The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3454: Will you lie to me?

   Chapter 3454 Will you lie to me?

   After being busy for several days, I finally determined the affairs of the branch, as well as the establishment of the new production line and so on.

  Xia Jiu can finally go back.

   As for Qin Zheng, he has to take a few employees and stay there for a while.

   Shen Muhan personally came to pick up Xia Jiu to board the plane.

   After such a period of work, Xia Jiu's belly is almost six months old, and it is already too big for a pregnant woman who is about to give birth.

   I can't even take the plane anymore.

   "So when the next time comes, you can't go anywhere, you can only stay at home, you know?"

  Xia Jiu nodded immediately: "You will bear it when the sky falls, I can't move."

   It's not that she doesn't love babies.

   Shen Muhan was satisfied.

  Xia Jiu returned home to recuperate, and Shen Muhan was also very busy.

   He was going to spare at least half a year to accompany her, and there were so many things to be resolved in advance.

   He had to take a vacation to accompany Xia Jiu for the obstetric check-up, so he was in a hurry.

   So when I went to see Xia Lin, Xia Jiu didn't let him accompany him, but Chen Qi came to be the driver.

   "Miss Xia, Young Master has been busy these days, don't take it to heart." Chen Qi said something casually on the way to send Xia Jiu back.

   "I know." Xia Jiu reached out and touched the silver ring on his finger.

   I went to see Charlene just now, and by the way, I also saw the doctor who checked the obstetrics.

  The doctor instructed her not to wear jewelry at this time, so as not to affect her health.

  Especially, her fingers were also a little swollen, and she was wearing a ring, for fear that she would not be able to take it off later.

  Xia Jiu had to take off the ring reluctantly.

  She has always loved beauty, and now it's a little hard to accept seeing herself like this, but her heart is filled with joy.

   However, she was also thinking about what she said to the doctor earlier.

   She made a special trip to the female doctor where she took the contraceptive pill before, and asked her if she took the contraceptive pill when she was pregnant at the time, whether it would harm the fetus.

   This matter, she actually wanted to ask a long time ago.

   Just never had the right opportunity.

   Afraid that the doctor would forget, she even took the medicine box and handed it to the doctor.

  The female doctor glanced at it and said unexpectedly: "I gave this box to you, but the medicine in it doesn't seem to be a contraceptive pill."

   "What is that?" Xia Jiu was very worried, what will happen to the baby?

The female doctor looked at it repeatedly for a while, then scraped off the powder for a simple examination, and told Xia Jiu with certainty, "This is not a contraceptive pill, it's just a vitamin tablet. Of course, it won't hurt your body. It's just strange. Weird, vitamin pills, why did they go into the box of contraceptives I gave you? But luckily, it's vitamins, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to get pregnant with these triplets."

  Xia Jiu kept thinking about it in her heart because of this matter.

   There is only one possibility that comes to mind.

   That is, Shen Muhan replaced the contraceptive pill with a vitamin.

   The reason he did this is self-evident.

  Thinking of this, Xia Jiu's mind was heavy.

   Blame him?

   is the past, of course it is strange.

   But now, she can't blame her.

  However, this practice still made a sullen breath in her heart.

   Just because the result was good, he couldn't ignore his original calculation.

  What if he didn't change? What if he always just wanted to tie himself up in the name of a child?

  Xia Jiu didn't dare to think deeply. If he thought too much, his mind couldn't turn around, and his stomach would feel uncomfortable.

   She had to put it aside for a while.

   When she got out of the car, Chen Qi noticed that her face was not very good.

   "Miss Xia, are you alright? Why is your face so pale? Do you want to take you to the hospital?"

   "No, maybe I'm too tired, I'll be fine after a rest." Xia Jiu said lazily.

  Chen Qi immediately said: "Then I will call the young master."

   "Don't bother him." Xia Jiu didn't know how to ask Shen Muhan at one time, the question was shallow and boring.

   asked deeply, and inevitably hurt each other.

   She wanted to be quiet first.

  Chen Qi had to listen to her temporarily. Xia Jiu suddenly remembered something and said, "Chen Qi, didn't your young master ask you to investigate my parents' car accident before? How are you doing?"

   Chen Qi was caught off guard when asked about this topic, and was dumbfounded: "Well, there is no result yet."

   "Really? Is it still like this after so long?" Xia Jiuchi questioned.

   "It's still the same situation as before. It's what the police said." Chen Qi broke out in a cold sweat.

   Shen Muhan had previously explained that he should not talk about the result of this matter in front of Xia Jiu, and he did not expect Xia Jiu to suddenly turn the topic to this.

   made him almost wear a gang.

  Xia Jiu is a bit strange, Chen Qi is the most capable person around Shen Muhan, and the things he went to investigate are progressing very quickly.

   Now that there is no progress in the affairs of the parents, that means, the investigation results of the police were correct?

   "Then are you still investigating?" Xia Jiu asked casually.

   "It's still there." Chen Qi responded immediately.

   This is even stranger.

  Since there is nothing suspicious, why are you still investigating?

   "Are there any suspects?" Xia Jiu asked.

   "Not yet." Chen Qi wanted to cry without tears.

   felt that even Shen Muhan had never been so difficult to deal with.

   Xia Jiu said: "Hey, why are there no suspects, and the investigation continues?"

   "Master didn't say, do more research, don't give up any possibility." Chen Qi said.

  Xia Jiu didn't ask any more questions, this statement is not so unbelievable.

   She was indeed a little tired, so she went upstairs without saying anything.

  Chen Qi went to call Shen Muhan in a cold sweat: "Young master, young grandma asked me about her parents, and she looked a little bad."

   "What did you say?" Shen Muhan squeezed the phone tightly, got up and walked out.

   "I didn't say anything, I didn't say a word." Chen Qi was wronged.

   Shen Muhan drove back immediately.

  Xia Jiu just lay down and hadn't fallen asleep yet, just about to squint, Shen Muhan stepped into the room.

   "You're back?" Xia Jiu smiled, "Help me put away the ring, the doctor said, I can't wear this for the time being."

   Shen Muhan put away the ring as she said.

   His own was always on.

  A silver ring, no matter how simple it is. He never wears any jewelry, but he wears it on his finger, but it does not violate the harmony.

   "What are you thinking? Your face is pale." Shen Muhan reached out and put her on the air-conditioning quilt.

   "Shen Muhan, will you lie to me?" Xia Jiu suddenly raised her eyes and asked.

  Shen Muhan paused for a while, and continued to tuck the quilt.

  Xia Jiu looked at him: "I asked you a question, don't pretend you didn't hear it."

   (end of this chapter)

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