The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3530: Xia Jiu's watery poplar flowers!

   Chapter 3530 Xia Jiu's spontaneity!

   Shen Fengshan saw the three children, so well-behaved, and felt more at ease with Shen Muhan.

   He had very little contact with the three children before, but now he sees that all three children are better than he imagined.

   "Grandpa and Grandma, please sit inside." Sihan invited them into the room.


   After Gu Yannan returned to China, he immediately contacted Xia Jiu.

   "Listen to my parents, last time I saw you?" Gu Yannan asked.

   "Yeah, I was almost misunderstood." Xia Jiu smiled, "So when you come back this time, how are you going to deal with them?"

Gu Yannan said: "Of course I made everything clear to them. I also thought about it, it's not the way to deceive them all the time, it's better to make it clear. I have my own life and my own pursuits. Believe that if they love me, they will understand me."

  Xia Jiu nodded: "Well, I believe they will understand."

   "At that time, please come with me too? By the way, help me make things clear?"

   "Okay." Xia Jiu agreed.

   "By the way, what happened last time didn't cause you any trouble, did it?"

  Gu Yannan asked about his parents pulling someone to talk about marriage when they saw Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu smiled: "Of course not."

   There are a lot of problems between her and Shen Muhan. Even if there was no misunderstanding like Gu's father and Gu's mother, they would have reached the current situation.

   Besides, with all three children by his side now, Xia Jiu was very happy and didn't mind what attitude Shen Muhan had towards him.

   "Alright then, let's make an appointment to meet." Gu Yannan said.


   Inside a high-end restaurant.

  Xia Jiu walked in after getting dressed up.

  Gu Yannan stepped forward to receive her and took a seat together.

   Gu's parents and Gu's mother have been waiting long ago.

   They were very satisfied with Xia Jiu.

  Gu Yannan has never been around girls. Xia Jiu's existence is hard to come by, not to mention that she is young, beautiful and talented. Gu's parents and Gu's mother even arranged how they would take care of their children and send them to kindergarten after they got married.

   "Uncle and aunt." Xia Jiu sat down and greeted.

  Gu’s father and Gu’s mother were very happy. After sitting for a while, the dishes were almost ready, and finally got to the point.

   Mother Gu asked, "Xia Jiu, when are you and Yan Nan going to get married?"

   Shen Muhan heard this when he just entered the restaurant.

  This table in Gu's family is by the window and also by the door. Mother Gu couldn't help raising her voice because she was so excited.

   Shen Muhan's figure paused slightly before continuing to push the door.

   exchanged a wink with Chen Qi and Fengying who were behind him.

The meaning of   Feng Ying is obvious: "Xia Jiu is like a flower!"

  Chen Qi was peaceful: "Don't say that!"

   Fengying snorted.

   Chen Qi calmly followed Shen Muhan's figure.

  Shen Muhan is still alive, so he has resumed his work now. He is here for a business banquet tonight, so naturally he will not be delayed.

  Feng Ying glanced at Xia Jiu's direction again, seeing her smiling and talking to Gu's father and mother, she couldn't help being full of disgust, and especially not worth it for the young master!

   Shen Muhan didn't listen anymore, he closed his eyes, so she really planned to marry Gu Yannan?

  The words she hurriedly came to explain to herself that night were all false?

   The heartfelt feelings that I cried and told under my body later were all fake?

  Shen Muhan squeezed his fingers. Sometimes he really didn't know what to do with her, and he didn't know...whether he could be with him in the future.

  Xia Jiu's attention was on Gu's father and mother, so she didn't notice that Shen Muhan appeared briefly.

  Gu Yannan had calmly told his father and mother his own thoughts, but his father and mother were stunned, and his face became very ugly.

   Xia Jiu is not good at interjecting at this time. It is an internal matter of their family. In fact, she is just here to make a note tonight.

   Obviously, the elders are not very able to accept the son's idea of ​​not marrying and not falling in love. If it is not in public, Gu's mother is afraid that she will cry on the spot.

  Xia Jiu knew that it was time to make some time and space for them, got up and said, "I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom."

   Not long after she left, Mother Gu cried and asked Gu Yannan, "Do you... like men?"

  Xia Jiu could imagine how ugly Gu Yannan's face was.

   He simply didn't like falling in love and getting married. He didn't expect Mother Gu to understand so much.

  Xia Jiu slowly walked away, standing at the railing of the restaurant aisle, looking into the distance.

  The weather was getting hot, so she was wearing a light blue modified cheongsam with a thin moon-white long modified windbreaker, which was as elegant as an ink painting.

  The wind gently brushed her long hair, and let it down again, covering half of her face.

  Shen Muhan stood not far away, just saw her, but not so much that she would see him.

   He lit a cigarette, and Feng Ying couldn't help reminding: "Young Master, your cardiopulmonary function has not fully recovered, so you really shouldn't smoke."

  Chen Qi pulled Fengying away.

   Shen Muhan held the cigarette and waited until the cigarette burned out.

  Gu Yannan came over and came to Xia Jiu's side. He was also amazed by the picture in front of him, and his eyes flashed with joy, but after all, he knew that he was selfish and would not fall in love with anyone.

   He also fantasized about a love that was as intense and fiery as Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu, a love that he would pursue even if he burned himself out.

   But he knew that it was too difficult, he was too selfish, it was impossible to give like that, and it was impossible to get like that.

   After a while, he walked towards Xia Jiu: "I told my parents, they left."

   It was an understatement, but Xia Jiu could imagine how angry her father and mother were.

   "I'll take you back," he said.

  Xia Jiu nodded obediently and left side by side with him.

   Then the burning cigarette burned Shen Muhan's fingers.

   Feng Ying couldn't help but say, "I'll beat that Gu Yannan."

  Chen Qi grabbed him: "You can do it, don't make trouble."

   "Shouldn't you be beaten, you say?"

  Chen Qi said: "Young master finishes the task at hand early, so you can go pick up Miss Xia. Stop making trouble."

   Fengying snorted, that woman? not worth it!

   When Gu Yannan was protecting Xia Jiu and leaving, he took a special look at Shen Muhan's position. When Shen Muhan came in just now, he completely saw it.

   also saw Shen Muhan's changing expression, he couldn't help but provoke a smile, and he didn't remind Xia Jiu.

  Since Shen Muhan abandoned Xia Jiu and chose to marry someone else, Gu Yannan certainly wouldn't make him too happy.


   On weekends, Xia Jiu took Sihan, Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi together to the Shen family mansion.

  The three little ones were all wearing new clothes, the same parent-child style as Xia Jiu. They were full of energy, and they rushed in faster than the other.

   (end of this chapter)

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