The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3361: Not worthy of being called beautiful!

   Chapter 3361 is not worthy of being called beautiful!

   "If she's not aggressive, how can she enter the finals with her ability?" Xiao Yunhua pouted.

   "Stop talking, Yunhua." Xia Ruomeng glanced at Fang Minghao and hurriedly stopped Xiao Yunhua's words.

  As the designers came out in batches, only Xia Jiu had not come out.

   The judges couldn't hide the surprise and brilliance in Xia Jiu's clothes. They reached out and touched the clothes. They felt delicate, and the colors were bright and dazzling. Under the light, they radiated brilliance, which made people fall in love at first sight.

   "So what is your design philosophy?" asked one of the old and respected judges.

The clothes that Xia Jiu wore today were embroidered on the phoenix, full of the mysterious beauty of the east wind, she hooked her lips into a smile, charming flowers: "The phoenix is ​​an ancient biological species of the Dragon Empire, not only representing a mysterious beauty and power , is the embodiment of bravery and beauty. According to legend, a little bird in ancient times, in order to save its kind, finally grew into a phoenix in the midst of constant hardships and dangers, which is also a representative of a kind of perseverance and unyielding spirit. The worship of the phoenix is ​​also the pursuit of beauty, bravery, and tenacity. This phoenix dress represents exactly this meaning."

  Siro liked Xia Jiu's design very much and nodded frequently.

But the old judge shook his head: "Beauty is beautiful, but, do you know how many bird feathers are used in such a skirt? Especially the feathers of this rare bird, it is a **** disaster! For the beauty of mankind , other species, how many lives and even the destruction of species have been paid! With all due respect, this kind of thing does not deserve to be called beauty, bravery and tenacity!"

The other judges also had the same attitude. On the one hand, they sighed that Xia Jiu's thoughts were delicate and the design penetrated into the heart, which was irresistible. It's too much to pile up beautifully...

Seeing that Xia Jiu's face was calm and did not mean to refute or be angry, the old judge also put away his anger and said earnestly: "Little girl, you are still young and you have made such a mistake, I can not care about you. However, I hope you In the future, I can remember that no matter what we do, nature is something that must be revered, and the lives of all animals are equal. Humans need to coexist peacefully with them, but they must not be deprived of their right to live. Little girl, this is It’s a pity that your work cannot pass the preliminary round and enter the semi-finals.”

  Xia Jiu didn't show disappointment on his face, instead he was very calm: "Just because I used Cai Yu on my skirt?"

   "Yes." The old judge said without hesitation, "Your design is really outstanding. In terms of production, you can see that you are also ingenious, but this color feather..."

   "What if I said that these colorful feathers are only artificially made?" Xia Jiu asked calmly.

   "How is this possible?" Sairo said first, "The feel of every feather is real, and we can't tell the difference between real and artificial."

  Other judges obviously think the same way. Of course, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between artificial and natural, but they have been immersed in this industry for a long time, and this is still not wrong.

  Xia Jiu picked up Caiyu and said with a smile: "This is really not natural, it is completely made by me. If you don't believe me, I can demonstrate it live..."

   She quickly took the materials and showed how to use suitable materials to make feathers.

  The faces of the judges changed, and when they reached out to touch, the feathers were as natural as they were, delicate, soft, smooth, and well-defined.

  The difference between natural and artificial is very big, ordinary people can't see it with the naked eye, but skilled people can completely distinguish it by touching and observing.

   And what Xia Jiu did, the judges at the scene really couldn't tell the difference.

  The old judge said excitedly: "So, you did this all by yourself?"

"Yes, I did it myself. Animal protection is not only something that the French people would do, but the people of the Dragon Empire have also raised their own awareness and realized that in this world, only harmonious coexistence is the best thing to do. The most important thing in natural development.

   All the feathers used in this phoenix skirt are handmade by me, without any exception. The beauty that skirts need is naturally created by us, rather than depriving other animals of the right to survive. "

   After Xia Jiu finished speaking, several judges stood up again and carefully observed those feathers. They were so realistic! The feathers of each kind of bird are different, and the colors and wings are very different. These hand-made ones, whether they are dyed or shaped, especially the subtleties, are too difficult to control. But everything used on this dress is just right. Really wonderful! "

  The judges gathered around the finished product and sighed.

  Xia Jiu had actually expected this for a long time, so he was actually prepared, and now the reaction of the judges was only expected.

  Siro looked at the old judge: "Then what do you say about Xia Jiu's results this time?"

   "Promotion! If there is no Xia Jiu in the finals, the whole competition will be meaningless!" The old judges were excited.

  Xia Jiu bowed: "Thank you."

   Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao did not leave, they were waiting for Xia Jiu.

   "Xia Jiu didn't make it to the finals this time, so I'd better stay and comfort her." Xia Ruomeng said.

  Fang Minghao also expected that Xia Jiu would be difficult this time, and nodded: "I just don't know if she will accept your kindness."

   "No matter what, she's my sister, and I can't just watch her and ignore her." Xia Ruomeng's tone was worried and anxious, and it was really like that.

   After a while, Xia Jiu came out.

   There was a lot of noise outside, but the loud shouts were all in French. Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao couldn't understand what they were shouting, but they could feel the emotions of those people very throbbing.

   Seeing Xia Jiu walking out calmly with no smile on his face, Xia Ruomeng knew that Xia Jiu was definitely hopeless this time.

   "Xia Jiu, are you alright?" Xia Ruomeng stepped forward and asked gently, "It doesn't matter if the result is bad, you are still very young, there is still a chance for everything, and it will be the same again in the future."

  Xia Jiu looked at her lazily, "So what?"

Xia Ruomeng was choked for a moment and said, "So, don't be sad. It's like this in places like foreign countries, everything is on the line, and people are always making all kinds of comments, you must not It's been affected. It will be fine next time."

   (end of this chapter)

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