The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3391: frame yourself with children

   Chapter 3391 Use children to frame yourself

"Xia Jiu, you didn't come over on my wedding day. I also owe you an apology for the previous game. Today is the day I want to go back to Xia's house. If you don't mind, come over and have a meal with us. "Xia Ruomeng said in a very sincere tone.

   "Okay." Xia Jiu said after thinking about it.

   She wanted to see if Xia Ruomeng would really apologize to herself in public.

   She soon went to Xia's house.

   Xia Jiu went home today, and there were many guests at home, all of them envy and sighed that Xia Ruomeng was married well and blessed.

  Xia Ruomeng held her stomach and was accepting everyone's compliments with a smile.

When   Xia Jiu appeared, the guests could not help but pouted: "Xia Jiu is back."

   "Why didn't Xia Jiu come to the wedding? That was Ruo Meng's great day."

   "Hey, I didn't come that day, why did I come today?"

   Most of these relatives were from Chen Meiru's side. Xia Jiu didn't bother to answer them and walked in quickly.

  Xia Ruomeng reached out and grabbed her: "Xia Jiu, you are finally back."

   She had a smile on her face, as if the things in Paris were not hers.

   It seems that the relationship between the two people has always been so good, and there has never been a rift.

   "Come in and sit, I know you have something to do that day, so you didn't come to my wedding. Actually, I'm a little regretful that you didn't come."

  Xia Jiu smiled and said, "It's a pity not to be in front of me, do you want to show affection with Fang Minghao?"

  Xia Ruomeng: "…"

  Xia Jiu spoke out her true thoughts in one mouthful, which made her a little embarrassed.

   But today, she is not afraid of Xia Jiu's aggressiveness, what she wants is Xia Jiu's aggressiveness.

  She has already taken the abortion pill…

  If Xia Jiu wasn't aggressive, how could she do anything?

   "Xia Jiu, you are really joking, these things are in the past, you won't remember them all the time, right?" Xia Ruomeng said softly.

  Although everyone else knew that Xia Ruomeng did not do it properly, but after all, she was about to give birth, and Xia Jiu still couldn't forget this matter, which really made people feel sympathetic to Xia Jiu.

   Besides, didn't Xia Jiu and Fang Minghao just fall in love at school? Can you remember so long?

  Who doesn't know that campus love belongs to "graduation death"?

  Xia Ruomeng rescued Xia Jiu: "Actually, Xia Jiu didn't think much about this, right? Otherwise, Xia Jiu wouldn't come to my homecoming banquet today."

   "I don't think that's my business. Didn't you say you have something serious to apologize to me today?" Xia Jiu asked.

  When everyone heard the apology, they thought it was about Fang Minghao, so they didn't care about what the two of them said.

Xia Ruomeng hurriedly pulled Xia Jiu aside and said, "You accompany me upstairs, I want to show you the belly draft of my apology to you. That matter is such a big thing, I've thought about it, and it's very deep. I deeply feel that my behavior is not good, I'm sorry for you. In any case, I should apologize to you. "

   "Then you should say it now, apologize if you apologize, what else do you need to write?" Xia Jiu really didn't bother to care about her, "You really take everything seriously."

Xia Ruomeng squeezed her palm: "Xia Jiu, please be considerate of me too, telling this matter will definitely damage my reputation. I want to apologize, but I also want to find a more acceptable rhetoric. "

   "Is it possible to apologize and put gold on your face? Would you like to find a stage for you, get dressed up and go up to apologize?" Xia Jiu was fed up with Xia Ruomeng's posturing and showed no mercy.

   "Xia Jiu, can't you do this?" Xia Ruomeng said embarrassedly, "I already want to reconcile with you, but your attitude is really unbearable."

   With what Xia Jiu knew about Xia Ruomeng now, she knew that it was impossible for her to apologize to herself.

   Mostly there is another mystery.

   However, Xia Jiu now has a lot more mystery than Xia Ruomeng, she doesn't mind publishing it to everyone, knowing that she hasn't found the most suitable opportunity yet.

  Since Xia Ruomeng always wanted to dig a hole for herself, she wanted to see what else Xia Ruomeng could do.

   "In that case, let's go and see your belly draft." Xia Jiu said lightly.

   Xia Ruomeng was overjoyed, she had taken the abortion pill and was about to have a seizure.

   As long as Xia Jiu goes upstairs with herself...

   The two quickly went upstairs.

   Originally, this room was Xia Jiu’s room, with the best lighting and the largest room. Her parents let her live here since she was a child, but now, Xia Ruomengjiu has occupied the magpie’s nest, and all her things have been placed.

  Xia Jiu raised her eyebrows and smiled, just to see how long Xia Ruomeng could occupy this place.

   "Xia Jiu, look, this is the belly draft of my apology..." Xia Ruomeng called Xia Jiu over and stood very close to her.

  Xia Jiu just walked over.

  Xia Ruomeng's body suddenly fell backwards.

   Her body was already heavy, and there was no support behind her. As soon as she fell, her stomach slammed into the corner of the table, and then she fell heavily to the ground.

   Between her legs, bloodstains of dark red suddenly appeared, shocking.

  The carpet was wet with blood, and the room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

  Xia Jiu was stunned.

   She didn't meet Xia Ruomeng just now, it was Xia Ruomeng who fell down by herself.

   Even, there was no external force that could make Xia Ruomeng fall. She was clearly wearing flat shoes, and the carpet here was very soft and there was no entanglement.

  What is Xia Ruomeng falling in front of him?

   Could it be that in order to frame herself, she doesn't even care about the child in her stomach?

   "Xia Ruomeng, you..."

  Xia Ruomeng's face was pale in pain. Someone outside heard the sound and ran over and screamed, "No, the eldest lady fell and bled!"

   Soon, many people rushed into the room.

  Xia Ruomeng lay on the ground and pointed at Xia Jiu: "Xia Jiu...Why are you doing this to me? Why? Why?"

  Xia Jiu is sure, she really wants to use the child in her stomach to frame herself!

   I really can think of it, use children to frame yourself!

   Her child, isn't that worth cherishing?

  Chen Meiru was so heartbroken that she scolded: "Xia Jiu, how can you do this! Even if there is something wrong with Ruo Meng, you can't do anything to her child! Are you still a person?

  Xia Fen also pointed at the tip of Xia Jiu's nose and cursed: "If something happens to my sister's child, you will go to hell! Go to hell! You are a cold-faced and cold-blooded murderer!"

  Xia Ruomeng was lying on the ground crying, her complexion looked even whiter against the red blood.

   Fang Minghao's eyes were red, he gave Xia Jiu a cold look, and reached out to hug Xia Ruomeng.

   (end of this chapter)

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