The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3467: don't chase me

   Chapter 3467 Don't rush me

  Shi Youxuan said angrily, "You are so proud of you, provoking the relationship between our mother and daughter and the eldest brother, so that he attacked us and made us suffer, you still have the face to see us?"

   The last time she was locked in the cockroach house made Shi Youxuan feel scared and angry. Now that she has entered the cell, the living conditions are not as good as that. If she hadn't been accompanied by her mother, she would have gone crazy.

   Seeing Xia Jiu's disgusting face, she could not wait to go up and grab her.

   "You offended me first and kidnapped me later. Isn't this what you should suffer now?" Xia Jiu said lazily.

  Shi Youxuan was even more annoyed: "How can you be able to marry my eldest brother? The thing I regret most is that I didn't abort your belly and let you die!"

   "So, when you kidnapped me, why didn't you abort me?" Xia Jiu asked.

   This is what she can't figure out the most.

   After being kidnapped, although she was frightened a lot, the kidnappers treated her well, and they didn't even criticize her for her diet. She didn't suffer much during those three days.

   Before, she really thought that they dared not touch her for the sake of money.

   After thinking about it, I realized that things are not that simple.

Shi Youxuan snorted: "Do you think I don't want to abort you? Who told me to call him eldest brother, no, he is not worthy of me to call him eldest brother, to treat our mother and daughter like this! Who let Shen Muhan discover our plan first, Stop us! Otherwise, I will definitely let you taste the feeling of regret at the beginning! You are really proud, now that you have a child, you dare to shout in front of us, right? I tell you Xia Jiu, you I won't be happy for long!"

   "When did you kidnap me? Who did you use? How many days did it take?"

Shi Youxuan said disdainfully, "You have to have a limit for laughing at people, right? Did we kidnap you? We were discovered by Shen Muhan before we approached you and arrested, otherwise, do you think you can live in peace like you are now? "

  Shi Hui said, "Speak less!"

   She agreed to Shen Muhan's confession, and Shen Muhan let her down lightly, but what is Shi Youxuan shaking and showing?

  Shi Youxuan also realized this and said, "We kidnapped you for three days, but we didn't dare to touch you for the money. You can find it by checking the file, and why did you come to ask me?"

   Their attitude before and after, Xia Jiu completely understood.

   If they really kidnapped and hated themselves to the core, how could they treat themselves kindly?

   She only felt cold hands and feet.

   So the kidnapping was clearly a self-directed and self-acted game.

The purpose of    couldn't be simpler, so that she had no time to take care of Charlene, could not save Charlene, and let Charlene fend for herself.

   She pinched her palm and looked indifferent.

   After she was kidnapped and returned, all she saw was Charlene's body, and she didn't see the last face.

   After all, she failed her parents and her sister.

   She put on her sunglasses and walked out slowly.

   Qin Zheng came towards her and said, "Xia Jiu."

  Some words, he has heard outside.

  These things, he also had a lot of doubts before.

   Now that I think about it and compare it, I can understand what is going on.

  Shen Muhan, how could he do that!

   Two things.

   Xia Jiu's parents, Xia Jiu's younger sister.

   He has taken away everyone around her step by step.

   So what's next?

   She walked out and went to Charlene's cemetery again.

   Looking at the smiling photo of Xia Lin on the tombstone, Xia Jiu felt like a knife, hating Shen Muhan and herself.

   approached, Shen Ye was sitting in front of the tombstone, at first glance, Xia Jiu was startled.

  The bodyguard stepped forward to pull him, only to find that the man with tattered clothes and a full beard turned out to be Shen Ye, the young master of the Shen family.

   "Let him go." Xia Jiu said.

   Shen Ye stared at Xia Jiu with a dazed look, guilt and remorse intertwined, he wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word.

  Xia Jiu placed the flowers in front of the tombstone and said, "You can go."

   "Don't rush me, I just want to see her."

   "She doesn't want to see you like this." Xia Jiu said.

  Shen Ye froze for a moment, then smiled suddenly, and stood up slowly, the wind blew, and the smell of wine drifted away.

  Xia Jiu's eyes were stabbed, and she stood for a long, long time.

   When Shen Muhan came home, Xia Jiu was sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him.

   There was a rare time when she didn't stay in the baby room, but waited for him attentively. Shen Muhan's brows were soft, and she stepped forward and said, "Wait for me for a long time?"

   "Well, let's eat. The housekeeper has prepared everything you like." Xia Jiu said.

   She was very gentle, Shen Muhan sat down, picked up his chopsticks, and served her dishes first.

   After eating, Shen Muhan returned to the room with her.

   "I have two things I want to tell you." Xia Jiu handed the child over to the nanny and whispered, "Take care of them, and you can coax them if you cry later."

   The first half of the sentence was addressed to Shen Muhan.

  The nanny left with the child in his arms, and brought the door behind him by the way.

   "You said." Shen Muhan rolled up his sleeves and opened his mouth.

   "What is the secret behind the death of my parents? What role did you play in it?" Xia Jiu stared straight at him.

   Unlike the previous temptations, this time, it was a direct inquiry, and she had to get an answer.

Right now.

"I said it before…"

   "I don't want to listen to useless words!" Xia Jiu interrupted him forcefully, with a thin layer of sweat on the tip of his nose, "I want to hear the truth, the truth that the police don't know."

   "Xia Jiu, what do you think is the truth? If you don't believe what I say, then what is the truth?"

  Xia Jiu nodded anxiously: "Well, tell me, what does that have to do with you?"

"none of my business."

   "Then why did your car appear at the scene of the accident?"

  Shen Muhan: "…"

"Are you talking about a coincidence?" Xia Jiu said, "but the coincidence is that you want to cover up and erase the traces of your appearance among the many evidences. You want to dispel my doubts, but instead deepen my doubts. Shen Muhan , What's the matter, I can't know?"

  Shen Muhan said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, that itself is indeed a coincidence. I'm afraid you will misunderstand, think more, and then erase the traces of my appearance."

   "Then if I don't ask, you won't tell me anything, right?"

   "Xia Jiu, for some things, it has no real purpose at all, and there is no deliberate conspiracy. It is better to have more than one less thing, isn't it?"

   "Not good!" Xia Jiu shouted, "That's my parents, and it's my feelings! I want to know everything related to them. If they are wronged, how can I deal with it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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