The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3489: You are so halfhearted

   Chapter 3489 You are so half-hearted

   Little Eleven nodded: "I want to eat ice cream more."

  Xia Jiu stroked his forehead: "If you want to go back with me, you must listen to my words and not make a fool of yourself, you know?"



   "Okay, Mommy."

   "Okay, Mommy."

   The appearance of the two little ones being obedient made Xia Jiu smile knowingly, and his heart softened.

   It seems that as long as they are properly educated, these two small saplings can still be straightened.

  Xia Jiu started the car.

   "Ahhhh, Mommy, Little Eleven bit me!"

   "No, it was Xiao Shi who did it first, he pulled my braids!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah…"

"Ohh Ohh ohh…"

   "I broke my finger!"

   "My braid broke!"

  Xia Jiu: "…"

  Xia Jiu returned home with a truckload of ghosts and wolves.

  Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven still grabbed each other's hands and refused to let go. Xia Jiu opened the car door and said with a stern face, "What about the third chapter of the contract I just said?"

   Little Ten and Little Eleven got out of the car together holding hands.

  Then the two became strangely quiet and followed Xia Jiu's footsteps obediently.

   After a while, the voice of the servant came: "Ah ah ah, who? Who threw worms on me? Come out!"

   There was also a scream from another place: "Who pulled my flower by the roots!"

  Xia Jiu deeply felt that these two small saplings needed to use big scissors to straighten them.

   brought them into the living room, and Sihan walked over in a very gentlemanly manner: "Mummy!"

  Xiao Shiyi immediately burst into tears: "Who is your mommy? Don't mistake it! This is my mommy! Mommy hugs!"

   She relied on a fleshy, pink and jade-carved face, and when she cried, it was unbearable, and she opened her arms.

  Xia Jiu had no choice but to pick her up.

  Sihan looked at her: "Who are you?"

   "It's Mommy's favorite little cute baby!" Little Eleven made a face at him, "A little bit a little bit!"

  Sihan: "…"

  Xia Jiu hurriedly comforted him softly: "This is Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi. They got separated from their families on the street. Mommy will bring them back to settle down first."

  Sihan understood, he knew, how could his mother pick up such two children to raise?

  Although that little Eleven looks cute.

  Xiao Shi copied his hands and said unhappily, "Mummy, you actually raised other children behind our backs! You are so halfhearted!"

  Xia Jiu held his collar, "Go wash your stinky sweat first!"

  Sihan followed: "I'll go get them my clothes."

  Xiao Shi pouted: "I don't want to wear the clothes you wear."

  Sihan gave him a white look: "New."

   "Then I don't want it either! I want Mommy to buy it for me!" Xiao Shi hummed.

  Sihan was too lazy to pay attention to him: "Then come out naked!"

  Xia Jiu asked Xiao Shi to wash by himself.

  She washed the little eleven, and by the way, while taking the time to pick up the clothes, she called the police and described the situation of the two.

  Xiao Shi was making a lot of noise, Xia Jiu took a lot of effort to wash her, and when she came out, she saw that the bathroom that Xiao Shi had used was already flooded with water, and there was not even a place to stand.

  Sihan usually likes to be neat and tidy, but when he saw this scene, his face turned blue.

   And without realizing it, Xiao Shi was running around with his bare buttocks slaughtered!

  Xiao Shi covered his face and looked at him through his fingers.

   "Little Ten!" Xia Jiu's voice was stern!

  Xiao Shi turned a deaf ear.

  Xia Jiu grabbed him and said, "Are you ashamed? No one taught you that you can't show your **** for others to see?"

   "Yeah, no one taught me!"

   "Then I'll teach you now!" Xia Jiu took Sihan's clothes and covered him.

  Xiao Shi twisted his hands unhappy.

   "Now, go and clean up the wet place." Xia Jiu threw the towel to him, "Then apologize to Brother Sihan!"

   "I don't!" Xiao Shi refused.

   He doesn't want to do anything!

  Mommy can't even scream!

   He is a little master! Master, you don't have to do things by yourself!

  Xia Jiu sneered: "Sihan, help me call Uncle Steward and send Xiao Shi back to the place where I just met him. Whoever loves to lead such a child will take it back!"

  Sihan immediately responded.

  Xiao Shi said, "Then I'll jump from here!"

Xia Jiu said: "Then you jump! I'm not responsible if you fall to your death. Anyway, if you fall to death, you won't be able to see your sister, and you won't want to eat anything delicious in the future. Those who hate you will still Happy to laugh."

   "Then can you laugh?" Xiao Shi asked.

"I don't hate you." Xia Jiu said truthfully, "On the contrary, when I first saw you, I liked you very much. But what you do makes me very bored. No one will always like someone to make things happen. A messed up person."

  Xiao Shi stared at the ground without speaking.

Xia Jiu said softly: "If you think it is difficult to clean up, you can ask someone to help you to do it together, but the premise is that, first, you are not allowed to be lazy and push everything to others. Second, you have to invite others politely, you are good think about it."

   He was mute and sullen.

   Obviously can't make up his mind.

  He was at home, and the nanny never dared him to do anything.

   He often broke from the top floor to the first floor, and from the first floor to the top floor, no one dared to say a heavy word to him.

   Instead, he was begging him.

  Xia Jiu secretly locked the window, and asked the housekeeper to arrange for a servant to guard it.

   Then he brought snacks for Sihan and Xiao Shiyi.

  Xiao Shi said: "Then can I invite you to help me?"

   "Yes, but I didn't hear the word please."

   "Please help me." Xiao Shi said.

  Xia Jiu took a towel, handed him one, and squatted down to clean up the water stains in front of him, and Xiao Shi followed suit.

   Seeing that his face soon became sweaty and dirty again, Xia Jiu couldn't help laughing, and reached out and tapped the tip of his nose.

  Xiao Shi blushed and wiped the floor vigorously.

   Finally cleaned up this mess.

  Xia Jiu handed him a new set of clothes with the same pattern as Xia Jiu's clothes.

   "Go take a shower again." Xia Jiu said.

  Xiao Shi took the clothes and went to wash them.

  This time, Ann did not make a mess in the bathroom.

   After he came out, Xia Jiu smiled: "It's really good."

   He twisted around uncomfortably.

  Xia Jiu said, "Do you still have something to say to Brother Sihan?"

  Xiao Shi ran over awkwardly and saw Sihan was feeding the cake to Xiao Shi. He got angry and knocked off his hand: "Who asked you to feed Xiao Shi?"

   Little Eleven kicked him: "I asked Brother Sihan to feed him!"

   "You still call him brother?" Xiao Shi angrily pushed away the cake pan in front of him.

   Little Eleven screamed: "Who wants you to control me?"

   "Who asked you to call him brother?"

  Sihan stretched out his hand and pulled the two apart, their short legs still kicking at each other.

   Then back to back: "Humph!"

   (end of this chapter)

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