Chapter 3518 Stay away from me

   What she wanted is finally back!

  Although Shen Muhan lied to her for so many days, compared to the joy at the moment, she didn't mind a little bit of discomfort.

   She reached out and pulled Shen Muhan's hand. After so many days, she really had a lot to say to him.

   There are also many things that I want to know from him.

   Shen Muhan withdrew his hand, not letting her touch it.

   "Shen Muhan, why are you like this?" Xia Jiu groaned.

"Do not touch me!"

Xia Jiu's hand was thrown away, she was stunned, and said softly: "I know you hate me so much now, blame me, and be angry with me, but it doesn't matter, I will not leave you. I understand you are angry, it was me before. Did not do well."

   Shen Muhan ignored her, his face darkened.

   "Shen Muhan, although you are angry, you still don't want to give up on me, right? You help me so much because you still have me in your heart, right?"

   His face became darker and darker, and it didn't get better because of Xia Jiu's soft words.

  Xia Jiu opened his palm, touched the scar on his palm, and scolded herself for being stupid, she should have known that he was him.

   There is still a scar in his palm, and what happened back then came to mind. She aimed at him with the dagger, but he held the dagger backwards, only the hilt was aimed at her.

  The scar on his palm came from this. He aimed the sharp blade at himself, but the palm was injured because his hands were bound at the time.

  Xia Jiu felt distressed and blamed herself, stroking his scars and whispering, "It's all for me. I know. Shen Muhan, do you still hurt?"

   Shen Muhan whispered: "Stay away from me, don't try to guess my mind!"

   He stretched out his long legs and turned to go out.

   He was much thinner than before. No wonder he looked very different from before. Xia Jiu felt distressed, remembering that he was in a wheelchair, and he was prone to cough violently when he was agitated.

  Xia Jiu knew that this should be the aftermath of that accident.

   His body was so thin that it was like this.

   still blame himself.

   It's just that Xia Jiu's mood is really much better now, because all this is not a dream.

   She was about to get up and chase out, when Sihan pushed the door and came in: "Mummy!"

   "Sihan!" Xia Jiu reached out to hug him, there was so much joy she wanted to tell him.

  The old lady Shen accompanied Sihan and asked, "What's the matter? Why did you end up in the hospital after being fine?"

   "My grandma is fine, but my stomach is a little uncomfortable, and it's basically fine now." Xia Jiu said.

   She smiled really happily. Old Mrs. Shen had not seen her smile like this for a long time.

   When she came back this time, every time she laughed, she was very indifferent. Old Mrs. Shen knew that it was difficult for her to be truly happy after that incident.

   Seeing her like this, Mrs. Shen smiled and said, "That's good. Otherwise, we will be worried about Sihan."

  Xia Jiu tilted her head to look at Sihan, smiling happily, Shen Muhan is back, she will never leave his side again!

   "Mummy, why are you so happy?" Sihan also noticed that she was very different.

   "Well, it's just... your dad is still alive."

  The old lady Shen was the first to be surprised: "What, Mu Han is still alive?"

"Yes, he is still alive, and Sihan's younger brothers and sisters are still alive. Grandma, they are all still alive, so I am in a really good mood now. God really treated me well and made them all return. by my side."

  The old lady Shen also put her hands together and said, "That's great! It's great! They are all still alive! By the way, where is Mu Han?"

   "He was still here just now." Xia Jiu said, "It should be here in a while."

  Sihan was also very curious about what his real father really looked like.

He had seen all the    photos, but he had never seen himself.

   Mrs. Shen said, "Then let's wait here."

   Because Xia Jiu will get the results the next day, she must be in the hospital tonight.

  I was hospitalized, Shen Muhan would definitely come.

  Who knows, waiting left and right did not wait for Shen Muhan to come back.

  Sihan couldn't wait any longer, so he went out to ask the doctor, and others said that the gentleman had already left.

   When he returned to the ward, he couldn't hide his disappointment.

  Xia Jiu was also a little disappointed, comforted him and said, "Don't worry, he will always come. He won't see us."

   Old Mrs. Shen said, "Then I'll take Sihan back first, so you can rest well. Don't worry about Muhan's matter."

   "Yes." Xia Jiu nodded.

   As a result, Shen Muhan didn't come all night.

   In the morning, Xia Jiu couldn't wait any longer and sent him a WeChat message: "I'll get the inspection report today, are you coming?"

   He did not return.

  Xia Jiu posted again: "If there is no problem, I will be discharged from the hospital? Will you pick me up?"

   Shen Muhan still didn't reply.

   Xia Jiu was not discouraged, thought about it and sent a sentence: "If you are angry, write 1, if you are not angry, write 2. If you don't answer me, you will come to pick me up by default."

   No audio at all.

   Shen Muhan looked at the phone and didn't respond to her, even when she was acting like a spoiled child, he wanted to hold her in his arms and wipe away her tears.

   But he stretched out his fingers and backed away.

   Fengying came over and said, "Young Master, the examination report given by the doctor shows that Miss Xia has a relatively serious stomach problem, but the rest is nothing."

   "Got it." Shen Muhan didn't look at it.

   "And that..." Before Feng Ying finished speaking, an earth-shattering voice came from outside.

   He pushed Shen Muhan out of the study, and saw Xu Yanli kneeling on the ground with her hair disheveled: "Master, let me go! Please! I can take any punishment, please let me go!"

   She put a glass in the glass of juice she gave Xia Jiu, which made Xia Jiu endure a lot of pain. Shen Muhan kicked her on the spot and broke two of her ribs.

Who knows, this is not the end, after Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi came back, Xiao Shi gently tricked her into the room, Xiao Shi caught a lot of snakes, worms, rats and ants and put them in the room, then locked them. the room door.

   Then, Xu Yanli, who had experienced snakes, insects, rats and ants in the room all night, couldn't take it anymore, jumped from the window, slapped her foot, and limped to Shen Muhan to let her leave.

  Xiao thought about Shen Muhan, but she didn't, she couldn't bear it.

   As for these two annoying little guys, she couldn't bear it.

  Xiao Shizheng caught a snake and a mouse, and looked at her eagerly from the side, those eyes made Xu Yanli feel suffocated just by looking at it.

   She wondered what kind of magic she had in the past, so she imagined that she could be the mother of Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi, and then she imagined being the wife of Shen Muhan!

  Feng Ying briefly explained to Shen Muhan what Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi did.

   Shen Muhan waved his hand after a long time and said, "Let her go."

   "Go away!" Kazuki said.

   Xu Yanli ran away as if she had been granted amnesty.

   Fengying couldn't help but smile: "Little young master really looks like a young master."

   In Shen Muhan's mind, the woman with long hair like a waterfall, charming and smiling.

   She is showing weakness now and keeps saying she wants to stay. Is it out of sincerity, or is it a conspiracy to take away the two children?

   "Be optimistic about them, and don't allow anyone, especially Xia Jiu, to take them away!"


  Xia Jiu didn't wait for anyone after all.

   Until evening, Shen Muhan did not show up.

The    nurse came to urge her: "Miss Xia, we have a patient coming to use this bed soon, can I trouble you to move it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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