The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3499: Please don't speak up

   Chapter 3499 Please don't open your mouth

   "Daddy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you before." Little Eleven sincerely apologized, "I also promise that I won't lose my temper with you in the future, and I won't call you a villain."

  Xiao Shi said, "Me too."

   Shen Muhan was slightly startled.

   Remembering the parenting philosophy that Xia Jiu told him when he hadn't left, her smile was still in front of her eyes.

   almost overlapped with the little eleven in front of him.

   Little Eleven saw that he ignored him, thought he was still angry, and stretched out his hand to pull on his sleeve: "Daddy, forgive me, I sincerely apologize."

   Shen Muhan reached out and picked her up: "Well."

  Xiao Shi said: "Then you forgive me too?"

   If Shen Muhan occasionally hugs Little Eleven, then he really hardly ever hugs Little Ten seriously, and only hugs him when he is acting nonsense and others can't control it.

   He stretched out his hand, picked up Xiao Shi, and put it on his lap: "Yes."

   He has no experience in parenting, and he has no reason to say that, just sitting opposite them, staring with big eyes.

   Little Eleven held his face obediently: "It turns out that what Mommy said is true. As long as you speak well and communicate carefully, even Dad will not be angry with me."

   "If you want to say it, what Mommy said naturally makes sense." Xiao Shi said.

   Little Eleven kicked him, he resisted the kick back and said, "I want to be Mommy's good baby, I won't kick you!"

   Little Eleven quickly retracted his foot: "Then also be a good baby."

  Xiao Shi hummed: "I'm the best!"

   "I'm better!" Little Eleven akimbo.

   Shen Muhan had a rare opportunity to hold such two peaceful little fellows, and suddenly felt that he was really wrong before, in fact, this seems to be really good.

   Before he could continue to enjoy the warmth for a while, Little Eleven said, "Daddy, I'm going down for dinner!"

  Xiao Shi followed: "Me too!"

   When Shen Muhan went downstairs, the two little guys had already sat down obediently at the dining table.

  The kitchen has re-made the food.

  Xia Jiu saw Shen Muhan's wheelchair approaching, and hurriedly stood up to say hello.

   Shen Muhan ignored her, his whole body was cold and serious.

Xia Jiu saw that he was also wearing a black sweater, revealing the collar of a white shirt, and wearing a pair of long fleece pants of the same color as hers. He couldn't help but burn his face. Dressed like this.

   She concealed her discomfort and went to serve Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi.

  Shen Muhan tilted his head to look over, the clothes he just fit were on her, it was a loose style, and the sleeves were rolled up, making her arms extraordinarily slender.

   She narrowed her brows and eyes, her eyes were a little pink at the end of her eyes because of her discomfort, and her face without makeup was as fair as a baby's skin, which could be broken by blowing bullets.

   Little Eleven shook his head and said, "I don't eat bitter gourd! Can I not eat it?"

   Xia Jiu only found out that she did not know why she caught the bitter gourd for Xiao Shi.

   "Sorry." Xia Jiu hurriedly took out the bitter gourd and put it in her own bowl.

   Shen Muhan just helped her chopsticks when she saw that she was going to eat bitter gourd.

   He frowned, she used to be most afraid of eating these bitter vegetables, why should she eat them now?

  Xiao Shi hurriedly said: "Don't eat it, it's hard."

   He stretched out his chopsticks to clip Xia Jiu's bitter gourd.

   "I can eat it." Xia Jiu smiled.

   "No, it's really super bitter and unpalatable. Don't eat it." Xiao Shi wanted to force it out.

  Xia Jiu smiled and patted his head: "I don't force you to eat what you don't like. Are you still forcing me not to eat what I like? It's impolite, isn't it?"

  Xiao Shi didn't know if he understood, but he sighed.

  Xia Jiu brought him some vegetables: "But children can't be picky eaters."

  Xiao Shi doesn't like to eat green vegetables, but the taste is barely acceptable, not to mention Xia Jiu's sandwich?

   Little Eleven raised his head and said, "Mummy, you are so amazing, you can even eat bitter gourd!"

  Xia Jiu said in a low voice, "Because... People who Mommy likes like to eat bitter gourd."

   Shen Muhan's chopsticks froze for a while, he liked bitter gourd, but he didn't eat sweets very much.

  Xia Jiu was coddled from birth, she had to eat anything sweet, and her taste was extremely picky.

   She likes eating bitter gourd?

   What's more... The person she likes likes to eat bitter gourd?

   Little Eleven wisely served Shen Muhan: "My dad also likes bitter gourd, so do you like my dad?"

   Shen Muhan was shocked by her. It was the first time she served herself vegetables, and she was never so sensible and obedient before.

   Xia Jiu immediately said: "Of course not, there are many people who like to eat bitter gourd."

   Shen Muhan pursed his lips slightly, but fortunately there was a mask covering his face, so no one could see the changes in his face several times.

  Xia Jiu felt that he was a little familiar, but he was too indifferent and unwilling to talk to him, and Xia Jiu didn't go to see him or talk to him much.

  After dinner.

  Xia Jiu hesitated and made his request: "Mr. Mu, I have a ruthless request, can I ask you..."

   "Since it's an unkind request, don't speak."

   Reject people thousands of miles away.

   Fengying stood beside him, wanting to give a thumbs up for the young master.

  Yes, that's what I want to do to her!

   Let her stop being delusional.

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips: "I really need your help. In return, in the next few days, I will often come over to accompany Little Ten and Little Eleven."

   She naturally knew that with a man like this, ordinary things couldn't impress him, and he could only exchange for the things he needed most.

   There is nothing he needs more than being able to take care of Little Ten and Little Eleven.

   "The one that's on call?" Shen Muhan asked.

   "I will try my best these days." Xia Jiu said, "At least these five days are fine."

   Shen Mu snorted coldly.

Seeing that his attitude was loosened, Xia Jiu took two steps forward and said, "I want a little bit of fabric in the rooms of Little Ten and Little Eleven, this is very important to me, I know this fabric is very precious, I don't want too much, Just give it to me a little bit."

   Shen Muhan was unmoved.

   "Mr. Mu, or do you have any other requests?" Xia Jiu thought that since the fabric was so precious, he would definitely not be willing to give it to someone alone, so she could pay for it.

   So speaking of this, this person seems to be from the Shen Muhan branch?

   Otherwise there would be no such fabric.

  Shen Mu said coldly: "Then remember your words, these days, you are always on call! Fengying, take her to see what fabrics you want!"

   "Thank you, Mr. Mu!" Xia Jiu was overjoyed and hurriedly followed Feng Ying's footsteps.

   Fengying is good.

   He also wanted to watch the young master abuse Xia Jiu to the point of not being able to survive, but who knows, with just a few words, he agreed.

   Fengying wanted to vomit blood, and took Xia Jiu upstairs to get something with a very bad attitude.

   (end of this chapter)

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