The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3373: it's really you

   Chapter 3373 It's really you

  The license plate of this car is not only a serial number, but also uncommon even in France, you can see its extraordinaryness at a glance.

   Fiona came in person. Seeing that the two were still stunned, she pushed open the car door and pulled them back: "What are you still doing? Get in the car!"

   After the two got into the car, the car went straight to a manor in the suburbs.

  This is a vineyard. It is the season when the grapes are ripe. From a distance, you can see the grapes hanging on the branches, forming a black and purple world.

   There is a slightly intoxicating aroma of wine in the air after the grapes are fermented.

  The manor is very large, and the car takes several minutes to reach the castle-like destination.

   Fiona took Xia Jiu with one hand and Jiang Bai with the other, and walked to the huge wooden door. The door opened in response, and flowers and ribbons floated down.

   "Congratulations, Xia Jiu! You won the championship!" Fiona said excitedly.

  The arrangement in front of you is thoughtful and eye-catching. The huge Roman column in the high living room is decorated with flowers, and the refreshing fragrance of flowers permeates the whole room.

   There were also several young men and women who were well-known at first glance and waited with smiles on their faces.

   "Xia Jiu, I also invited some friends to celebrate for you! Please come in!"

  Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai stepped inside.

  Fiona is very hospitable and very enthusiastic. She shuttled through the crowd and introduced her friends to Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai.

   Several young men at the scene were very interested in Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai, and came to chat diligently.

  Because everyone is very good at communicating, Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai gradually put down their defenses and joined everyone's topic.

   Before you know it, time has passed.

   When it was ten o'clock, Xia Jiu offered to leave.

   After all, I am a foreign country and I am not a very familiar friend. Ten o’clock is already a similar time.

   Fiona was obviously not enjoying herself, and said, "I'm leaving now? Can't we play more?"

   "Next time, we have to catch a flight tomorrow." Xia Jiu sincerely thanked, "I really appreciate your hospitality tonight."

   "Then let's go, I'll go back to the city with you." Fiona said.

   "I'll take you off." said a man next to him who was also a mixed race. His name was Leon, and he had been talking to Xia Jiu tonight. It could be seen that he was very interested in Xia Jiu.

   His so-called delivery, of course, is not his own car, but his car to leave.

  Fiona smiled and said, "Lyon is my cousin. Since he is willing to send it, I'm welcome. Let's go, let's go back in his car. It seems to be quite safe to have a man with him."

  Lion saw Xia Jiu's promise, walked quickly to the position beside her, and asked in fluent Dragon Empire language, "So, are you going back to China tomorrow?"

   "Well, the itinerary was already booked."

   "Next time I go to the Dragon Empire, I wonder if I'll have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

  Lyon is gentle, extraordinarily gentleman, with pure black hair, which is kind.

  Xia Jiu smiled: "At that time, I will definitely do my best as a landlord and invite you to dinner."

   "That's really my honor. I can't wait to visit the Dragon Empire."


   Fiona and Jiang Bai deliberately walked a little slower, so Xia Jiu and Leon walked side by side, and the two were a little behind.

  Fiona is seriously considering the possibility of riding alone with Jiang Bai in a car.

   However, Jiang Bai refused: "It's better to have four people in one car, it's better, and there are more people."

  The French are romantic and enthusiastic, Jiang Bai did not want Xia Jiu to face such a Frenchman alone.

  After all, the girls in the Dragon Empire are relatively conservative. It is inconvenient to leave them alone for the first time.

   Fiona also received a lot of cultural education from the Dragon Empire. Hearing Jiang Bai say this, she understood and smiled: "Okay, let's go with the four of us."

   Xia Jiu and Leon walked to the gate of the manor first, and waited until Leon's driver drove over.

   The black luxury car slowly slid over, and the headlights suddenly brightened and dazzled.

   Leon subconsciously reached out his hand to block the sudden light for Xia Jiu, and looked at the car with some displeasure.

   The car didn't mean to apologize at all, instead, in the calm night, it honked its horn fiercely and made a harsh sound.

   This is not Lyon's car and his driver.

After   Xia Jiu's eyes got used to the strong light, he looked at the opposite car, but couldn't see the license plate for a while.

   But I suddenly felt a thud in my heart, and I remembered a certain possibility.

   However, she felt that this was impossible. Now that she was far away in France, how could she have thought of Shen Muhan?

   Besides, Shen Muhan probably won't be so boring, come to this place... Besides, how could he know where he came from?

  Suddenly, her cell phone rang, the sudden voice was very abrupt in the dark night, Xia Jiu hurriedly picked it up.

   Just as the bad premonition in his heart was expanding, Shen Muhan's iconic, cold and oppressive voice came over the phone: "Still get in the car?"

   "It's really you." Xia Jiu blurted out.

   He is actually in France!

   is really shocking.


   responded to her with two words of impatience in Shen Muhan's concise words.

  Xia Jiu put down the phone and said to Leon, "I'm so sorry, my friend came to pick me up, so don't bother you to take me back."

  Lyon's sensitivity as a man has already sensed something, the threat from the person in the car is very heavy, it seems that this friend's weight is not light.

   "It's okay, then we'll contact you later."

Xia Jiu nodded, ran behind to hold Jiang Bai's hand, and said to Fiona, "Fiona, I have a friend who will pick me up, so I won't go back to the city with you. Jiang Bai and I will go first. ."

Fiona hadn't had enough fun tonight, she still wanted to talk to Xia Jiu in the car for a while, seeing her in such a hurry to leave, she reluctantly said: "Then you are leaving tomorrow, when can I see you again? you?"

   "Call me, I'll be back in the future." Xia Jiu said very confidently.

   Fiona was so happy.

Jiang Bai was taken by Xia Jiu's hand and walked over there, and asked inexplicably, "What friend are you? How did your friend in France know that we are here? Are you worried about the accident tonight, so you let your friend know that we are here? Come and pick me up in advance. You are too cautious!"

  Xia Jiu quickly took her to the car.

  Jiang Bai felt a strong cold air, and suddenly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

   There were only two people in the car, the driver in the front row, and Shen Muhan in the back row.

   The cold air was obviously emitted by Shen Muhan.

   (end of this chapter)

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