Chapter 3528 Playing with emotions

  If something happened to Shen Ye, she really didn't want to live!

  Xia Jiu was also very guilty. She didn't expect such a thing to happen, and Shen Ye was injured to save her.

  The workers also rubbed their hands and stood on the periphery, all of them looking ashamed. These are the things they should dismantle. No one wants to see such an accident.

  Xia Jiu could only comfort old lady Shen first, then Ding Qinen, and then accompany Xia Lin.

  The doctor came out and said, "The patient has a rare blood type. At present, neither the hospital nor the city can transfer suitable blood. The family members have a suitable blood type. Can they donate?"

   Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen were suddenly anxious, their husband and wife were not the same blood type as Shen Ye.

   Shen Ye's rare blood type is inherited across generations.

   But at this age, Mrs. Shen is no longer able to draw blood!

  Old Mrs. Shen rolled up her sleeves and said, "I'm coming! I'm here! I can save my grandson!"

The doctor    looked at her embarrassedly: "Old lady, no, it's no longer suitable to draw blood after the age of sixty-five. Not to mention your advanced age."

   "I'm fine, as long as I can save Ye'er, it doesn't matter if I smoke it all!"

The doctor    said, "At your age, I'm afraid that there will be a problem with the extraction, and you will have to find blood to save you. I think it's definitely not what your family wants to see, so let's forget it."

  Ding Qinen also said: "Mom, Ye'er will be more worried if you are like this, let's look for it."

   "The situation is very urgent, the patient has lost too much blood, if there is no blood within two hours..." the doctor said.

  Ding Qinen was about to faint immediately.

  The old lady Shen was also shaky.

  Shen Fengshan advised: "Sit down and rest first. Jing Yu has already gone to the neighboring city to get it, and I will try to come back as soon as possible."

   But the nearest neighboring city is more than an hour's drive away. Even if Shen Jingyu can race against time to grab time and open up a special rescue channel to save people, the situation is still very critical.

   Shen Ye's situation is not optimistic.

   All carry a heart.

  Ding Qinen folded his hands together and was praying to heaven.

  The old lady Shen was also sluggish.

  Xia Jiu held Xia Lin's hand and found that her hand was terribly cold.

   Suddenly, someone came out and said, "Use mine."

   Everyone followed the voice and looked over, and saw Shen Muhan's figure appearing not far away.

   He is thin and handsome, his whole body is covered by a layer of backlight, cold and alienated, but like the light of salvation.

Xia Jiu brought three children, and she had calmed down her thoughts about him, but when she saw him appearing at this moment, she knew that someone had such magic power, plucking your heartstrings at any time and playing with your emotions. between.

  Xia Jiu lowered his eyes, not daring to look at him again.

   "You?" Ding Qinen looked at him hesitantly, "Is it also a rare blood type?"

   "Like Shen Ye." Shen Muhan stretched out his arm, "Where's the doctor?"

  The doctor appeared immediately, saw Shen Muhan young and strong, and arranged for blood draw without hesitation.

   After a period of chaos, Shen Muhan's blood was injected into Shen Ye's body.

   Shen Ye hadn't woken up yet, but Shen Muhan fell down.

   "Mu Han!" Old Madam Shen and Ding Qinen both shouted worriedly.

  Xia Jiu said softly: "His body is not yet healthy, he must be too weak so he fainted."

The doctor    said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but I didn't know he was in any condition."

  Xia Jiu tried his best to hide his distress, and his tone was shallow: "It's not strange for those who don't know."

   "Quick, bring the chicken soup prepared for Ye'er to Mu Han to drink." Ding Qinen said hurriedly.

   She directly stuffed the chicken soup to Xia Jiu, still tacitly agreeing that among all the people, Xia Jiu had the closest relationship with Shen Muhan.

   Feng Ying and Chen Qi were not there, neither was Shen Muhan's wife, everyone else was concerned about Shen Ye, Xia Jiu had no choice but to walk into Shen Muhan's ward with chicken soup.

   He and that girl are already married.

   The lively and lively wedding that was advertised before, when it was actually held, was actually calm and silent, and there was no report at all.

  No, Xia Jiu thought, it should be because he deliberately didn't pay attention, so he didn't hear the wind.

   His wedding was not so simple and casual.

   She walked over, raised her eyebrows and lowered her eyes. She didn't want to look at him, and didn't want her feelings to be revealed. It was unfair to him and his wife.

Hearing Xia Jiu's soft footsteps, Shen Muhan opened his eyes to look at her. It was already spring. She was wearing smart overalls and a long-sleeved cardigan sweater. It was a nondescript match. All look good.

  Xia Jiu said softly, "You drew too much blood and fainted. Drink some of these chicken soups first."

   Shen Muhan took it without refusing, took a few sips, and his face turned bloody.

   "Put these here first, you can drink it later." Xia Jiu said, "If you need anything, you can ring the bell to call the nurse and take care of yourself."

  Shen Muhan pursed his lips and said nothing.

  Xia Jiu turned around and left, and when she closed the door, her back was against the wall, and it took a while for her to recover.

   She wanted to care about him, wanted to know how his body was, wanted to give him a hug... but she could only restrain herself.

   She slowly opened her eyes and saw that Shen Fengshan was coming this way, she hurriedly stopped: "Third Uncle."

  Shen Fengshan gave her a deep look and said, "You may want to call me Dad in the future."

  "?" Xia Jiu raised a question mark slowly.

   Shen Fengshan walked straight into Shen Muhan's ward and sat down in front of him.

   Shen Muhan was still as calm as before, and there was not the slightest emotion in his brows and eyes.

   "Is it better?" Shen Fengshan asked.

   "It's almost there." Shen Muhan continued to calm down.

  Shen Fengshan said calmly, "You are my son, right?"

   Shen Muhan looked at him unsurprisingly: "Since you already know, why ask?"

   "You really are!" Shen Fengshan's voice lost the peace just now.

  The feeling of guessing and confirming a certain information is completely different.

Shen Fengshan's voice echoed in the ward: "I'm sorry, Mu Han, it's my father's dereliction of duty. I should have expected it! My three sons have all suffered from Shen Sihai's poisonous hands before, you are by his side, He is not good to you, and he uses you everywhere, suppresses you, and uses you to target me. I should have thought that you are my third son. "

   Shen Muhan didn't have any mood swings, he never thought this matter was very important.

   In fact, since he found out that Shen Sihai was not his biological father, he had expected it.

   After checking for evidence, it was easy to come to the conclusion that he was the third son of Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen.

   (end of this chapter)

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