The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3538: Not to let him serve Xia Jiu

   Chapter 3538 It's not for him to serve Xia Jiu

  Xia Jiu knew that Little Eleven's album could not be kept.

   I hope she won't be too sad afterwards.

   In the evening, after Xia Jiu went to the children's room to tell the story to the three little buns, she walked slowly towards the kitchen.

   Shen Muhan's injury is barely healed now, but he is thinner than before, and the edge of his mandible is clearly exposed.

   Xia Jiu asked the servants to help make medicated porridge, and planned to make up for Shen Muhan.

   She walked to the kitchen, pushed open the door and entered, just in time to see Shen Muhan also in the kitchen.

   "Why are you here?" She was surprised.

   "I would like to ask why you came here. You can come to the kitchen too?" Shen Muhan was afraid that she would blow up the kitchen.

   "I'll bring you medicated porridge." Xia Jiu said, "It's for your body."

   "Well, I'm here to get you a late night snack too." Shen Muhan reached out and pinched her chin, "I didn't eat well and didn't sleep well, my chin is sharper than before."

   Both of them could not help laughing at the same time.

   After half a day, Shen Muhan brought a bunch of things and went upstairs together.

   Sitting down in the room, he brought a bowl over as a habit, scooped the porridge with a spoon, blew it, and sent it to Xia Jiu's mouth.

  Xia Jiu took a sip, her eyes full of light: "Sure enough, the porridge fed by my husband is the best."

   "Could it be that someone else has fed you?" Shen Muhan was at rest, but his eyes were fixed on her.

   "Can Fiona do it? Can a nanny do it?" Xia Jiu smiled.

Shen Muhan gave her another bite, Xia Jiu was satisfied, turned the spoon and stuffed it into his mouth: "You also eat more. When you grow back to the way you were before, you can wear what I designed and made for you. A big closet of clothes."

   "Xia Jiu!"

   She was still happy when she heard Shen Muhan calling her name in a low voice.

   She responded, he deceived him and approached her, with his forehead facing her and his nose entwined.

  Xia Jiu had a smile on her face, cherishing the warmth and sweetness of this moment.

   Shen Muhan reached out and hugged her, kissed her lips lightly, and held her face cherishly, for fear that time would disturb the people in his arms.


   The next day, Chen Qi and Fengying came over early in the morning.

   After waiting for a long time, only three little buns got up.

   It was not until almost noon that Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu appeared at the entrance of the stairs.

  The two came hand in hand and came side by side, their faces were radiant, and they were in love and harmony.

   Chen Qi was used to seeing this scene and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Young Master, Miss Xia!"

   Feng Ying was awkwardly too lazy to pay attention to Xia Jiu. He had always had opinions on Xia Jiu, and felt that all the suffering Shen Muhan suffered was because of Xia Jiu.

   Just looking at Shen Muhan's particularly high-spirited face today, he couldn't say what he complained about.

  Chen Qi came here with a lot of documents. During the time Shen Muhan left, he had already accumulated a lot of work.

   He was waiting for Shen Muhan to sign.

  Xia Jiu looked at him with a smile: "Assistant Chen, your young master needs to recover from his injuries recently. Please take care of these things for the time being. Thank you for your hard work!"

   "This..." Chen Qi looked confused.

   "Didn't you do it for two years before? I'm going to trouble you now! It's hard work for those who are capable! Assistant Chen is so talented, it's no problem to handle this!" Xia Jiu returned the document to him.

  Chen Qi: "…"

   I'm so hard!

   You don't even look at it, you have three children, and I haven't fallen in love yet!

   Feng Ying quite agrees with Xia Jiu: "Let's go Chen Qi, I'll accompany you to get this done!"

   It is also good to make some rest time for the young master.

   "Feng Yingren is nice and handsome, I like it for you!" Xia Jiu gave him a thumbs up.

  Wind Shadow: "…"

   The young master's wife doesn't seem to be so difficult to get in touch with, right?

   Shen Muhan tilted his head to look at Xia Jiu: "So, what are you trying to keep me for?"

   He reached out and started untying his tie.

  Xia Jiu: "...No, that's not what I meant, calm down!"

   "I think that's what you mean?" Shen Muhan picked her up and walked back to the room.

   Chen Qihe Fengying, who has not gone far: "…"

   We are sharing the burden for the young master and the young master. We want to give him time to recuperate, not to let him serve Xia Jiu! !

   In just one week, Shen Muhan was brought back.

   His original thinness was caused not only by injuries, but also by his mood.

   Now that all internal and external problems have been resolved, and Xia Jiu is by his side again, his recovery is simply amazing.

   Even the doctor was shocked, "Young Master Han is recovering very well. I also expected that those traumatic injuries would have to be supported for at least another month or two. I didn't expect it to be so soon."

   "What about the other things? What about heart and lung problems?" Xia Jiu asked.

   "It's basically recovered. It'll be good to have regular check-ups in the future." The doctor said, "Shao Han's body is really the strongest I've ever seen."

  Xia Jiu had seen his physical condition before, and some minor injuries were completely out of the question for him.

   For more than a week, she has been watching him take medicine and eat on time, which is indeed beneficial to his body.

   After coming out of the hospital, she leaned on his arm and said with a smile, "It seems that I really need to be by your side. Without me, your body is really bad."

   Shen Muhan hooked her in his arms: "It was originally. You are not allowed to leave in the future."

   When he got home, Xia Jiu happily weighed him, and found that he had regained his weight in more than a week. Compared with before, it was not bad anywhere.

   "Come on, try the clothes I made for you." Xia Jiu rushed to the closet to get the clothes out.

   These are all customized according to his previous weight, and they didn't fit at all some time ago.

  Shen Muhan took off his original clothes and regained his muscles. Xia Jiu saw the hideous scar on his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but feel sore.

   She had touched it at night, but now she saw it so clearly with her own eyes, it was another scene, the red at the end of her eyes began to overflow, and she stretched out her fingers to touch it.

   "Does it still hurt?"

   "The pain is gone." Shen Muhan held her finger, "You are here, it will never hurt."

  Xia Jiu lay in his arms: "I will always be there."

  After changing his clothes, Shen Muhan became more handsome and handsome, and there was warmth in his cold facial features.

   He was originally a clothes hanger, but he was too thin some time ago. Without Xia Jiu, his eyes were extremely decadent, which slightly affected his appearance.

   Now that he is like this, his appearance has completely recovered, and he is a little more charming than he was a few years ago.

   When he and Xia Jiu went downstairs, Little Ten and Little Eleven were playing and Sihan was reading.

  Xiao Eleven suddenly raised his head and was attacked by his appearance.

   Such a good-looking man, shouldn't he be born to be his father?

   (end of this chapter)

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