The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3422: Is this threatening me?

   Chapter 3422 Is this threatening me?

  Jian is always a little disappointed: "Just like this?"

   "Mr. Jane has a better solution?" Xia Jiu saw his deep meaning and asked.

   At the same time, a strange thought flashed in my heart.

  Jane doesn't seem to be particularly anxious, but rather has a feeling of looking forward to something else.

   What is he expecting?

   What are you thinking about?

Mr. Jian put down the teacup, smiled kindly, and said, "Xia Jiu, if something like this happens this time, if the exhibition doesn't succeed, the whole BIR and I will be in danger. You don't want to see you either. The company you liked has become what it is now, right? Didn't you have a lot of new designs before? I heard that your designs are also made into clothes.

  This exhibition is very important to us. If you can bring out those designs, it will be enough to make up for these crises. What do you think? "

   His face was full of smiles, and his tone was the kindness of an elder, with a sense of business.

  Xia Jiu's eyes slowly turned cold, and she finally figured out a lot of things in her heart, no wonder the stage collapsed, no wonder her clothes were soaked in water.

   It turned out that all of this was premeditated.

"Mr. Jane, do you want me to take out the new designs in my hand? I hand over all the new designs to BIR, and you can still use those designs that are soaked in water later. An exhibition show, But asking me to contribute two batches of designs is a bit too much work, right?" Xia Jiu sat down, raised her chin, her expression was no longer the guilt that she had just now, and there was some coldness in her arrogance, Looking at President Jane calmly.

President Jane also knew that she must have guessed something, even if she didn't have to tear her face, she was clear: "Xia Jiu, you also know that I am a person who loves talents. When you stayed in BIR, I never treated you badly. .

   Now that you are leaving, but you have made such a big mistake in the exhibition, I believe in you, but it is difficult for outsiders to believe that you did it on purpose. If I demand compensation from you, or even warn you to use malicious competition to frame BIR, will your future career be over?

  On the basis of our previous colleagues, I gave you the opportunity to make up for your mistakes. I hope you can think about it carefully. Young man, don't be too arrogant! "

   "Is Mr. Jane threatening me?"

"Xia Jiu, don't get me wrong. I'm just proposing a solution to the matter. I don't want to ruin your reputation, and you won't be able to make a name for yourself in this circle in the future, right? Besides, you have a company in your own name, you Not for yourself, but also for the company."

  Jane always said it with a smile, but the threat was naked.

  Xia Jiu has always known that he is not as approachable as he looks on the surface, but when he was really calculated by him, he realized how sinister this person was.

   She stood up and put her hands on the table: "Then Mr. Jane, feel free to sue me, I'll accompany you!"

   The smile on Mr. Jian's face remained unchanged: "Little girl, don't be too naive. The workplace is not a place where you can play."

   "Then try it!" Xia Jiu picked up her bag, turned around and left, throwing a windy back at him.

   President Jian lit a cigarette with confidence and took a puff, predicting that Xia Jiu would definitely come back and beg him!

   He has worked hard at BIR for many years and has numerous contacts, and he has been trusted by the management before.

   Now that the company has changed the head boss, he has to make achievements to gain a firm foothold.

   Xia Jiu, the hottest designer, actually offered to resign at this time, which was a slap in the face, forcing him to find a way, and to squeeze Xia Jiu at the last moment.

   Just a young man, what is there to be afraid of?

  Xia Jiu threw off her hands and feet and walked out, she was really angry, that smiling tiger face was really shameless!

   So, he still doesn't know that the last big boss of BIR is Shen Muhan?

  Xia Jiu showed a sinister smile, seeing that I was not in front of your big boss, I was mercilessly participating in your book!

   She returned to the car angrily, Shen Muhan knew that things were a bit tricky when she saw her face collapsed.

   "What did Mr. Jane say?" he asked.

   "What else can I say? Shen Muhan, do the people in your company know how to bully people and don't care what others think?"

  The targeted Shen Muhan: "..."

   When did the people in his company bully people?

   That's not right... His company has always been high and high, and others are begging to cooperate, but it is a bit heavy to say that it is bullying.

  Shen Muhan said in a good voice, "So what's going on?"

"Hmph, it's Mr. Jane. He deliberately damaged the stage and clothes, and he was willing to do those things? Does he know how much effort I spent to fix it? I watched the workers arrange the stage. The clothes are made by me stitch by stitch!"

  Shen Muhan took her hand and rubbed her fingers: "It's hard work."

  Xia Jiu was relieved by his touch, and his mood was much better, and he almost forgot to complain.

   "Then what?" Shen Muhan asked.

Xia Jiu was angry again: "Then he destroyed those, just to let me show him my new batch of designs! He thought so well, I left, and those new designs were also done after get off work, Of course it's for the Xia family, how could it be given to him! He thought so well, he used my new design, and when the time comes, the clothes that have been soaked in water will be remade, and I will count two batches of designs! What a thief!"

  Shen Muhan said calmly: "Although he is a bit insidious, from the company's point of view, it is indeed beneficial to the company."

  Xia Jiu glared at him fiercely.

  Shen Muhan coughed lightly: "Of course, such a method is not worth advocating. can't be used on you!"

   "That's right! It's almost the same!" Xia Jiu's anger subsided again, thinking of President Jian, and he became angry again, "He also said that he would sue me for maliciously destroying the company's property and malicious competition!"

   Seeing that Shen Muhan didn't speak, she said, "Is that what you meant? No, no, I know you forgot about this company."

   Shen Muhan's face was a little gentle.

   But the current Xia Jiu is really cute, and she is the real her who is defenseless in front of him.

   The coquettish and self-willed appearance is enough to make him addicted.

   He pulled her over and pressed her into his arms: "Since it's my company's business, I'll deal with it. You don't care."

   "It's about the same." Xia Jiu was too lazy to take care of these messy things, and was immediately dismissed by Shen Muhan, "Big boss."


   "It's nice to have you." Xia Jiu was in his arms with a slightly nasal voice.

  The big boss reached out and hugged her tighter.

   (end of this chapter)

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