The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3480: Does this make any difference?

   Chapter 3480 Does this make any difference?

   Mrs. Shen's side, she also asked.

   Not even Shen Fengshan, Shen Jingyu and others, she was really about to give up.

   If it wasn't for a child who followed her and supported her to live, she would have committed suicide long ago.

   It’s just that although alive, it’s just a walking dead.

  Akins brought her food in and put it in front of her: "You have to eat something. Or will you starve yourself to death?"

  Xia Jiu shook his head.

  She couldn't eat it.

   Akins said, "You love Shen Muhan, right?"

   "Does it matter whether you love it or not?" Xia Jiu whispered, she even killed him.

   "Since you've all left, just follow the life after you left and live a good life." Akins said, "Even if he lives, you are not suitable. What does it matter if he is dead?"

  Xia Jiu raised her eyes to look at her, blood red and gray in her eyes.

   Akins knows that her words are serious, and she herself is a person who values ​​interests more than feelings.

   In some respects, she is the same as Shen Muhan.

   But in this world, people who value their interests can live better, right?

  Xia Jiu said, "What's going on between me and you?"

   "Your grandfather and grandmother, one is French and the other is from the Dragon Empire. So I was born a half-blood. Later, I also fell in love with a man from the Dragon Empire, but his status was low and the whole family was against it."

   Xia Jiu has lived here for a while, and she also knows the identity of Akins. She is a countess, and her status is precious.

   So it's not surprising that she heard someone called Princess Fiona before.

   Although, strictly speaking, Fiona is not yet a princess.

"I had you with him, but he left. My parents married me into the Earl's House for marriage. Before that, I gave birth to you. They sent you out without my knowledge." Akins said, "I have been looking for you all these years. I finally got the news this year and brought you back."

   "Aren't you afraid of what your husband will say?" Xia Jiu asked.

   She and Fiona are different.

   Do the people from the Earl's Palace still recognize her?

   "He's dead," Akins said. "You'll have no problem staying here. You're my daughter, and I'll stay if I want. What else would anyone dare to say?"

  Xia Jiu was not moved: "He is still alive, will you find me?"

   Akins didn't speak.

   If you don’t speak, you just won’t.

   "Xia Jiu, does it make any difference? My love for you is no less than that of Fiona."

"I'd rather you didn't love me and never looked for me." Xia Jiu said coldly, "Don't you know what kind of person Shen Sihai is? Without your love, Shen Muhan would not die, my two The child will not die!"

  Akins was speechless.

  This matter, she really did not think about it.

   But even if she was a countess, Shen Muhan would not let her go, so she had no choice.

   Moreover, she had met Shen Muhan before, and he had no respect for him at all.

   Akins doesn't want such a son-in-law!

  Xia Jiu took out the box and said, "I won't thank you for taking care of you these days, and I won't see you again in the future!"

   "Xia Jiu, where are you moving?"

   "You don't need to worry about it." Xia Jiu went out with the box, found the nanny and asked for her child, and turned around to go out.

  Akins was angry and helpless: "Do you really want to be mad at me? Do you still think I am your mother?"

   "My mother, she has long since died." Xia Jiu's voice was indifferent.

  Akins could only watch her leave!

  Fiona ran over and said, "Is Xia Jiu really leaving?"

   "I'm so mad at me!" Akins said, "For a man, do it like this!"

   "But Mommy... You've gone too far this time."

   "Even you talk about me!"

Fiona was used to being spoiled, and she didn't care about anything, she said, "You actually knew Xia Jiu was your daughter, but you waited until this time to pick up someone, because you were afraid that your father was still there before and you wouldn't be able to pick up Xia Jiu. Jiu. Also, you didn't have a good deal with Shen Muhan, he refused to give you the benefit, so you took Shen Sihai to grab Xia Jiu from him. You don't love Xia Jiu at all, you just want to use Xia Jiu for you Profit! Shen Muhan at least loves Xia Jiu, but you don't!"

   The truth was spoken so brazenly by the youngest daughter, Akins was so embarrassed that she slapped her in the face.

   Fiona was beaten and said aggrieved: "I didn't say anything wrong, if I were Xia Jiu, I would go too!"

   "Fiona!" Atkins tried to stop her, but she ran away.

  Xia Jiu had prepared all the documents in France long ago, but now Shen Muhan won't find her, and she doesn't even need to change her name.

  The house has been prepared long ago, and even the company that can work has been contacted long ago.

  Everything is available, but now these are not the life she wants.

   However, she has no face to go back.

   Now her only consolation is the child in her arms.

  The children were originally two boys, one girl, and this one was the eldest child. Although they all looked the same, Xia Jiu could tell them apart at a glance.

   In addition to inquiring about domestic news and looking for the other two children, the rest of her mind was devoted to taking care of this son.

   Every time she dreamed back in the middle of the night, she would be awakened by the dagger that stabbed Shen Muhan at that time.

   In his dream, blood was gushing out, he was speechless, but his eyes were so desolate, confused and sad.

   Xia Jiu was awakened, and it always took a long time to fall asleep.

   That man, who loved her like that, yet she gave him a fatal blow in this way.

   She was very strange, what happened to her dagger at that time?

   That room was settled by Shen Muhan herself. She has been there several times, so Shen Muhan knows where the playful dagger is.

   She wanted to find a chance to let him escape from Shen Sihai's hands, but she was deceived by the dagger.

   Who changed the dagger, was it Shen Sihai?

   Or Akins?

  She called Qin Zheng to check the fingerprints on the dagger.

   But the result was not what she expected.

   Only Xia Jiu's fingerprints are on it.

   Also, if someone really wants to change the dagger, how can it leave traces.

   was replaced by Shen Sihai, which makes sense.

  Xia Jiu wears no makeup and often sits at the beach for an afternoon before going home.

  Baby can already eat complementary food, but she is still not very good at cooking as before, she always makes a mess, it is completely dark cooking.

   There was no other way, so she had to hire a nanny who could cook the traditional food of the Dragon Empire to take care of the baby.

   He is one and a half years old, and he looks exactly like Shen Muhan printed in the same mold.

   (end of this chapter)

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