

   "Really! Last night I remembered that you showed me the list and photos, it's Siro! Xia Jiu actually hooked up with Siro! It's not fair!" Xiao Yunhua shouted loudly.

   There were quite a few Dragon Empire contestants who came this time. After hearing Xiao Yunhua's words, everyone looked in the direction of Xia Jiu.

  Others who didn’t understand this kind of words were also asking what was going on.

Xiao Yunhua said loudly: "The contestant Xia Jiu, she has such a good relationship with Siro, will it affect the final result of the competition? Don't the contestants and judges need to avoid suspicion? Can everyone just watch this? Did something unfair happen? Are you not nervous at all about things that concern everyone's vital interests?"

   Many people who knew the two languages ​​at the scene translated these words. All of a sudden, everyone looked at Xia Jiu with accusations on their faces, dissatisfied with her good relationship with Siro.

The voices of the discussions were getting louder and louder. The French were not like the Dragon Empire, and they wanted to show respect in public. A young man stood up on the spot and said in the language of the Dragon Empire, which was not very fluent: "It's not fair! France does not allow it. It's not fair! Hidden rules, go back!"

   If you talk about the situation just now, Xia Jiu can still pretend that she didn't hear it, but the person in front of her slapped her face on the spot, how could she pretend not to know?

   She walked out slowly and asked, "Excuse me, where is it unfair? Where are the unspoken rules?"

   "You and Siro! Don't bring the dragon empire to us!" He shouted excitedly.

   The others supported him with their eyes.

   At this moment, everyone's language is different, but the goal is the same.

Xia Jiu asked in a firm voice: "Where is the evidence? Where is my unspoken evidence? Is it because I said a few words to Cerodo, or did I have a courtesy hug with him? Or, as long as you come to participate. Games, you can't have friendship, can you?

   As soon as I see a hug, I think of an unspoken rule. Does that mean that you only see a part of someone else's arm, and I can think of your rape? "

   Although the man was not fluent, he could understand it and said anxiously, "That's not what I meant!"

"Then what do you mean? Also, I don't know how you came to the conclusion that the entire Dragon Empire has unspoken rules, has it been sampled? Is there a data ratio? Otherwise, why did you say such a thing? Why should our entire country be humiliated by you like this?" Xia Jiu's words were not big, but they were very powerful.

   Many people at the scene can understand the language of the Dragon Empire, and there are also many designers from the Dragon Empire who agree with these words and quickly translate the words to others.

The man was indeed a little impatient, and now his face was embarrassed, Siro stood up and said: "Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai are both my friends, Jiang Bai is my teacher's daughter, Xia Jiu is also my teacher's friend, everyone has Any opinion?"

Many people have recognized Siro. Siro is a well-known designer. He studied in the Dragon Empire for a long time and made outstanding contributions to the cultural exchange between the two countries. I heard that Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai are his teachers. Friends, everyone naturally has no objection.

"However, although Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai are my friends, as we all know, our games have strict scoring procedures, and it is not me who has the final say. When did everyone think that there were problems in our games? "Siro asked.

   Everyone naturally shook their heads.

   Indeed, over the years, designers who have gone out from fashion design competitions, not to mention becoming a generation of famous artists, have at least made considerable progress or made achievements.

  The fairness of the game is unquestionable.

   "Sorry, Xia Jiu, I was too rude just now." Sai Luo said, "I brought you trouble."

"It's not you who should apologize. It's..." Xia Jiu raised her voice and looked at Xiao Yunhua, "Others don't understand the situation, but the one who took the lead in slandering is you Xiao Yunhua, as a colleague of a company, As a person from the same country, what is your purpose in doing this?"

   Following Xia Jiu's words, everyone looked at Xiao Yunhua. Indeed, the first sentence of injustice was hers.

   It's just that everyone didn't expect that she and Xia Jiu are still in the same company. This is a bit too much. Isn't this obviously a random rumor?

  Xiao Yunhua was a little embarrassed at the moment, "I-I didn't mean that..."

  Actually, the French are enthusiastic. A hug is more common than a handshake in the Dragon Empire. If it weren't for her nonsense just now, other people would not have been brought in rhythm.

   Now when everyone thinks about it, they also think that Xiao Yunhua is making a big fuss.

   "Then what do you mean?" Xia Jiu was calm, but the tone of the question was overwhelming.

   She doesn't blame people who don't understand the situation, but Xiao Yunhua? Xia Jiu had enough reasons to ask and explore.

   "I, I..." Xiao Yunhua didn't know what to say for a while.

   Xia Ruomeng cursed inwardly, making her unable to do anything well.

She smiled and said: "Xia Jiu, it's actually a misunderstanding. Siro is a judge after all, and you are a contestant, you didn't know each other before, but now you are suddenly so affectionate and warm, Yunhua is naturally strange when he sees such a situation. Only one more sentence will be said. She is just unintentional."

   (end of this chapter)

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