The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3367: Someone must be plagiarizing

   Chapter 3367 There must be someone who is plagiarizing

   It’s just that it’s not because of comfort, but because the power of the anti-wolf spray is too great…

   "Xia, Miss Xia..." Chen Qi was trembling, but as if receiving a pardon, he quickly aimed the video at Xia Jiu so that the young master could see, "Master, Miss Xia is fine!"

  Shen Muhan on the other side of the video, his expression has returned to a cold, thin lips, and said: "Got it."

  's tone was light and airy, as if the person who gave the order just now was not him.

  Chen Qi didn't care about Shen Muhan's attitude, and quickly walked to Xia Jiu and said, "Miss Xia, are you alright?"

   "It's alright, I know that Xia Ruomeng is going to drug her husband and put it on my head, so I bought the anti-wolf spray a long time ago."

  Chen Qijie spent the rest of his life covered in sweat: "Miss Xia, please let us follow you on the next trip."

   He couldn't stand the stimulation, and he was about to have a heart attack.

   "Oh, okay." Xia Jiu threw the anti-wolf spray to Chen Qi.

  Xia Ruomeng is about to start, right?

  Then, just wait for her to show off for a while!

   After all, this is Xia Ruomeng's last chance to show off!

   At this moment, the final scene.

   Seeing Xia Jiu appear alive at the last moment, Xia Ruomeng could hardly believe her eyes.

   "Xia Jiu, why are you here?"

   "Isn't this the final scene? Why can't I come?" Xia Jiu walked over slowly and asked rhetorically.

   "No, I didn't mean that, I mean, why did you come so late on such an important occasion?" Xia Ruomeng quickly changed her words, her heart was full of bad premonitions.

  Xia Jiu smiled and looked at everyone: "I should have arrived within the time specified by the organizing committee. Although I arrived in the last few seconds, it doesn't seem to have exceeded the time limit? So, need an apology and explanation?"

  Siro was very excited when he saw Xia Jiu, and immediately said: "Of course not, the organizing committee has given each player a fixed time, as long as they arrive at this time, they are eligible to continue the competition!"

  The old judge also nodded and asked, "Then Xia Jiu, what about your finished product?"

Xia Ruomeng clenched her palm tightly and looked at Xia Jiu nervously. What she used just now was Xia Jiu's finished product, but she was already preconceived and made everyone believe that it was her own design and finished product. How could Xia Jiu turn the tide? ?

   Xia Jiu shouldn't be stupid enough to say that this is her thing, right?

   However, in the next second, Xia Jiu pointed at the dress Xia Ruomeng took to the stage, and said in a low voice, "Here."

   There was an uproar in the audience.

   The judges and the organizing committee were in an uproar.

   "What's the matter? Xia Jiu said that Xia Ruomeng's finished product was made by her?"

   "So, one of the two must be plagiarizing?"

   "Then who is it?"

   "I stand Xia Jiu. After all, I am a woman who can repair the immortal dress. The previous Bainiao Chaofeng dress is also eye-catching!"

   "However, Xia Ruomeng also has real talents and real learning. The design used in the preliminary competition is also very amazing."

Xia Ruomeng's face changed slightly, and she said, "Xia Jiu, how can you do this? This dress is obviously my design. How can you say it's yours? You came late, it doesn't matter, you are not ready, also It's okay, but you can't open your eyes and talk nonsense."

   "Did I speak nonsense, don't you know better than others?"

   Xia Ruomeng had to insist on it until now, not to mention, what evidence can Xia Jiu produce to prove that this is the skirt she made?

   "Xia Jiu, I prepared the embroidery on this skirt a long time ago. I also spent a lot of time making the finished product in the past few days. You can't take it easy."

  Xia Jiu smiled and looked at her: "Xia Ruomeng, I used to think of you as greedy, but now I realize that you are terribly stupid. Can't I make any marks on the dress I made by myself?"

  Xia Ruomeng's heart skipped a beat. Before going on stage, she only checked the skirt roughly once to make sure there was nothing wrong.

   But the mark or something…

   Her face turned slightly pale, but fortunately, the lights on the stage were bright and her makeup was thick, so no one could perceive this change.

The female judges in the audience heard their words and said: "Xia Jiu, Xia Ruomeng, the design drafts you gave are indeed similar, they are all dresses and skirts, and they all have a strong traditional color of the Dragon Empire. When we received the design draft before, we had discussed whether it was a coincidence or plagiarism."

   "Of course it's plagiarism!" Xia Ruomeng interrupted the female judge.

   The female judge showed slight displeasure, "Since it's plagiarism, you should naturally testify to each other, who is plagiarizing who, isn't it?"

Xia Ruomeng immediately said: "I really designed this dress and made it myself. Otherwise, how could it be in my hands? Instead, it was Xia Jiu, who didn't say it for a long time, didn't bring the finished product at all, just thought about it. Taking my things as my own, doesn't that explain the problem?"

   Someone in the audience nodded.

   Xia Jiu came empty-handed this time, which really made a bad impression.

Xia Ruomeng continued: "When I was in China, I was in the same school as Xia Jiu, and later in the same company. It is inevitable that there are similarities in design ideas and ideas. But we do have our own unique style, clothes. I brought it, I believe it should be able to explain the problem. If Xia Jiu really felt that there was a problem, why didn't he talk about it early in the morning, why didn't he make a statement about such a big problem as the finished product, why did he keep it to this moment to ask questions? "

  Xia Ruomeng's words are well-founded, and indeed everyone began to favor her.

  Siro hurriedly asked, "Xia Jiu, what's going on? Please explain quickly."

   "The reason why I didn't say anything was because I found out that the finished product was missing before I came. When I arrived, Xia Ruomeng was already standing on the stage." Xia Jiu's reason was very simple.

  Xia Ruomeng retorted: "So, this is all your reasons? Do you think everyone will believe you?"

   You really don’t believe it. This explanation is too simple and general.

  If Xia Jiu couldn't produce convincing evidence, it would not be enough to defeat Xia Ruomeng.

  Siro looked anxious, but it didn't help. Besides, as a judge, he couldn't help Xia Jiu too much on the bright side.

  Xia Jiu asked Xia Ruomeng, "You said this dress was designed and made by you yourself?"

"Of course. Although I am pregnant and in poor physical condition, I have been working hard. After all, this is my favorite career. This competition is also the highest competition hall in the minds of designers all over the world. I don't want to make any mistakes. I love this industry, and I am willing to give everything for this industry!" Xia Ruomeng said with certainty.

   (end of this chapter)

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