The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3404: Who is to blame, who will be compensated

  Chapter 3404 Who is responsible, who will compensate

  Xia Ruomeng finally convinced Fang Minghao.

   After all, the two had a relationship, and now they are involved in interests. In addition, the Fang family had invested a lot in the Xia family before. Now that they have withdrawn, everyone has suffered a huge loss.

   The face has been lost, and only by continuing to cooperate can we protect the inside.

  Chen Meiru patted her chest and said, "It's all right at last. Fortunately, Ruo Meng is a capable child and solved the problem by himself. Otherwise, I don't know how many things will happen in the future."

   "My sister is capable!" Xia Fen was also extremely happy.

  Xia Huangshan no longer blames his daughter, then it is his own daughter, so how can he be beaten to death?

   Now even the entire Xia family has high hopes for Xia Ruomeng.

When    mentioned Xia Ruomeng, he was also full of admiration, and some people even said that it is no wonder that people have the confidence to do such a thing, because they have the ability!


   Inside BIR.

   "I didn't expect that Xia Ruomeng would still have the ability to discuss cooperation with the companies in Eastern Europe. I heard that it was a big project."

   "That's right, if you do it, you won't have to worry about it at all! The Xia family is going to be one of the top clothing companies!"

   "Hey, it would be great if Xia Ruomeng stayed in BIR! In this way, all of us can benefit!"

   "That's it!"

   "It's really impressive! No wonder so many thoughts, it's actually too smart, right?"

   Some people's comments are simply unimaginable.

   But this is also easy to understand. As long as a person has the ability and can make money, others will always look at her highly.

   Even Xiao Yunhua now walks with wind under his feet, as if those achievements were done by himself, not by Xia Ruomeng.

   When she saw Xia Jiu, she shook her head and left, looking extremely arrogant.

   Others persuaded her: "Why are you unable to get along with Xia Jiu? Xia Ruomeng is good, but Xia Jiu is not bad! General Manager Du takes her very seriously, what are you doing to offend her?"

   "Why did I offend her? If Ruo Meng still stayed in BIR, what could have happened to her Xia Jiu?" Xiao Yunhua's tone was extremely arrogant, and he didn't take Xia Jiu seriously.

   Others quickly pulled her away.

  Xia Jiu raised his eyelashes and looked in Xiao Yunhua's direction, then lowered his head and ignored it.

   But soon, news came from the logistics department that Xiao Yunhua was arguing with someone over there.

   The logistics department now has a lot of things that Xia Jiu will use, as well as people she wants to take care of, so she naturally wants to go over and take a look.

Just after I passed by, I heard Xiao Yunhua pointing at Xiaomei's nose and cursing: "You don't have eyes when you walk? If you bumped into me well, you'd still be embarrassed to cry? What are you crying? Whoever is crying is pitiful? I'll tell you. , if you don't apologize to me today, I won't let it go!"

   Xiao Yunhua's attitude was very humble a few days ago, but now Xia Ruomeng has regained power and promised that Xiao Yunhua will let her go to Xia's company in the future, so Xiao Yunhua's attitude and temper are good again.

  Because she didn't like Xia Jiu, she rushed in, directly bumped into Xiaomei, and poured the cola in her hand on a piece of fine cloth.

  Xiaomei was also hurt by being hit, so she shed tears, and was justifying her aggrievedly: "It was you who broke in and hit me, why are you so unreasonable?"

  Xiao Yunhua said unhappily, "I bumped into you? Which eye did you see that I bumped into you? Can I bump into you like this? You bump into me when you hold the fabric and don't look at people walking!"

   For her unreasonable attitude, Xiaomei is really angry, but she rarely quarrels with people, and it is true that Xiao Yunhua can't quarrel with a few words.

   Seeing Xia Jiu walking in, Xiaomei couldn't help shouting, "Xia Jiu, look at Xiao Yunhua."

"Oh, do you think I'm afraid of you when you bring soldiers to rescue me?" Xiao Yunhua folded his arms, "My clothes are all dirty, anyway, today you compensate me and apologize, this is an indispensable thing! What about Xia Jiu? , Is it because she is a big celebrity now that she doesn't even need to apologize for doing something wrong?"

   She just couldn't get used to Xia Jiu, she wished to drag Xia Jiu into the water together, it was convenient to scold together, so she was not afraid.

   "Xiaomei, is there any surveillance here?" Xia Jiu asked directly.

  Xiaomei immediately burst into laughter: "Yes! In order to prevent someone from taking the wrong thing, the logistics department has arranged surveillance here. As long as you check it, you will know who hit who."

   She was also stunned, and Xiao Yunhua's attitude was too fierce, and she suddenly forgot how to solve it.

   Xia Jiu reminded her of everything.

  Xiao Yunhua's face changed slightly. Of course she knew that she ran too fast to break in. Recently, she was full of arrogance. Because she was leaving BIR to go to the Xia family's company, she was in a very good mood and ran wild in the company.

  Because Xiaomei and Xia Jiu have a good relationship, she will dislike Xiaomei and bump her on purpose to make her feel uncomfortable

  If Xiaomei really finds out the surveillance cameras, wouldn't she have to lose money for the fabric that was destroyed just now?

   Her heart suddenly panicked.

Xia Jiu looked down at the fabric. She was originally going to use a good piece of fabric to make a newly designed evening dress, so she asked Xiaomei to keep it for her. Now that Coke is poured on it, it should be completely unusable. .

She said to Xiaomei: "After finding the surveillance camera, look for the purchase price list of this fabric, and follow me to Manager Du's office. This fabric is very precious and valuable. Who's to blame? Someone will pay for it."

  Xiaomei nodded hurriedly.

   Now it was Xiao Yunhua's turn to be dumbfounded, "Hey, Xia Jiu, that's not what you said..."

"Then what else can you say?" Xia Jiu asked back, "Everything in the logistics department is for everyone's use, and the damage is compensated according to the price. It's a very simple reason, all kindergarten children know, don't you know? "

  Xiao Yunhua: "…"

   She wanted to trouble Xia Jiu and Xiaomei, but she never thought of planting herself in it.

   Now, she will definitely not do it.

  Xiaomei quickly found the monitoring and price list: "Xia Jiu, let's go."

  Xia Jiu stepped forward, Xiao Yunhua panicked and said, "How much is it?"

   "It's not too expensive, probably more than 20,000." Xiaomei said with a smile.

   "This..." Xiao Yunhua has not yet become a designer, and has always been an assistant, which is almost two months and three months of her salary.

   She immediately became heartbroken, returned to her office seat, made a resignation report, and decided to leave!

   Originally, she wanted to wait until Xia Ruomeng's side to get her entry form ready before leaving, but now it doesn't seem like a big deal to go one step earlier?

   (end of this chapter)

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