The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3513: What a peerless fox!

   Chapter 3513 What a peerless fox!

  Xiao Shi also followed Sa Po: "Where is it!!"

   Shen Muhan rubbed his sore temple helplessly.

   "Master, let me take the little master and the little lady to rest." The person who spoke was a nurse and one of the few childcare staff who had not been replaced.

   Her name is Xu Yanli, and she spends the longest time taking care of the children by Shen Muhan's side.

   If it is said that the little ten and the eleven listened to Xia Jiu the most, reluctantly listened to Shen Muhan, and didn't listen to the others, then Xu Yanli still had a little bit of say.

   After all, these two children grew up in her hands.

   "Go." Shen Muhan didn't even look at her.

  Xu Yanli couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She worked here for so long, and it took her half a year to see this male host.

   He always wears a mask and does not show his real face.

   But Xu Yanli bumped into his true face once, which shocked her for a long time.

   Coupled with his powerful ability and absolute aura, Xu Yanli has a deep affection for him.

   Moreover, Xu Yanli has been around for a long time, and she also found out that he does not have a wife.

   It's just that Xia Jiu, a little threatening...

   is also the only person Xu Yanli is afraid of.

  Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven are also tired of arguing, and have no energy to quarrel any more, so they can only leave with Xu Yanli first.

   Shen Muhan finally relaxed a little.

   He went back to his room, took a shower, and went to the study.

  Xu Yanli came over and brought him coffee: "Master, both the little master and the young lady are already asleep."

   After a day of commotion, I couldn't stand the iron, so I could only sleep.

   "It's hard work." Shen Muhan said as usual.

  Because she has been taking care of Little Ten and Little Eleven for a long time, Shen Muhan is somewhat polite to her.

   But I never saw what she looked like, and naturally I didn't find out that she was well-dressed, her makeup was very decent, she just went to darken her lipstick, and the professional suit she put on at the moment was too low to cover.

   "You go out first." Shen Muhan said.

  Xu Yanli had to move out slowly.

   "That's right." Shen Muhan spoke again.

   Her eyes lit up and she quickly stopped: "Master, is there anything else you want me to do?"

   "Bring me to the door."

   Xu Yanli was extremely disappointed.

   Almost every time she took care of Little Ten and Little Eleven, she would come to Shen Muhan to report.

   Originally thought that after a long time, he would give himself a little response no matter what, who knows the result.

   Moreover, she had to admit that these two children were too difficult to take care of, causing her hair to fall out a lot, but they were still so naughty.

   It's just that, apart from Xia Jiu, they could listen to her once or twice, and she was relieved enough and optimistic about her future.

   As for other times, why did Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi listen to her? Just too tired to bother.

  Xu Yanli went downstairs in despair, but she didn't expect to see Xia Jiu standing in the living room.

  Xia Jiu hasn't come for a long time, Xu Yanli thought she would never come, who knew she would come again?

  Xia Jiu's beauty is very aggressive, extremely bright and flamboyant, even if she doesn't wear Fendai, she can still make people feel that her facial features are outstanding.

   Such a look makes people who don't like her look extra coquettish.

   "What is Miss Xia doing here?" Xu Yanli asked, "Little Master and Miss have already rested."

   The people around him have this attitude towards him, and Xia Jiu was used to it, and said, "I want to meet your young master."

"Our young master has also rested. I just waited on him to sleep. And he has just returned from France, and he is already very tired. I hope you don't disturb him." Xu Yanli pursed her red lips after speaking, provocative obvious.

She had been out to take care of her for a while because her mother was sick before, and when she came back home, there was an uninvited guest like Xia Jiu. She heard that she had another way of treating her two children. She was very dissatisfied for a long time. Now it seems that this Xia Jiu Really a fox.

   It looks like, where did Xia Jiu come to take care of the children? It was clearly here to seduce the young master!

  Xia Jiu took out his phone, "Then let me call him!"

   "Don't disturb him!" Xu Yanli wanted to stop her.

   Shen Muhan's low voice came from upstairs: "What's the matter?"

   When Xia Jiu saw him again, her eyes suddenly became hot. Once she knew that he might be Shen Muhan, her whole heart would burn.

   She raised her head: "Mr. Mu, I want to ask you something, is it convenient now?"

   She knows which set Shen Muhan eats the most, so when she speaks, the ending is hooked, which sounds extra soft.

   Shen Muhan swayed: "Come up."

  Xu Yanli was so angry that she pinched her hands, what a peerless fox spirit!

  Xia Jiu immediately went upstairs and stood in front of him. At this moment, she couldn't find any clue on his face that he was Shen Muhan. He was wearing a turtleneck sweater, and he was sitting, so it was difficult to verify.

   Even the shape of the fingers is a little different.

  Xia Jiu said softly, "Can I... go in and talk?"

   Shen Muhan returned to the study, and Xia Jiu followed.

   She saw that there was coffee on the table, went up, stumbled inadvertently, and knocked the coffee on top of him.

   "You?" Shen Muhan saw her movements clearly, so he didn't sleep at night, came to sprinkle coffee for himself?

  Xia Jiu regretted that he didn't check his body for scars when he changed his clothes last time, so this time, she could only check it this way.

   "Sorry, Mr. Mu, I just didn't stand firm. The long-haul flight is... a little too tiring." Xia Jiu hurriedly explained.

   Shen Muhan said nothing: "Wait for me for a while."

   He turned around and went out to the room.

  Xia Jiu immediately followed, and crept to open his door. Last time, she really made a mistake. She didn't think about that at all. Now if she wants to ask for a certificate, she has to be sneaky.

   Actually... She didn't think about it, and asked him directly.

   But Xia Jiu is really guilty, she gave that knife herself, how can she still have the courage to ask?

   Besides, what if he wasn't Shen Muhan?

  If it's not true, this "Mr. Mu" is overhearted, does he think that he is playing some tricks to get close to him?

  Xia Jiu followed, Shen Muhan began to undress, Xia Jiu's eyes widened.

   The next second, Xu Yanli's voice came: "Miss Xia, what are you doing here?"

  Xia Jiu was startled, Xu Yanli was looking at her angrily: "This is the young master's room, what are you doing here? Aren't you going to steal something?"

   "I didn't!" Xia Jiu defended.

   "What are you doing here?" Shen Muhan's voice sounded.

  Xia Jiu looked back immediately, he had already changed his clothes, and he couldn't even see if there were any scars on his body.

   (end of this chapter)

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