The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3524: Your marriage with Yannan

   Chapter 3524 Your marriage with Yannan

   Shen Muhan insisted on rescheduling.

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, when she heard someone shouting beside her, "Xia Jiu? Are you back?"

Two couples in their sixties came forward, and the woman took Xia Jiu's hand: "Why didn't you come back with Yannan? When did you come back? Aunt doesn't know! Come and sit at Aunt's house! By the way, let's also Talk about your marriage with Yannan!"

   "No, Auntie..." Xia Jiu glanced at Shen Muhan who was beside him, his face had turned black.

   But Xia Jiushi couldn't tell!

   This couple are Gu Yannan's parents. In fact, Xia Jiu is not particularly familiar with them. It's just that when she was in France, she helped Gu Yannan deal with him twice.

   I don't know what they said later, why did they talk about marriage?

"Don't be shy, Auntie knows that you young girls are embarrassed to talk about this, but your uncle and I have already thought about it. When the time comes, we will buy you a big house in the east, and you can just live in it. You have no parents. , let us handle the marriage, you don't have to worry about it!"

  Xia Jiu was held by Mother Gu and couldn't break free for a while, but Shen Muhan had already turned around and left, just by looking at his back, you could see his anger!

   "Auntie is not, you go and tell Gu Yannan about this matter! I'll go first!" Xia Jiu couldn't blame other people's parents.

   Once she broke free, she began to run in the direction of Shen Muhan.

   "Hey, Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu..." Mother Gu's voice still stubbornly came from behind.

   Shen Muhan's footsteps were so fast that Xia Jiu couldn't catch up at all. By the time she caught up, his car had already raised a cloud of dust and left far away.

  Xia Jiu was really uncomfortable. He just won his trust and made him believe in himself, but he returned to before liberation!

   She took out her mobile phone to call Shen Muhan, but she couldn't get through and was blocked!

   WeChat sent out, it was a red exclamation mark!

  Ok, it was also blocked.

   Xia Jiu knew that even if such a thing happened, it was inevitable for him to misunderstand.

   She immediately drove towards the Qiandao Lake Villa.

   Shen Muhan got into the car and coughed violently.

   Feng Ying saw that his face was extremely ugly, so he hurriedly said, "Young Master, do you want to take you to the hospital?"

   Shen Muhan shook his head, but did not speak.

  Feng Ying didn't know what happened, only that the young master went to see Xia Jiu today and changed several clothes before going.

   Fengying hated Xia Jiu, but when he saw that the young master was in a good mood, he was also in a good mood. If Xia Jiu came back, it would really make the young master's life return to normal, and he was reluctant to accept it.

   But looking at it, the two are afraid that they will fall apart again.

  Xia Jiu's car quickly arrived at the Qiandao Lake Villa. Seeing that Shen Muhan's car was parked in the garage, she breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't go anywhere else and came back.

   She hurried in.

   It was quiet in the house. I was originally watching a movie at night. It was very late at this time. Presumably, Little Ten and Little Eleven were already asleep.

  Xia Jiu ran upstairs desperately, but Feng Ying stopped her: "What are you doing here?"

   "Let me see Shen Muhan!" Xia Jiu said, "I have something very important to tell him!"

   "He won't see you, you go."

   Xia Jiu's heart swayed, knowing what happened tonight, if she couldn't explain it clearly, it would leave a bigger pimple.

   She took off her coat and threw it away, then took off her sweater, and said, "Fengying, if you stop me again, I will sue you for indecent assault!"

  Wind Shadow: "…"

   She has never seen such a shameless woman! No wonder the young master will be defeated by her!

   "Let her come in." Shen Muhan's voice came, returning to the low and coldness before, the ice cubes that had just been melted a little, re-condensed at a hundred times the speed.

Xia Jiu crossed the wind shadow and walked towards Shen Muhan in the study. Seeing that the lines on his face were tensed and stiff, Xia Jiu hurriedly said, "Shen Muhan, you just misunderstood, those were Gu Yannan's parents just now, and Gu Yannan is mine. A friend. He doesn't want to get married or have kids, so I've helped him deal with his parents twice before. But I really have nothing to do with him, and marriage or something is nonsense!"

   She explained all the explanations in one breath.

  Shen Muhan stood against the light, for a while, people couldn't see the true emotions on his face. The light divided his face into alternating light and dark.

  Xia Jiu only saw loneliness and alienation.

   She said eagerly: "It's true, Shen Muhan, do you believe me? I really didn't lie to you! The words I said in the movie theater today are also true."

   Shen Muhan hooked his lips into a smile, but that smile was so cold that everything condensed: "Really?"

   "Yes, I really want to come back to you." She said anxiously, stepping forward and grabbing his hand.

   There were thin calluses on his fingertips, and Xia Jiu felt distressed, but he did not backhand to hold her hand, as if he had been holding her hand tightly tonight, but it was just an illusion.

  Xia Jiu approached him, not knowing how much he believed what he said.

   She raised her head and kissed his angry thin lips.

   Shen Muhan's back was stiff, he couldn't deny that, no matter what the conditions, he couldn't refuse Xia Jiu.

   Whether it is her or her body, it has deadly magic.

   But he really can't believe her anymore!

   Will he really believe her, and he has been thinking about himself for three years?

   Really believe her, the clothes in the wardrobe are all made for yourself?

   When she talks about marriage with others, will she really stay by her side?

   Shen Muhan evoked a mocking smile.

  Xia Jiu was very active, although her movements were jerky, she tried her best to please him.

  Shen Muhan only felt that his whole body was burning with anger. In order to achieve her goal, can she accept anything? Can anything be done?

   He pushed her down on the desk.

Everything    ping ping pong pong spilled all over the place.

  Feng Ying listened worriedly outside, and couldn't help being secretly shocked: "Is this a fight?"


   When Xia Jiu woke up, it was in Shen Muhan's room.

   She moved her aching arms and waist, an embarrassed smile appeared on her face.

  Last night, fortunately, she explained it in time and followed her in time. In the end, Shen Muhan finally believed her explanation.

   In the end, she didn't know when she fell asleep from exhaustion.

   She pursed her lips and smiled, now he finally no longer doubts that he is still leaving?

  After all...she was so proactive, she did everything she should and shouldn't.

   She glanced at the room and saw that Shen Muhan was no longer there.

   But in this room, he seemed to be everywhere, and Xia Jiu couldn't hide his smile.

   She got up and put on her clothes, washed briefly and went downstairs.

   did not hear the laughter of Little Ten and Little Eleven.

   (end of this chapter)

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