The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3492: You're the best

   Chapter 3492 You are the best

  Xia Jiu hesitated for a while: "This gentleman..."

   "Miss Xia!" Feng Ying didn't want her to say another word.

   "May I ask your surname." Xia Jiu asked.

   "Why are you asking so much?" Feng Ying was angry.

   "Mom." Shen Muhan said.

  Xia Jiu said: "Mr. Mu, Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi may need more company and care from you. Just handing them over to the servants to take care of them may cause problems."

   Shen Mu snorted coldly, unmoved.

   Does she know whose child this is? Just so worried!

  Xia Jiu also knew that every family has its own story. Since this Mr. Mu refused to listen, she couldn't say more, she turned around and left.

How could Xiao Shi and Xiao Xi bear this, they rushed over and hugged her thigh: "Mummy, you are not allowed to leave! Don't you love us? Woohoo, you know you like other children! We're good! Poor! We have no parents and no mother since we were young, so pitiful! Mummy, you have pity and pity us!"

   Shen Muhan was so angry that his teeth were itchy, "Feng Ying!"

  Feng Ying took these two off Xia Jiu while letting someone send Xia Jiu out.

  Xia Jiu felt empty in her heart, but she also knew that she couldn't control these things.

   Little Ten and Little Eleven are pitiful, but they are not their own children after all...

   She had imagined that they were... but everything in front of her showed that she was really thinking too much.

   She walked out, and the voices of the two children still sounded faintly behind her, but they were getting further and further away.

   When Xia Jiu returned home, Sihan was waiting for her.

   She felt guilty and said softly, "I'm sorry, Sihan, I found them on the street today, and Mommy will take care of them for a while."

   "Well, it doesn't matter." Sihan shook his head gently.

   "Go upstairs, Mommy will read you a story." Xia Jiu took a deep look at his face and said with a smile.

   Xia Jiu was woken up by the phone ringing the next day.

   is from Fengying.

   "What's the matter with me?" Xia Jiu didn't think this person would be looking for him.

   "The young master invites you to come to the Qianhu Island Villa." Feng Ying said, "I will wait for you downstairs in your residence."

   "Mr. Mu? What is he looking for from me?"

   "Master and Miss were injured last night!"

  Sihan nodded: "Go, I will take good care of myself."

   "Then I'll call Xia Lin." Xia Jiu said.

  Charlene is currently studying and often lives at school.

   But today is Saturday, so I should be back.

  Sihan saw that she looked very guilty and said, "I'm also worried about Little Eleven, I hope she's all right."

   Xia Jiu tidied up and hurried downstairs, Feng Ying was already waiting.

   "Where are they hurt?" Xia Jiu asked.

Although he didn't want to pay attention to this woman, Feng Ying knew that the situation of the young master and the young lady depended on this woman, so he could only honestly say: "After you left last night, they made a fuss all night. They barely slept in the morning. Come down, and then I don't know why it started again, breaking a vase, and the fragments hurt the hands of both of them."

   "Did you call a doctor?" Xia Jiu asked nervously.

   "How could they not be called? They just refused to take medicine and were clamoring to see you. The young master had no choice, so they asked me to pick you up."

  Xia Jiu clenched her palms tightly and was extremely worried. After getting out of the car, she walked into the villa a few steps and saw the doctor and the nanny chasing the two children.

   The two children did not know where they were injured, their clothes were covered in blood, and they were running away.

   They are agile, and the nanny, bodyguard, and doctor are afraid of hurting them, so they are all helpless.

  Xia Jiu looked distressed and shouted, "Little Ten, Little Eleven!"

   "Mummy!" Little Eleven ran over crying and threw herself into her arms, "They all bullied me and Little Ten!"

  People: "…"

   They are the ones being bullied, okay?

   "They hurt my hands and hands, and they have to arrest me and sell me! I don't want to be sold, I want to be with Mommy!"

  Xiao Shixiu covered her eyes and cried.

  Xiao Shi hummed: "They put such a big vase in the room just to hurt us! Because Dad didn't like us, he wanted to kill us a long time ago!"

   "Xiao Shi is not allowed to talk nonsense!" Xia Jiu stopped him.

   She felt that it didn't matter if they occasionally acted, but if this Mr. Mu really didn't love them, he wouldn't have called him over early in the morning.

  She has been a mother, so she knows how difficult it is.

   Seeing that she was really angry, Xiao Shi hurriedly shut up.

   "Let the doctor wrap it up." Xia Jiu said to Fengying.

   Fengying simply doesn't want to pay attention to her, why does she sound like a hostess?

   But still obediently go and call the doctor.

   "I'm not bandaging, he's a bad guy!" Little Eleven cried.

  Xia Jiu asked in a low voice, "Little Eleven is afraid of pain, right?"

   Little Eleven was understood, and cried even more aggrieved, and got into Xia Jiu's arms: "Mmmmmmm."

  Xia Jiu remembered that she was also afraid of pain. She cried and made a lot of noise when she was uncomfortable when she was a child. She didn't know how to express herself directly when she was a child, so it was her mother who coaxed her and persuaded her well.

  Looking at the people around Little Eleven, of course her father would not love her, but when the servants do things, how can the care of their parents come true?

  Small Eleven looks naughty, but in fact, he is more squeamish.

   And the stubbornness of Xiao Shi is more likely to seek attention.

  Xia Jiu sighed: "Mummy wraps Xiao Eleven together, so it won't hurt, okay?"

   Little Eleven shook his head.

   "I'll let Uncle Doctor gently. If I don't bandage it, I'll leave a wound on my wrist and it won't be beautiful in the future."

   Little Eleven is indeed a beauty-loving person. Hearing that he was not beautiful, he quickly raised his head.

   The servants here are changed every few days, and they are all trembling, so no one will enter the heart of Little Eleven, and only one nurse can be regarded as a frequent visitor.

   So no one has ever done this to Little Eleven.

   What's more, this little eleven is still a super face control, and those who don't look good can't get into her eyes.

  Xia Jiu is beautiful and good-looking, she is simply in the aesthetic point of Xiao Eleven, she is naturally willing to listen.

  The doctor hurried over to treat Xiao Shiyi's wound.

  Xia Jiu hugged her and covered her eyes with her hands.

   She remembered that her mother would do the same to her when she was a child.

  I was also afraid of pain when I grew up, and Shen Muhan once hugged herself...bandaged in front of the doctor.

   After thinking about it, Xia Jiu became fascinated.

   "Mommy, I'm bandaged!" Little Eleven raised his wrist.

   "Good." Xia Jiu came back to her senses and touched her little nose.

   Little Ten saw that Little Eleven was bandaged, and stretched out his wrist, and said very manly, "I can do it myself! No one needs to hold it!"

  Xia Jiu smiled: "Come on, you are the best!"

  Xiao Shi patted his head and smiled with a blushing face.

   (end of this chapter)

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