Chapter 3484 Sorry

   She has brought countless benefits to the company in the past three years, but she rarely takes vacations. The company naturally acceded to her request for vacation.

   When she received Sihan at night, she couldn't wait to run to the airport.

   Bring the fabric and make clothes when you go back, it will be fast.

   "Are we going back to the Dragon Empire you mentioned earlier?" Sihan asked.

   "Yes." Xia Jiu said softly, "Uncle Qin and Aunt Jiang are getting married."

  Sihan nodded: "I bless them too."

  Xia Jiu smiled: "They know you are going back, they don't know how happy they are."

  Sihan was very sensible and asked: "When I left in the morning, Uncle Gu said that you were drunk and still awake. Are you feeling better now?"

   "It's much better, don't worry." Xia Jiu couldn't help but sigh that fortunately, no matter how drunk she was, she still looked good, so Sihan didn't have to worry about it.

   She asked for a thin blanket and covered him: "You rest first."

   "Hmm." He obediently closed his eyes.

  Xia Jiu3 did not go back, whether it was to escape, or to be close to the homeland, she was always in a difficult mood when facing this homeland.

   tilted her head to look at Sihan, she fell into contemplation.

   After getting off the plane, Xia Jiu went to pick up her luggage.

  Sihan said obediently, "Mommy, I'm going to the bathroom."

"I go with you."

   "It doesn't matter, it's over there. Just look at me within your sight." Sihan said.

   He hates those men looking at his mommy with squinting eyes. If she appears in the men's bathroom, I'm afraid this kind of gaze will be even more.

   Protecting Mommy, Sihan is responsible, and he is bound to do so.

   Watching his straight back go out, Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled.

   She glanced at the direction Sihan went out from time to time while waiting for her luggage.

   Suddenly, a familiar figure entered her line of sight. The man was wearing a suit and was waiting for his luggage.

   "Chen Qi?" Xia Jiu's voice couldn't help choking.

   "Xia, Miss Xia?" Chen Qi didn't expect to see Xia Jiu here.

  Three years later, she is still so beautiful and tall, but she is less proud and domineering and more gentle.

  Chen Qi suddenly felt resentment, the young master is like that, she is still in good shape, why is she?

   Immediately, Chen Qi's face turned cold: "What a coincidence, Miss Xia, you are still in the Dragon Empire."

  Xia Jiu didn't care about his mockery, and asked in a low voice, "Chen Qi, those two children, do you have any whereabouts?"

  Chen Qi is even more unbalanced. He doesn't ask the young master when he meets him, he just asks the two children, what does she mean?

   No wonder the young master was so angry that he didn't even look for her.

  Thinking that the young master had been in a coma for more than two years, and now he finally woke up and lingered on the sick bed all day long, Xia Jiu's attitude?

  Just, do you want to tell her about the little young master and the little lady?

  The young master said that he was not allowed to disclose any information.

   But Xia Jiu's eyes are now full of real hope, which makes Chen Qi a little unbearable. Xia Jiu doesn't love the young master, but his love for the child is true.

   He was so embarrassed, in Xia Jiu's eyes, it was natural that the child was gone.

  She knew...the expectation for many days has not changed.

   Qin Zheng, Jiang Bai, and old lady Shen have all inquired about the news, saying that the child is gone.

   She swiped her backhand across her eyes, hiding her tears.

  Chen Qi couldn't bear it when he saw this, opened his mouth, but didn't dare to say anything.

   "Then... where is Young Master Han's tombstone?" Xia Jiu calmed down for a long time before asking softly, "I want to go to worship."

  Chen Qi: "…"

  At first, the outside world thought that Shen Muhan was dead, so Shen Muhan just planned on it, confusing everyone, and even more Shen Sihai.

  Before he was stabbed, he had already considered various situations and left arrangements for Chen Qi.

  So when he was in a coma, Chen Qi transferred him, and then waited for an opportunity to act, using Shi Youxuan and Shen Ming as bait, Chen Qi finally got Shen Sihai with one blow.

   Shen Sihai was guilty of serious crimes, and Chen Qi sent him to the police according to Shen Muhan's advance arrangement.

   This matter is the real conclusion.

  Chen Qi had to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, but Shen Muhan's planning ahead of time finally bought everyone time.

   It's just that Xia Jiu hasn't heard anything for the past three years, and Chen Qi really doesn't want to talk about Shen Muhan.

   Not to mention... the young master also said that he is not allowed to disclose his affairs to anyone.

  Xia Jiu just thought he was unwilling to tell himself.

   She herself, how loyal Chen Qi is to Shen Muhan, the more she hates herself.

   She doesn't blame him.

   "I'm sorry." She didn't know who she was speaking to.

  Chen Qi was inconvenient to say more. After taking his luggage, he left quickly with a few followers.

  Sihan ran over, panting: "Mummy, who was that person just now? Did he bully you?"

   "No, no, I just met an old friend." Xia Jiu said hurriedly.

   "But your eyes are red."

  Xia Jiu touched his eyes: "It's inevitable to be a little sad to meet old friends."

  Sihan nodded sensible: "If you like the Dragon Empire, I can accompany you to live here."

  Xia Jiu patted his head: "Well, I'll decide later."

   She glanced at the direction Chen Qi was away from.


   "Xia Jiu, you are finally back! I'm sorry, there's a traffic jam, I'm late!" Jiang Bai rushed over and hugged Xia Jiu.

   She let go of her hand and looked at Sihan again: "Baby has grown taller! He's even more handsome!"

  Sihan smiled at her: "Aunt Jiang is also more beautiful."

   "Oh my little heart." Jiang Bai was double-struck by his handsomeness and emotional intelligence.

  Sihan is very independent, stretches out his hand and pulls his small suitcase, and walks towards Jiang Bai's car.

   "You rest first tonight. Tomorrow night, there will be my singles night feast. You must come then." Jiang Bai drove Xia Jiu to Xia's house.

  Xia Jiu hasn't lived here for a long time, but there are still servants who keep the place in good order.

   "Qin Zheng and I both felt that you could always come back to live, so we didn't dismiss all the servants." Jiang Bai explained.

   When the car drove in, the decoration and arrangement of the whole yard did not change. Although it was another winter, the yard was full of flowers and fragrant.

  The servant came to take Xia Jiu's luggage and sent her and Sihan into the house.

   She walked to the living room and saw the red lanterns used for Chinese New Year on the crystal chandelier, but did not take it down.

  It is probably well maintained, and it has not faded over time, and it is still bright red.

   I suddenly remembered the scene when I was here and hung up the lantern.

   "I was afraid that no one would live here, so I asked them to keep the lanterns." Jiang Bai explained, "If you don't like it, I will have them replaced."

   "No, no." Xia Jiu hurriedly shook his head.

After    settled down, she asked in a low voice, "Do you know where Shen Muhan's cemetery is?"

   (end of this chapter)

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