Chapter 3515 Are you worthy?

  Xia Jiu stumbled into Xia's house.

   Fengying then turned the car around and went back to the Qiandao Lake Villa.

   I just feel that this is too awkward for the young master. He clearly cares but refuses to recognize each other. It is better to go directly to Xia Jiu and make it clear.

   "Young Master, Miss Xia has gone home."

   Shen Muhan was enveloped in desertedness, and it took a long time before he responded.


   For several days, Xia Jiu didn't think about it anymore.

   After returning from France, there are still a lot of things that need to be dealt with, and Qin Zheng’s side has gradually started to find her.

  Although Xia Jiu was determined to return the Xia family to Xia Lin, but she was still studying and had to take the college entrance examination at that time.

   On Shen Muhan's side, life seems to have returned to calm.

   But only Chen Qi and Fengying knew that this day was not calm at all.

  Shen Muhan's condition worsened and his work accumulated a lot. His mind was obviously distracted.

   Qiandao Lake Villa.

  In the study.

   Shen Muhan is looking at the document.

   Little Ten and Little Eleven rushed in, then remembered something, went back and knocked on the door.

   "Come in." Shen Muhan said.

  Xiao Eleven breathed a sigh of relief: "Mummy said to knock on the door before entering, but I forgot just now. I'm sorry."

   "Why are you looking for me?" Shen Muhan lowered his eyes to look at the two of them.

   "Can I take pictures with your mobile phone?" Xiao Shi said, "Just use it for a while."

   Shen Muhan thought about it and gave it to her.

  Xiao Shiyi picked it up happily, patted it left and right, and Xiao Shi also appeared behind her.

   Shen Muhan stopped looking at them and continued to look at the documents.

  Xiao Shishi sat far away from him, called up WeChat, and found Xia Jiu's column.

   "I'll come, I'll come." Xiao Shi said.

   "I'm here myself." Xiao Shi said.

   The two little guys hadn't seen Xia Jiu for several days, and they couldn't ask Xu Yanli why, and Shen Muhan refused to tell them where Xia Jiu went and when he could come over.

   They quarreled for days to no avail, so they had to fend for themselves.

  Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi grabbed the mobile phone, shaking their hands, and sent a picture from Shen Muhan's mobile phone.

   That is a picture of a four-leaf clover earring. The last time Xia Jiu fell here, Shen Muhan picked it up at the time, kept it privately, and did not return it to her.

  Xia Jiu was assembling Lego toys with Sihan when the phone dinged into WeChat.

   She picked it up and saw that it was a picture sent by "Mr. Mu".

  He found his earrings?

   She thought about it for a while before sending the words: "I found it? I'll come and get it, or will you send it for me?"

   Little Eleven hadn't started talking about business when he saw Xia Jiu's "I'll come and get it".

   She was so happy that she typed immediately: "Come here."

  Xiao Shi reminded: "Let's just say we miss her very much!"

   "I know!" Xiao Shi continued to type, "Mummy, we really, really, really miss you..."

  However, before the last line of words was sent out, Shen Muhan's cell phone entered the call, and Xiao Shi's hands trembled in fright.

   Shen Muhan said, "Give me the phone."

   Little Eleven had no choice but to run to give him the phone.

   Shen Muhan picked up the phone.

  Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi looked at each other: "Mommy will come, don't worry."

  Xiao Shi is not sure, anyway, she just thinks that Mommy doesn't seem to love her very much recently.

   But he couldn't believe it, obviously the person Mommy loves the most is him!

   Shen Muhan answered the phone and threw the phone aside.

  Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven stared at the phone, Shen Muhan said, "Go outside and play, you can't play with your phone anymore."

   The two little guys went out unhappy, and Xu Yanli was bringing juice to them.

  Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven twisted their heads: "Don't drink!"

   They have to wait for Mommy to come and drink together.

   Xu Yanli was a little hurt, no matter how hard she tried, the two little guys didn't like her very much, and Shen Muhan didn't even bother to look at her.

  Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi put their heads together: "Do you think Mommy won't come?"

  Xiao Eleven shook his head: "It will definitely come! She said she will come!"

  Xiao Shi said: "Will she only love that little brother, not us?"

   "How is that possible?" Xiao Shi said, "I'm so cute. Mommy is so cute. Cute mommy only likes cute children. Of course... Little brother Sihan is actually quite cute."

   "And me!" Xiao Shi straightened his chest.

   Little Eleven said, "You're almost there."

   "What did you say?" He reached for her braid.

   "Mummy said, the baby with the braids is not good! If you are not good, she will not come to see you!"

  Xiao Shi's hand froze, and he let it down from her braid angrily.

  Xia Jiu looked at the words on the phone and planned to confirm the time with Shen Muhan.

   However, after thinking about it, he will definitely give the things to his subordinates, so that he doesn't have to see him.

   Might as well just go get it and avoid meeting him.

After making the decision, Xia Jiu drove to the Qiandao Lake Villa.

  The guard had seen Xia Jiu many times, so he naturally put her in without the slightest hesitation.

   Before Xia Jiu approached the living room, Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi rushed out.



"Oh I miss you so much!"

"Me too!"

   "I've been obedient recently!"

"Me too!"

  Xia Jiu bent down and picked up Xiao Shi, holding Xiao Shi's hand, her heart was sour, but she didn't know what to say.

   "Mommy, let's go in and drink juice!" Xiao Shi said.

  Xiao Shi immediately said, "I'll go and serve it to Mommy!"

  Xu Yanli just squeezed the juice, and the two little guys didn't move at all. Every time she had to spend a lot of effort to please them both a little bit.

   Seeing how easily Xia Jiu could capture their hearts, Xu Yanli was extremely unbalanced.

   Besides, why did Xia Jiu calmly accept their name as "Mummy"?

   Wrong! Xia Jiu must have deliberately taught them to call it that!

  Xia Jiu is so shameless!

  Xiao Shi went to Xu Yanli to get the juice, Xu Yanli coaxed softly: "Little young master, can you call me Mommy too?"

  Xiao Shi looked at her strangely, and then said, "You're not my mommy, why should I call you mommy?"

   "But neither is Xia Jiu."

   "She is!" Xiao Shi said firmly, "My mommy is the prettiest and cutest, she is!"

   His eyes seem to be saying "You are worthy"?

   Xu Yanli was hit hard.

  Xiao Shi said, "Where's the juice just now? I want to give it to my mommy!"

   The juice just now Xu Yanli didn't prepare Xia Jiu's share, but now she has to prepare it. When she squeezed the juice, the more she thought about it, the more unbalanced, she secretly added some ingredients in it, and then gave it to Xiao Shi.

   "This is the juice for Miss Xia, bring it to her yourself." Xu Yanli said.

   (end of this chapter)

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