Chapter 3460 Sorry

   But don't expect?

   He couldn't give up Charlene either.

   He paced anxiously, reaching for his hair.

  Xia Lin was lying on the hospital bed and kept sending WeChat messages to Xia Jiu.

  Her illness, everyone hides from her, I hope she can maintain a good mood and not be affected.

   But, she already knew everything.

  I also know how much everyone is suffering because of this incident.

   "Sister, please don't come here. In fact, I knew for a long time that my health was not good since I was a child. It was you and my parents who spent countless efforts to save my life.

  I have lived to be eighteen years old, I have witnessed your happiness, I have seen that I have a very good sister, a very good brother-in-law, I have made good friends, and I have also tried the taste of love. I have no regrets.

  I did everything I wanted to do.

   It's a pity that I didn't see my nephew and niece, but I can actually imagine it.

   If it's a boy, it must be like a brother-in-law, isn't it? Handsome and good-looking, cold and gentle to her sister alone.

   If it's a girl, it's like reaching a sister, right? My sister is the most beautiful and best looking sister in the world, and my niece will be the most beautiful, well-behaved and best niece in the world.

  Sister, my life has been very complete, and now I have everything I should have.

  Please don't come here and don't do anything for me.

  Otherwise, even if I am alive, I am unhappy.

  I think, my sister will definitely want to be the happiest sister, right?

   Big sister will definitely grant my wish, right?

   Even if I leave, I will be the happiest one.

   In the future, when you think about it, you are also a happy Charlene.

  Sister, goodbye, if there is an afterlife, I will still be your sister!

  Please take care of yourself~”

   She typed so many words and got no response from Xia Jiu.

   But, it’s okay.

  Sister will know her heart and will understand.

   She is not without regrets, not living well, and repaying her sister's sisterhood is her biggest regret.

   But it doesn't matter, my sister has a brother-in-law and three babies.

   Her future life will be wonderful.

  Charlene put down her phone and slowly closed her eyes.


  Three days later, Xia Jiu was in the room and was about to go crazy.

  For the sake of the child, she endured it, and when she finally heard the noise outside and Shen Muhan's voice, her heart was determined.

   "It's okay baby, we're okay!" Xia Jiu soothed the child in her belly.

  The door opened, and when Xia Jiu saw Shen Muhan's figure, she couldn't hold back and fainted.

   Shen Muhan took a few steps forward and took her into his arms.

   "No big problem, just a little frightened." After the doctor's examination, he said to Shen Muhan, "Now the situation is stable."

   Shen Muhan nodded.

   "However, such a thing cannot happen again in the future. Miss Xia has endured too much." The doctor warned.

   Shen Muhan will naturally not let such a thing happen again.

   For the past three days, Xia Jiu was locked in that empty room, and he was not worried all the time.

   He could only watch her actions constantly through that small monitor, and accompany her day and night in fear.

The    emergency doctor and treatment team were also on guard outside the door in case anything happened to her.

During the    period, seeing that she had also tried to find a way to escape, Shen Muhan's heart was raised in his throat.

   Fortunately, she finally gave up on those moves.

   She really doesn't have the energy anymore, and her huge belly makes her unable to save herself at all. wasn't a real kidnapping.

  Otherwise, how could she afford it.

  Sorry, Xia Jiu.

   I promised you not to lie to you.

   But I still didn't do it.


   When Xia Jiu woke up, he opened his heavy eyelids and looked at the ceiling.

   What appeared in the field of vision was the familiar crystal pendant hanging lamp.

   She tilted her head, the curtains opened, revealing a gap, the sunlight was penetrating through the tulle, giving the room light and warmth.

   In her stomach, the child was making a fuss. As soon as she touched her hand, the child responded to her with her hands or feet, and gave her a heavy blow.

  Xia Jiu remembered the figure of Shen Muhan before fainting, and she couldn't help but shout out, "Shen Muhan?"

  Shen Muhan was answering the phone. Hearing his voice, he hung up quickly and walked to her side: "Wake up? Do you feel any discomfort?"

   "What happened to me?" Xia Jiu asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't protect you. Shi Hui and Shi Youxuan, who were punished by me before, deliberately arrested you, came to threaten me, and asked me for money." Shen Muhan said in a deep voice, "Fortunately, they showed their tricks, and I found them smoothly. you."

  Xia Jiu also had lingering fears, but fortunately they were just trying to make money and did not do other radical things.

   She stretched out her arms and hugged her stomach, still afraid.

   She suddenly thought of something: "Where's Charlene? How is she?"

   Shen Muhan lowered his head, held her hand, and was silent for a moment.

  Xia Jiu already felt something in her heart, but she couldn't believe it: "Shen Muhan, tell me, how is Xia Lin?"

   Her voice was soft and full of anticipation.

   She didn't even dare to speak too loudly, for fear of disturbing the answer she wanted.

   "Shen Muhan, eh?" Xia Jiu asked.

   "Charlene... didn't wait for the spinal cord, she already..."

  Xia Jiu's heart was instantly empty.

  's mind was also blank.

   I felt like I was out of breath, unable to breathe.

   Shen Muhan hugged her and clasped her fingers.

   After a while, Xia Jiu recovered.

   She lowered her head, her small face was completely covered by long chestnut hair, and tears fell dazedly.

   Knowing that you shouldn't be sad when you're pregnant.

   should not cry.

   You should not lose control of your emotions.

   But she can't do anything.

   Shen Muhan felt distressed, if there was a way to do it by himself, he would suffer for her pain.

   But no.

   He is also powerless.

   "Xia Jiu."

   "Xia Jiu."

   "Nine children."

   He whispered in her ear.

   wants to pull her back to the real world.

  Xia Jiu shed tears in despair.

   "I'm sorry, Charlene. I'm sorry..."



  Xia Jiu didn't know what to say other than this sentence.

   The old face and smile were still circling in her mind, but she could only say this.

   In the end, she fell asleep when she was tired from crying.

   Shen Muhan came out of her room, Chen Qi was waiting.

   "Xia Jiu's kidnapping, remove all traces. Don't leave any clues." Shen Muhan's tone was cold.

  Chen Qi naturally knew that this matter was of great importance, so he responded quickly.

   Aunt Zhang was locking the room prepared for Charlene. She couldn't help but wipe her tears when she thought that the good little girl was gone.

   (end of this chapter)

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