The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3478: Did you get what you wanted?

   Chapter 3478 Did you get what you wanted?

   "Shen Muhan! Shen Muhan!" Xia Jiu was dragged away, her hands were covered with blood, and her wedding dress was also stained with blood.

  Shen Sihai was also very satisfied with the situation at the scene, "Shen Muhan, Shen Muhan, I really didn't expect that a ruthless person like you would die in such a way! Alas, what a pity I taught you from childhood."

   He walked towards Shen Muhan step by step, reaching out and holding the hilt of the dagger on his chest.


  Chen Qi brought people and was still waiting outside.

   When Shen Muhan wanted to break into the room alone, he persuaded and stopped him, but it didn't work at all!

   Originally, Shen Muhan could deploy comprehensively and take them to the world in one fell swoop, but Shen Muhan still went alone.

  Chen Qi is too clear, not only did he not want Xia Jiu to be frightened in it alone, but he was even more afraid that Xia Jiu would find an opportunity and go away from him.

   So even though he knew he was taking a risk, he still went.

  Chen Qi is dispatching staff, waiting for the movement inside.

  Young Master is so adventurous!

   I hope that after this time, Xia Jiu can really stay with the young master and never want to escape in the future!


After    Akins knocked Xia Jiu out, he sent it out directly.

   "Take Xia Jiu and leave immediately."

   "But what about Miss Xia's children? She has already arranged that she must bring three children."

  Akins couldn't do anything, and said, "Wait a moment. The babysitter is taking the child, is he on his way?"

   "It's almost there."

   Akins frowned and waited for a while.

   Soon, the three nannies came over from a distance, holding a child each.

   "Go pick up the kid and leave!"

  Xia Jiuyou woke up, and when she saw the babysitter bringing the child over, she knew that she had reached the step she had arranged.

   She originally planned to stun Shen Muhan with alcohol, and then take the child away while everyone relaxed their vigilance.

   But now... the situation is completely beyond her expectations.

   Shen Muhan's life and death is unknown, and the child...

   She rushed out and reached for one of the children.

   However, a large group of people rushed out and said, "Stop them, don't let them leave, and don't allow them to take the child away!"

   I don't know if it's Shen Muhan or Shen Sihai.

   As soon as these people came, they rushed away Xia Jiu and the nanny, making a distance between them.

   "Give me the child!" Xia Jiu reached out.

   But the nanny has already stepped back. They are just helping to take care of the children. I have seen this kind of battle before, and I am too scared to go forward.

   Akins's people took Xia Jiu and stuffed it into the car.

   "No, my child hasn't gotten in the car yet!" Xia Jiu wanted to try harder.

   But the car was already going out.

  The figure of the nanny and the child has become farther and farther away.

   "Let me go back! Let me go back immediately!" Xia Jiu slapped the car door, his voice hoarse.

   "Xia Jiu, calm down!" Akins held her hand, "Those people now are most likely from Shen Sihai. If you go back now, not only will you die, but this child will not be saved!"

   "Who asked you to take care of me! Who asked you to pick me up!" Xia Jiu roared at her.

   "I want to protect you too!"

   "I don't want your protection! I don't want you to lead wolves into the house and bring back Shen Sihai! You killed Shen Muhan, and you killed my baby!"

   Akins pressed her: "Xia Jiu, you were going to leave in the first place, didn't you? What do you care about Shen Muhan's life and death? Even if you stun him according to your original plan, Shen Sihai can't deal with him the same?"

   "It's not like that at all! He's so shrewd! If it wasn't for you, he'd be fine!"

   "It's okay if you don't leave?" Akins asked.

  Xia Jiu cried bitterly: "If I had known this was the case, I would rather stay! I don't want you to succeed!"

  Shen Muhan and her two children died because of her willfulness!

   Akins comforted her: "Xia Jiu, Shen Sihai and Shen Muhan are old enemies. Without you, they will fight. It's also a good thing that you leave. I have no ill intentions towards you. I'm your mother!"

  Xia Jiu sneered: "Do you think of me as your daughter when you do this?"

   Shen Muhan died because of herself, and her heart was so painful that she couldn't help herself.

  The car arrived at the airport, and Akins tied her to the private jet.


  France Airport.

  The private jet stopped smoothly.

  Akins asked Xia Jiu to take her directly back to her residence.

   The place where Akins lives is a villa, which occupies a lot of space.

  Xia Jiu and the child were taken over quickly.

   "Xia Jiu, don't worry, I've already sent someone to inquire about the whereabouts of the two children." Akins asked someone to bring bird's nest over, "You eat a little bit first, at least, take care of this child first."

  Where can Xia Jiu eat?

   The child in his arms finally slept soundly after crying for a while.

   "Didn't you get what you wanted now?"

   "Really?" Xia Jiu sneered.

   What she wanted was never in this situation.

   also never wanted Shen Muhan to die!

   Not to mention there are two children!

  There was a TV and a computer in her room, she turned it on immediately and searched all over the place for news about Shen Muhan.

  The TV finally settled on a certain Dragon Empire channel, she hurriedly stopped and listened to the news.

   "Today, the news of this station has received accurate reports. In the **** case that happened in the hotel yesterday, one of the parties involved, Shen Muhan, a financial tycoon and an economic giant, has been confirmed dead, and the others..."

   When Xia Jiu heard the news, his eyes darkened and he fainted.

   "Have someone call the doctor," Akins said.

   "Mummy, is my sister back?"

   A young and lovely girl ran in and asked nervously.

   "Fiona, don't disturb her yet," Akins said.

  Fiona was the half-race girl that Xia Jiu met when she came to France last time.

   If it is said that Xia Jiu has only a very light foreign blood, then Fiona has a strong mixed-race color, but it is still very beautiful.

   "Oh," Fiona said, "is that Miss Xia Jiu?"

   Akins said: "She is in a bad mood. If you wake up and say something unpleasant, don't bother with her."

   "I know." Fiona said, "This little baby is so good, shall I take care of it?"

   "I don't need you, you're a mess."

   Fiona stuck out her tongue and ran out.

   When Xia Jiu woke up, her throat was tight, her whole body was in pain, and she couldn't open her eyes.

   Akins' voice came from his ear: "You have a fever. The doctor said to rest well."

   (end of this chapter)

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