The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3470: You and I are selfish

   Chapter 3470 You and I are selfish

   And now, those trusts have turned into sharp arrows, stabbing herself.

  Shen Muhan looked at her cold eyes, and the muscles on his face showed: "Xia Jiu, there is a life between us, will you be willing to give me a life for my life?"

   Shock appeared in her eyes.

   Then speak.


   When Xia Jiu went upstairs, the nanny said, "Young master is really sincere now. He holds the child and loves him very much."

   "Yes, in fact, the young master is really good to Miss Xia and the child."

  Xia Jiu hurried towards the baby room, Shen Muhan was holding one of the children.

   Hearing the footsteps, he opened his eyelashes, and Xia Jiu saw that his eyes were red, as if he was not taking children, but killing people.

   "Give it to me!" Xia Jiu reached out and grabbed the child.

   His hands were tightly clamped, and Xia Jiu's heart clenched, but he finally let go.

  Xia Jiu hurriedly hugged the baby, feeling scared for a while.

   She had no doubt that he would do anything to the baby at any time.

  From the time the child was born to the present, he really never had any fatherly affection for the child, and it was extremely perfunctory to hug him occasionally.

   It's not that he doesn't want to do things, he just doesn't want to do things for these three children.

The nanny    smiled and said, "Sometimes it is inevitable for a man to take care of a child, but don't worry, Miss Xia, practice makes perfect, the young master will always be skilled. You have to give him a chance."

  Xia Jiu's heart became colder.

  For outsiders, Shen Muhan has no problem at all. He loves his wife and children in every detail. He is considerate and generous. No one will ever know that he is violent, cruel and doesn't care about anything in his bones.

   He changed it for a while, just covered it up, but it didn't change at all.

  No one can understand Xia Jiu.

   She was alone.

   Even if she continues to live here, what kind of feelings will Shen Muhan have for his baby?

   "You don't believe that I will treat them kindly?" Shen Muhan gently rolled up his sleeves and asked, his eyes flashed with blood red killing intent.

   "I believe it. But you are not skilled." Xia Jiu didn't want to provoke him anymore.

  Shen Muhan was finally satisfied with her attitude, "I said, I will take good care of them and won't let you down."

  Xia Jiu didn't dare to meet his eyes, and whispered: "Okay."

   "Then go back to the room with me first." Shen Muhan took her hand.

   Xia Jiu had to put the child down first.

   Back in the room, he pressed her directly against the door and whispered, "Xia Jiu, we're still the same as before, okay?"

   He never intended to hurt her, and if he did something, he was just thinking of her.

   Of course, he was selfish enough to keep her for himself.

   But that's all because, in his life, it is impossible without her.

   He hoped she could understand when she was on holiday.

  Xia Jiu felt that the current Shen Muhan is the Shen Muhan he first met, and he has no other thoughts and friendships except to confine himself.

   Her body shrank a little.

   Shen Muhan lowered his head, grabbed her, and kissed her.

  Xia Jiu's fingers couldn't relax all the time, and she was so nervous that she was sweating coldly.


  Xia Jiu can indeed go out.

  Because Shen Muhan was sure she couldn't take three children with her.

   in the cafe.

  Xia Jiu met Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai was surprised: "Why is your complexion so much worse than last time? Are you not sleeping well with your baby? Can you not worry so much, let the babysitter watch over your baby more, and take good care of yourself? rest."

   "No." Xia Jiu shook her head.

   "Then what happened to you?" Jiang Bai asked, "It was Shen Muhan who treated you badly?"

Xia Jiu smiled bitterly: "He was good enough to me, so good that he changed my contraceptive pills and made me pregnant with triplets, so good that he didn't want me to donate spinal cord to my sister and found someone to kidnap me. Jiang Bai , he's back again."

   Jiang Bai was shocked, "He actually did such a thing!"

   But it doesn't seem strange, after all, he was like this before.

   He refused to let Xia Jiu leave, and was willing to do anything.

   is even willing to change to fit Xia Jiu.

   But when this method doesn't work, he can change to any other method regardless of the cost to keep Xia Jiu.

   Jiang Bai felt guilty: "I shouldn't have persuaded you to stay together before. I shouldn't have given him any advice to get him back to you."

   "It doesn't matter about you. Since I knew him, this result is unavoidable. When there is nothing to do, hello and me, and there are things, our instinctive thinking will never match." Xia Jiu laughed at himself.

   "Now, what should you do? You still have a baby, so the possibility of leaving is even lower."

  Xia Jiu smiled wryly.


   How did she come back here step by step?


   Shen Ye was waiting at the door of the Shen family villa.

   Shen Muhan's car slowly drove over.

   Chen Qi reminded: "Master, Ye Shao's ghost is still alive, and he came here with him."

   Shen Ye went to the company to squat over Shen Muhan before, but Shen Muhan avoided seeing him.

  He came here.

   Shen Muhan neatly tidied up his clothes, "I'm still afraid he won't do it?"

   "But..." Chen Qi hasn't finished speaking yet.

  Shen Ye has stepped forward to stop the car: "Shen Muhan, get down!"

  Shen Muhan got out of the car slowly, walked to Shen Ye, and looked at him condescendingly.

   Shen Ye raised his head and stared at him stubbornly: "In the beginning, you kidnapped Xia Jiu?"

   "What if it's me?" Shen Muhan replied calmly.

  Shen Ye raised his fist and smashed it towards Shen Muhan!

   Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to catch the punch. Shen Ye has been drinking a lot recently, and his body has been hollowed out. Where is Shen Muhan's opponent?

   Shen Muhan swung, and he fell to the ground.

   "Shen Muhan! You are really not human! You killed Xia Lin!" Shen Ye cursed.

  Shen Muhan squatted down, looked down from above, his eyes arrogant: "You killed it."

  Shen Ye: "…"

   He was speechless.

   The source of the matter was originally from him.

   "You came to me, but it was because you didn't know how to hate yourself, so you hated me." Shen Muhan said in a low voice, "How can you come to me?"

   Shen Ye punched the ground heavily, leaving a bright red blood mark.

   "She had another chance!"

   "Opportunity?" Shen Muhan smiled, "Will it be exchanged for Xia Jiu's life?"

   Shen Ye was speechless.

  Shen Muhan stood up, lowered his eyes and looked at the ground: "In the end, you and I are selfish, no one is nobler than anyone else. What you care about is Xia Lin's life, and what I care about is Xia Jiu's."

   After he finished speaking, he turned and walked into the villa.

  Xia Jiu was in the baby room and felt his footsteps, instinctively shivered, not wanting to see him, but had to see him again.

   The housekeeper was talking to Shen Muhan in a low voice, "Miss Xia hasn't eaten much these days, and her mental state is not very good. She stays in the baby room for a whole day. How can your body endure it like this?"

   (end of this chapter)

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