Chapter 3407 Very unwilling

  Huang Shasha did not dare to speak, and looked down at the ground.

   Xia Ruomeng's face also changed.

  In the beginning, it was because Qin Zheng and his son were too loyal to Xia Jiu's parents that Xia Huangshan and Xia Ruomeng framed them, drove them away, and broke one of Qin Zheng's arms.

  If it wasn't for this, this matter might still have room to turn around, go to Qin Zheng for cooperation authorization...

   But now, nothing is possible.

  The senior management also reacted, the company has already had a bad relationship with Qin Zheng, and there is no chance of continuing cooperation.

   So, can't you receive these big orders in the future?

  Xia Jiu glanced at them and said, "Just wait for Qin Zheng to file a lawsuit against you!"

   Everyone was shocked.


  Xia Family.

  The whole family was silent.

  Xia Ruomeng sat on the sofa like a statue.

   Chen Meiru and Xia Fen have scolded Huang Shasha a thousand times.

  Xia Huangshan continued to smoke one cigarette after another.

  Chen Meiru asked cautiously, "If you dream, can't you change the fabric?"

   "Change? How to change?" Xia Ruomeng couldn't hold back, "When people saw our clothes, these fabrics accounted for half of the credit! If we changed them, would they still want them?"

   Moreover, the clients have already left and signed a contract with BIR, how can she bring them back?

   Originally thought that taking this opportunity to open the Eastern European market, there is no need to worry, but now Xia Jiu directly gave her a bottom-up salary.

   "What should I do then?" Chen Meiru was worried.

  Xia Ruomeng is also going crazy, the list has not been signed, Qin Zheng may still sue them, and now he is really facing the enemy.

  The family was worried when the housekeeper came in and said, "Sir, Miss, the senior management is here."

   Tonight's events shocked the senior management.

   is in their interest and they cannot ignore it.

   "Let them in." Xia Huangshan said.

   Soon, the higher-ups came in and stood in front of them with a clatter.

The leading one was a little older and very prestigious, and said, "Mr. Xia, why don't you ask Miss Xia Jiu to come back. If the Xia family is in this situation, if they really want to compensate Qin Zheng, it will be ruined. Besides, it can't be used now. For Qin Zheng's fabrics, all the goods cannot be shipped, and all the clothes cannot be sold. If our clothes are rotten in our hands, the cash flow will be cut off!"

   One season of clothes is one season. After the season, the cost of storage alone is terrifyingly high, not to mention other things.

  But now the fabric craftsmanship belongs to Qin Zheng. They don’t sell it, nor do they sell it.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, it is the only way to let Miss Xia Jiu come back to manage the company. Qin Zheng should listen to Miss Xia Jiu in everything, and Miss Xia Jiu's ability is outstanding, we really don't need to fight her like this. Come on. For the future of the company, please ask President Xia to make a decision as soon as possible."

   "Mr. Xia, make a decision! Please come back with Miss Xia Jiu!"

   "Mr. Xia! Please listen to everyone! Otherwise, the company will really face bankruptcy!"

  Xia Ruomeng clenched her palms, these old foxes are all for profit, they speak better than they sing, and now watching Xia Jiu gain the upper hand, all of them are rushing to compliment.

  Xia Huangshan's face is ugly, what he finally got, should he hand over to Xia Jiu now?

   He is really unwilling!

   However, if Xia Jiu is not given up, after bankruptcy, his experience will be equally miserable.

   He looked at Xia Ruomeng.

  Xia Ruomeng is also fighting between heaven and man.

   If it was before, she could still beg the Fang family, but now, she has no one to ask for.

  Xia Ruomeng avoided his father's expectant look.

  Xia Huangshan knew that everything could only be like this.

   He is also no one to ask for.


  Xia Jiu and Qin Zheng were eating out. When they were with customers, they naturally didn't eat anything.

  The two went to a roadside stall and asked for beer and skewers.

   "I respect you!" This time, Xia Jiu knew that it was mainly due to Qin Zheng.

   "What are you talking about, Xia Ruomeng used your design, shouldn't it be the same and should be returned to you?"

  Xia Jiu smiled: "You can also see that some people don't pay attention to design. In their eyes, the role of fabric is more important than design."

   If the plagiarism of the design alone could pull Xia Huangshan and others down, Xia Jiu would have done it long ago.

   Qin Zheng's help was really helpful.

   Qin Zheng smiled and clinked glasses with her.

   His cell phone rang, he glanced at it, it was Huang Shasha calling.

   You don't need to guess what she's calling for.

   So Qin Zheng didn't answer.

   During the time when the Xia family had an accident, he had seen through the cold and warm feelings of human beings.

   After a while, Xia Jiu's cell phone also rang.

   She glanced at it and picked it up.

   On the other end of the phone, several high-level executives said in unison, "Miss Xia, come back!"

  The high-level executives who used to be arrogant in front of her begged her to go back to manage the company.

  For fear that she would not go back, everyone listed various benefits.

   Even, that night, Xia Huangshan and Xia Ruomeng moved out of the Xia family and vacated the place.

  Xia Huangshan and Xia Ruomeng of course refused to move, nor did they want to move.

   But if the Xia family really goes bankrupt, they will have to bear huge debts and face all kinds of problems.

The stocks in   's hands will also be turned into waste paper.

  So they had to agree to the requirements of the senior management. Now that they move out, they can at least preserve the wealth and shares in their hands, and get follow-up dividends in the future.

   Now, the Xia family has been vacated, waiting for Xia Jiu to return.


   Shen Muhan also received news.

   "Xia Huangshan and the others have already moved out overnight, and they are waiting for Miss Xia to move in tomorrow morning." Chen Qi said happily, "Thinking of that, Miss Xia has actually been strategizing, just waiting for this day."

   Today, he really looked at Xia Jiu with admiration.

  I usually see her as a dainty eldest lady who doesn't know anything, but in fact, she still has some tricks behind her back.

   These things, even the young master and him have concealed them.

  Shen Muhan said in a low voice, "The house over there was built by Xia Ruomeng and others. You take some people to clean it up overnight, and make sure to clean up all the traces of those people's residence."

   "Yes, yes, I will do it." Chen Qi was also very happy.

  Miss Xia has taken back her family property, she is proud of herself!

   Shen Muhan pinched his brows, some things that Xia Jiu did, he really didn't know.

   She was much smarter than he thought.

   However, there seems to be something wrong.

   Shen Muhan thought for a while, but couldn't remember what was wrong for a while, and was startled by the ringing of the phone, so he had to answer the phone first.


   When the Fang family got the news, they were especially shocked.

   (end of this chapter)

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